Michigan Congressman says WikiLeaks whistleblower should be executed

I think Mini should be shot in the lemon...then I think "what a waste of a bullet"...
He should be executed after an expedited public trial, hung by the neck until he is dead, and then his extremities placed on all four corners of America as a signal to others: Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Dare Speak Against the Might & Majesty of the Empire.

Long Live America!
I had a little thread on this topic earlier, altough not about the MI. congressman, Manning himself however should be prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act and Treason, however so far he is being charged with releasing classified information. Wikileaks founder Assange should at the very least be charged also for espionage due to the fact that many of the items his group received were still encrypted and Wikileaks had to code break video and text in order to post it. That itself is a violation of US Law. Even if Assange is not a US citizen, the DOJ can issue a warrant for his arrest , but I would not look for that anytime soon.
somebody hide this ass clown, I need me some gridlock.
hide the loney's till after Nov.
If he's tried and convicted of treason let him stretch a rope or take a bullet to the chest, anything but an injection. Fire up Old Sparky even.
Definitely the trooper that provided the data if proven it is him. Then he is guilty of treason and deserves a public firing squad or hanging. I don't know about anyone else unless they provided the info. This nation has gotten to the point where it needs to wake up from this moral stupor it's been in for 50 years and start getting serious about internal threats to this nation.

We have forgotten that freedom isn't free, and traitors do exist.
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Find and prosecute the person if a crime has been committed.
Definitely the trooper that provided the data if proven it is him. Then he is guilty of treason and deserves a public firing squad or hanging. I don't know about anyone else unless they provided the info. This nation has gotten to the point where it needs to wake up from this moral stupor it's been in for 50 years and start getting serious about internal threats to this nation.

We have forgotten that freedom isn't free, and traitors do exist.

Absolutely true, Fitz. You should petition the government to ask Argentine, Chilean, and Uruguayan officials to send you their convicted crimina- I mean, respected former Generals from the 70s and 80s as advisers. They definitely know a thing or two and how to deal with 'subversives' and 'undesirables.' It'd probably work really well, you guys already have big stadia and everything*.

* Rep for whoever gets the stadium reference.
Definitely the trooper that provided the data if proven it is him. Then he is guilty of treason and deserves a public firing squad or hanging. I don't know about anyone else unless they provided the info. This nation has gotten to the point where it needs to wake up from this moral stupor it's been in for 50 years and start getting serious about internal threats to this nation.

We have forgotten that freedom isn't free, and traitors do exist.

Absolutely true, Fitz. You should petition the government to ask Argentine, Chilean, and Uruguayan officials to send you their convicted crimina- I mean, respected former Generals from the 70s and 80s as advisers. They definitely know a thing or two and how to deal with 'subversives' and 'undesirables.' It'd probably work really well, you guys already have big stadia and everything*.

* Rep for whoever gets the stadium reference.
Hmm? Sorry? No hablo Alinskyite libberish of false equivalency. You didn't type that while wearing your Che tee shirt did you?
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I just can't for the life of me think why US right-wing loons are the laughing stock of the world....really, I can't.....
Definitely the trooper that provided the data if proven it is him. Then he is guilty of treason and deserves a public firing squad or hanging. I don't know about anyone else unless they provided the info. This nation has gotten to the point where it needs to wake up from this moral stupor it's been in for 50 years and start getting serious about internal threats to this nation.

We have forgotten that freedom isn't free, and traitors do exist.

And we haven't forgotten there are loons throughout your great nation - even in Minneapolis........
He should be executed after an expedited public trial, hung by the neck until he is dead, and then his extremities placed on all four corners of America as a signal to others: Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Dare Speak Against the Might & Majesty of the Empire.

Long Live America!

Immature with hints of fascism.
You mean our very own Senator representing New York, Al Franken? or Jesse Ventura? or Norm Coleman? or Paul Wellstone? or Keith Ellison? or Jim Oberstar?

I used to go through Uptown a lot. Yeah, lots of mental rejects there pretending to be humans that voted for these wastes of space. Also, home of most of the criminal voter fraud.

Makes me happy I'm a Wisconsinite just in exile for a while. But even then we have Fascist Feingold and the Dairy Queen for senators. BARF!
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