Michelle Malkin: Deep State Coup in Motion


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I trust Michelle Malkin but this seems out there.

I pray LEOs are going to uphold the Constitution and put down with extreme prejudice any traitors who want to overthrow a duly elected government.

Ready or not, here they come. The ground troops of the anti-Donald Trump resistance aren’t just biding their time until Election Day for Hidin’ Joe Biden. Hell no. They’re making their direct action checklists and checking them twice. They’re training for instigating.
No matter the outcome at the ballot box, the left-wing mob is prepared to disrupt and destroy nationwide in the name of preserving “democracy.”

Oct 26
This account is a must–follow for federal employees, contractors, and everyone else! #DefendDemocracy
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· Oct 25
We’re putting on training this upcoming Wednesday (10/28) for federal workers on how we can support defending democracy in this election. Sign up and share with feds, contractors, & others to #choosedemocracy and take action:

Four weeks ago, I exposed the pot-bangers and lawn-crashers of the Sunrise Movement. That’s the constantly morphing, full-time front group for the Sierra Club that nurtures rent-a-rioters to agitate for everything from the “Green New Deal,” to Black Lives Matter and the “defund the police” movement, to the attacks at private homes of Senate Republicans — who just delivered the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Another key social justice player, ShutDown D.C., is teaming with Sunrise Movement guerilla warriors to mobilize students, community organizers and even federal employees to take to the streets on Nov. 3.
All Out DC​

Show up with @ShutDown_DC and @DMVBlackLives nov 3rd and 4pm at black lives matter plaza #TrumpMustGo #everybodyout
ShutDown D.C. anticipates that 10,000 protesters from a motley assortment of affinity groups will converge at Black Lives Matter Plaza to engage in “civil resistance” if President Trump tries to “steal the election.” A “Flying Bike Squad” is “coming together as a rapid response team,” according to organizers. If it’s anything like the skateboard squads and soup can squads who’ve used everyday items as weapons to beat Trump supporters, look for more blood to spill in the name of “peaceful protest.” ...
Mass disruptions are planned at train stations and airports, on highways and in residential neighborhoods for at least the first full week after Election Day.
“We’ll keep it going until Trump concedes,” ShutDown D.C. threatens in its outline of a “No More Business As Usual” blockade across the country. “We could be in the streets throughout the fall and into the winter — maybe as lots of rolling waves of action or possibly as a few major tsunamis! In other parts of the country, as vote counts conclude, our focus will turn from protecting the vote counts to themselves being ungovernable.”
Here’s what has me especially concerned: The “deep state” Trump-haters are openly gearing up to do everything they can from inside the federal government to assist the resistance. ShutDown D.C. is conducting online training this week with public employees in the nation’s capital to undermine election integrity and the day-to-day work of the Trump administration. A protest guide lists the following subversive federal worker groups as key partners: Takoma Park Mobilization, Alt National Park Service, Alt Ed, AltFDA, Alternative NOAA, Alt U.S. Forest Service, AltEPA and BadHombreLands National Park Service.
To be a Republican is to be "out there."

Redundant statement OP.
I trust Michelle Malkin but this seems out there.

I pray LEOs are going to uphold the Constitution and put down with extreme prejudice any traitors who want to overthrow a duly elected government.

Ready or not, here they come. The ground troops of the anti-Donald Trump resistance aren’t just biding their time until Election Day for Hidin’ Joe Biden. Hell no. They’re making their direct action checklists and checking them twice. They’re training for instigating.
No matter the outcome at the ballot box, the left-wing mob is prepared to disrupt and destroy nationwide in the name of preserving “democracy.”
Oct 26
This account is a must–follow for federal employees, contractors, and everyone else! #DefendDemocracy
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· Oct 25
We’re putting on training this upcoming Wednesday (10/28) for federal workers on how we can support defending democracy in this election. Sign up and share with feds, contractors, & others to #choosedemocracy and take action:

Four weeks ago, I exposed the pot-bangers and lawn-crashers of the Sunrise Movement. That’s the constantly morphing, full-time front group for the Sierra Club that nurtures rent-a-rioters to agitate for everything from the “Green New Deal,” to Black Lives Matter and the “defund the police” movement, to the attacks at private homes of Senate Republicans — who just delivered the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Another key social justice player, ShutDown D.C., is teaming with Sunrise Movement guerilla warriors to mobilize students, community organizers and even federal employees to take to the streets on Nov. 3.
Show up with @ShutDown_DC and @DMVBlackLives nov 3rd and 4pm at black lives matter plaza #TrumpMustGo #everybodyout
ShutDown D.C. anticipates that 10,000 protesters from a motley assortment of affinity groups will converge at Black Lives Matter Plaza to engage in “civil resistance” if President Trump tries to “steal the election.” A “Flying Bike Squad” is “coming together as a rapid response team,” according to organizers. If it’s anything like the skateboard squads and soup can squads who’ve used everyday items as weapons to beat Trump supporters, look for more blood to spill in the name of “peaceful protest.” ...
Mass disruptions are planned at train stations and airports, on highways and in residential neighborhoods for at least the first full week after Election Day.
“We’ll keep it going until Trump concedes,” ShutDown D.C. threatens in its outline of a “No More Business As Usual” blockade across the country. “We could be in the streets throughout the fall and into the winter — maybe as lots of rolling waves of action or possibly as a few major tsunamis! In other parts of the country, as vote counts conclude, our focus will turn from protecting the vote counts to themselves being ungovernable.”
Here’s what has me especially concerned: The “deep state” Trump-haters are openly gearing up to do everything they can from inside the federal government to assist the resistance. ShutDown D.C. is conducting online training this week with public employees in the nation’s capital to undermine election integrity and the day-to-day work of the Trump administration. A protest guide lists the following subversive federal worker groups as key partners: Takoma Park Mobilization, Alt National Park Service, Alt Ed, AltFDA, Alternative NOAA, Alt U.S. Forest Service, AltEPA and BadHombreLands National Park Service.

The statist left knows that their ideology is not welcome by constitutionally based Americans, like they know jjjjjumpin' Joe is finished as are many of the statist lefts other elected officials. Remember the statist left KNOWS that the squeeky wheel gets the grease. I see a LOT of the swamp getting axed as prez Trump is now a lame duck prez, I mean he has nothing to lose. I believe the statist left shot it's load & there only available weapon is a LOT of talk & little to no action save for legal bickering.
I see a LOT of the swamp getting axed as prez Trump is now a lame duck prez, I mean he has nothing to lose. I believe the statist left shot it's load & there only available weapon is a LOT of talk & little to no action save for legal bickering.
He is not a lame duck, more like a wounded bear.
Democrats have been organizing and planning a coup for a year. Their plan has been to organize and encourage people to vote Trump out of office. Overwhelming evidence supports this theory.
There is coup in the making. But it is not what Millie Weaver uncovered. No one that is involve in a coup will not discuss it in a zoom chatroom where it can be hacked into. They most likely will discuss their coup in the basement of a pizza parlor. But not online while Snowden is around.

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