Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

It is free to them, it is the middle class who can pay and gets to pay 2.5 times (60% of school kids qualify for the freebies).

I don't qualify for shit free

Fucking $247K combined income...................

Life's harsh bro.

That is an excuse............The Gov't continues to make us pay for things we don't agree with and it is absolutely taking from one American and giving it to another.........I don't have a problem with it all but it is excessive to lunacy now.

$106K I paid to the federal government last year. Not paying my fair share? LOL come on..... who are they kidding.

The stupid part of course is I could take $40K and feed everyone of those kids at my local school for the entire year.
It is free to them, it is the middle class who can pay and gets to pay 2.5 times (60% of school kids qualify for the freebies).

I don't qualify for shit free

Fucking $247K combined income...................

Life's harsh bro.

That is an excuse............The Gov't continues to make us pay for things we don't agree with and it is absolutely taking from one American and giving it to another.........I don't have a problem with it all but it is excessive to lunacy now.

$106K I paid to the federal government last year. Not paying my fair share? LOL come on..... who are they kidding.

The stupid part of course is I could take $40K and feed everyone of those kids at my local school for the entire year.

That is because you are not a red tape machine...................A tree eating machine............just buying a dang fuse in the Navy took many trips to the computer with multiple people doing the same thing up the food chain.............Just to get a dang fuse..........

They never understood the KISS principle...............
It is free to them, it is the middle class who can pay and gets to pay 2.5 times (60% of school kids qualify for the freebies).

I don't qualify for shit free

Fucking $247K combined income...................

Life's harsh bro.

That is an excuse............The Gov't continues to make us pay for things we don't agree with and it is absolutely taking from one American and giving it to another.........I don't have a problem with it all but it is excessive to lunacy now.

$106K I paid to the federal government last year. Not paying my fair share? LOL come on..... who are they kidding.

The stupid part of course is I could take $40K and feed everyone of those kids at my local school for the entire year.

That is because you are not a red tape machine...................A tree eating machine............just buying a dang fuse in the Navy took many trips to the computer with multiple people doing the same thing up the food chain.............Just to get a dang fuse..........

They never understood the KISS principle...............

The Army is no better. "you need a bandaid? sign here, and here and here"

Really , so two guys making at least $50K a year each just spent 30 minutes wasting 4 forms at $1 apiece to get a .40 band aid? Are you serious?
Good Night all.............3:30 comes early.........Tubing to run in the morning and it's been hot and muggy.

Take it easy....................
I don't even mind helping to a degree. I just think I'm entitled to some effort back from the recipients. Find the boot straps and pull.
I don't even mind helping to a degree. I just think I'm entitled to some effort back from the recipients. Find the boot straps and pull.

I gotta say , seeing that number at the end of the year hurts. I guess I never had the money to begin with so I don't notice it being gone (not all at one time) but still seeing it written on paper, ouch.

I could help more people with that money than Uncle Sugar ever could.

Course being an adult, I understand that most wouldnt help ANYONE but themselves.

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.
Well, THAT left a mark. :lol:
On who?? Every demoncrat but one voted for it.. It came back and bit systyr in her nice pretty ass..

Tell me more about the beauty of my posterior.

The fact that most Democrats voted for it proves only that they recognized it was a great idea. The fact that most Wrongpublicans voted against it proves that they're racist.
Beautiful and sweet ♥

As to the racist white republicrat regime.. I defer to KKK Byrd.. may God rest his pointy hatted soul
You mean the dead guy that kept getting voted into office by W. Virginia because he kept bringing jobs to that state? That guy?

Nahh, I meant that racist fuck KKKByrd who called black people the n word.
Oh...I'm sure you're all broke up about that.
As much as you are Petey
Only in America could we hear about a "tyrannical lunch program"

Last time I checked, my kids were able to take their own lunch from home. When did that change?
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.

Again you completely miss the point, but that is not surprising. While I support the idea that there has been a bit of overreach with these school lunches, the fact is that schools only have to make available lunch, and they can choose how healthy they want to make it. You God Damned kid doesn't have to eat it if he/she doesn't want to. Your kids can pack their lunch and you can feel free to send them off to school with a full case of Hostess Twinkies for lunch everyday. BTW, if kids got enough exercise, most of this would never have become an issue. We're raising an entire generation of overweight lazy fat ass pussies. And despite what you think, we are all paying for it. If you choose to be a fat ass, I don't want to pay for all of your health issues as you get older. People who try to live a healthy lifestyle can get sick but at least we know they didn't do it voluntarily.
Only in America could we hear about a "tyrannical lunch program"

Last time I checked, my kids were able to take their own lunch from home. When did that change?

Gotta love the argument that schools now must offer kids whatever the Hell it is they want to eat. These cons fucking kill me with their idiocy.
Only in America could we hear about a "tyrannical lunch program"

Last time I checked, my kids were able to take their own lunch from home. When did that change?

Gotta love the argument that schools now must offer kids whatever the Hell it is they want to eat. These cons fucking kill me with their idiocy.

It reminds me of that argument over drug tests for welfare recipients, except with a different bugbear, and thus a complete change in principles.
You can argue about how it's petty, sad , etc all you want

Unless you worked at the school when they came in with this gawd awful lunch menu and they still wouldn't give you more hours to prepare it. I had 5.75 hours, there were five of us to cook for 600 kids. because if they gave me 15 more minutes they would have to GIVE ME INSURANCE

this is probably one reason they brought all those people over the borders, they need to replenish all the people that quit because of it.

I have no use Mrs. Obama and neither do a lot of people who works in the school lunch rooms
I did read a provision in there that potable water MUST be made available to ALL students. Being a government program that is FREE water...
Feel better after your morning dump J.E.D.? Wash your hands before you brush your teeth now.
You can argue about how it's petty, sad , etc all you want

Unless you worked at the school when they came in with this gawd awful lunch menu and they still wouldn't give you more hours to prepare it. I had 5.75 hours, there were five of us to cook for 600 kids. because if they gave me 15 more minutes they would have to GIVE ME INSURANCE

this is probably one reason they brought all those people over the borders, they need to replenish all the people that quit because of it.

I have no use Mrs. Obama and neither do a lot of people who works in the school lunch rooms

Stephanie, it sounded like a horrible job and thankless to boot.. I hope you found better employment.
You can argue about how it's petty, sad , etc all you want

Unless you worked at the school when they came in with this gawd awful lunch menu and they still wouldn't give you more hours to prepare it. I had 5.75 hours, there were five of us to cook for 600 kids. because if they gave me 15 more minutes they would have to GIVE ME INSURANCE

this is probably one reason they brought all those people over the borders, they need to replenish all the people that quit because of it.

I have no use Mrs. Obama and neither do a lot of people who works in the school lunch rooms

Stephanie, it sounded like a horrible job and thankless to boot.. I hope you found better employment.

It wasn't so bad before the new menu. I worked in a grade school and they were always more appreciative of us and the food we prepared for them. But after one year of this menu change and wanting us the (food worker) who was cashier that day to signal out a child who didn't have a fruit or vegetable on their trays and send back into the lunch room to get one crying and not understanding what was going on, that's when I QUIT. I wouldn't do that to my own children. I'll be damned if I was going to be their food Nazi to other people's children

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