Michelle Malkin: Hoaxed by #FakeNoose again


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
You are being lied to, America. Again and again and again. Hysterical journalists are in on The Big Hoax. Simpering politicians in both parties are in on The Big Hoax. Celebrity opportunists are in on The Big Hoax.

Stop letting them get away with it. Stop bowing and scraping every time they attempt a new smear – or recycle an old one. Stop panicking. Stop caring so much about what names they call you, what racial privilege they accuse you of, and what societal guilt they try to impose on you.

Newsflash: This is 2020, not 1920. We live in a diversity-obsessed country where every major corporation from Amazon, AT&T, and Ben & Jerry’s to Lexus, Nike, Pepsi, and Ticketmaster, to Wendy’s, Yelp, and Zoom bends to Black Lives Matter. MAGA hats and “OK” hand gestures are hate symbols. Every videotaped squabble in groceries, parks and streets between nonwhite and white people is a national human rights catastrophe. Baseball is no longer the national pastime. Self-flagellation is.

BJ's pull quote -
It needs to be repeated because The Big Hoax still won’t die: Cops are not lurking on every corner waiting to strangle and murder minorities. Arsonists are not hiding in every bush plotting to burn down black churches. Racist kidnappers are not conspiring in every neighborhood to snatch black children from their beds. Hooded phantoms are not running around every downtown with ropes planning to string anyone from lampposts and trees.

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