Michigan Pilot Draws Giant F U With Flight Path...


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2018
...and points it directly at the governors mansion. Hilarious!!


Wish you fuckers would go out and get the virus so you would just shut the fuck up. God. Never heard such a bunch of whiners in my life. You neocon whackadoodles just whine constantly. It never ends.

I've been going about my life as usual. Haven't caught shit. Sorry cupcake.
Wish you fuckers would go out and get the virus so you would just shut the fuck up. God. Never heard such a bunch of whiners in my life. You neocon whackadoodles just whine constantly. It never ends.
It's their skidmarks fault it got so bad. But no blame toward him.
Wish you fuckers would go out and get the virus so you would just shut the fuck up. God. Never heard such a bunch of whiners in my life. You neocon whackadoodles just whine constantly. It never ends.

First of all, DO NOT wish this plague on anyone !

Next, sorry if so many of us wish we could get back to work. Do any of us want to go back if it's not safe ? I doubt many do, but most of us realize that eventually there is going to be a mental health crisis that will dwarf the virus crisis, unless people can save themselves from eternal despair from losing everything they've worked for !
The government is not going to be able to save us all from economic disaster, so at some point some risk is going to have to be taken by the working class.
If you're thinking that we can all sit back and receive monthly paychecks from the federal government, until the coast is completely clear, you're insane.
Next, sorry if so many of us wish we could get back to work. Do any of us want to go back if it's not safe ? I doubt many do, but most of us realize that eventually there is going to be a mental health crisis that will dwarf the virus crisis, unless people can save themselves from eternal despair from losing everything they've worked for !
The government is not going to be able to save us all from economic disaster, so at some point some risk is going to have to be taken by the working class.
If you're thinking that we can all sit back and receive monthly paychecks from the federal government, until the coast is completely clear, you're insane.

All the more reason for lock down.
Next, sorry if so many of us wish we could get back to work. Do any of us want to go back if it's not safe ? I doubt many do, but most of us realize that eventually there is going to be a mental health crisis that will dwarf the virus crisis, unless people can save themselves from eternal despair from losing everything they've worked for !
The government is not going to be able to save us all from economic disaster, so at some point some risk is going to have to be taken by the working class.
If you're thinking that we can all sit back and receive monthly paychecks from the federal government, until the coast is completely clear, you're insane.

All the more reason for lock down.

Nobody is stopping you from cowering in your closet and squeezing your favorite teddy bear.
Wish you fuckers would go out and get the virus so you would just shut the fuck up. God. Never heard such a bunch of whiners in my life. You neocon whackadoodles just whine constantly. It never ends.

How long is society supposed to stay shut down? Please provide a date
...and points it directly at the governors mansion. Hilarious!!

What did the Governor do that was illegal?

You're asking the wrong question. Legality is not a compass for righteousness.
Is she following the law? That's a "yes" or "no" question.
No she is NOT, there is NO LAW that allows you to confine people to their homes indefinitely because of the Flu. No LAW and it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL too boot. If Martial law were declared or a curfew for a legit cause or an invasion. One can not abridge Constitutional rights except in VERY specific occurrences and the Flu is NOT one.
...and points it directly at the governors mansion. Hilarious!!

What did the Governor do that was illegal?

You're asking the wrong question. Legality is not a compass for righteousness.
Is she following the law? That's a "yes" or "no" question.

Were slave owners following the law? That's a "yes" or "no" question.
Answer the question! Is she following the law? That's a "yes" or "no" question.

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