Microsoft, NYC And Big Employers Taking Hard line Against Vaccine Holdouts

Nope. Again, people refusing to do what you want them to do are not coercing you. Period.

Liberals have been spinning this crap for fifty some years, but it's bunk. And now Trumpsters are joining them in the stupidity. You're dismissing real rights in favor of bullying people with government. That sucks.
Well, with our "real" rights in this country vaccination remains a personal decision that should be private like all medical records. In short, people should not know whether you got one or not.
Well...uhh we've not dealt with...uhhh...bluhhhh....this magnitude.

Not dealt with Polio, Spanish Flu, Typhus, Cholera, Measles?

Not dealt this with anything of this magnitude?...99.5% recovery rate...this magnitude...,man shut your bitch ass up.
Hong Kong flu was worse.
Run along moron, I am not going to play your troll game.
Because you're wrong. Stupidly wrong. That's why you won't back up your illogical claims with anything like an argument.

This is where Trumpsters are statists - every bit as much as their Democrat counterparts. Ultimately, you see government as a way to bully people you don't like.
Well, with our "real" rights in this country vaccination remains a personal decision that should be private like all medical records. In short, people should not know whether you got one or not.
Yep. There's no requirement that you tell anyone your vaccination status. And when government attempts to mandate such things, I'll join you in opposing it. Until then, if an employer, or anyone else, doesn't want to associate with me because I'm not vaccinated, that's their right. A right you want to take away.
Because you're wrong. Stupidly wrong. That's why you won't back up your illogical claims with anything like an argument.

This is where Trumpsters are statists - every bit as much as their Democrat counterparts. Ultimately, you see government as a way to bully people you don't like.
TDS. I don't believe that person was mentioned anywhere. Learn the meaning of words--here I'll assist you. Definition of COERCION Maybe you should have attended summer school so you'd be caught up with the other third graders.
TDS. I don't believe that person was mentioned anywhere. Learn the meaning of words--here I'll assist you. Definition of COERCION Maybe you should have attended summer school so you'd be caught up with the other third graders.
Yeah. Liberals have worked hard to inject the concept of "economic coercion" in to popular language. But it's bunk. Again, by your reasoning, every single thing an employer asks you to do is coercive. Should employers be prohibited from making any such requests? Does that make any sense to you? Will you think about this rationally, or will you run and hide?
"ATLANTA - Home Depot has joined the growing number of businesses that are reviving mask mandates as the delta variant of COVID-19 drives a surge in cases across the United States.

As of Aug. 2, all associates, contractors and vendors are required to wear a face mask while indoors at Home Depot stores regardless of their vaccination status. This applies to the distribution centers, office locations, and customer homes, according to a news release " Home Depot requires employees to wear masks, will offer masks to customers

Fine. I'll go down the street to Lowe's.
Should employers be prohibited from making any such requests?
Is it a request if an employer tells you that you will not have a job if you don't cut off your right hand? No, it is coercion. Whenever something you need (a job) is held in jeopardy in order to force you to perform an act under duress, it is coercion. All of which isn't worth a spoon of spit--Employers or anyone else have NO right to enter into your health decisions.
Whenever something you need (a job) is held in jeopardy in order to force you to perform an act under duress, it is coercion.

Really? So, if you're hungry and someone won't give you food unless you do something for them in exchange, that's coercion? Should that not be allowed?

The bottom line is, you care more about scoring points in the "culture war" than you do about individual liberty. You don't even understand the latter, and you aren't interested in learning.
Really? So, if you're hungry and someone won't give you food unless you do something for them in exchange, that's coercion? Should that not be allowed?

The bottom line is, you care more about scoring points in the "culture war" than you do about individual liberty. You don't even understand the latter, and you aren't interested in learning.

I wonder if any liberals, who have long promoted the ideas and arguments that Trumpsters are now using against them (especially those who are now cheering for the rights of businesses to discriminate), recognize the error of their ways? Or is it just "different when we do it"?
Really? So, if you're hungry and someone won't give you food unless you do something for them in exchange, that's coercion? Should that not be allowed?

The bottom line is, you care more about scoring points in the "culture war" than you do about individual liberty. You don't even understand the latter, and you aren't interested in learning.
Fuck off, you're intentionally obtuse. I have no time for your moronic games. Troll someone else.
Microsoft isn't stopping at just their employees. They are also requiring all vendors and guests to be vaccinated. They will accommodate anyone with health or religious standing that prevents them from being vaccinated.

Facebook, Google and Disney are also requiring vaccinations too.

The government won't be the ones who mandate the vaccines.

It is mostly private business. The courts have already ruled that private business has the right to require vaccines.

Personally, I wish that requirements and mandates of any sort weren't imposed. Unfortunately private business has been giving a lot of power by the conservatives and our courts so now a private business can require that a person get a vaccine.

People have the right to freedom of choice. Just as a lady in one of the articles says.

However people aren't exempt from the consequences of their choices. You can't make a bad choice and expect to not get bad consequences because of that choice.

These same people expect themselves to only have that right to free choice. Those who have been vaccinated have the right to make the choice to not be around not vaccinated people. Those who own a business have the right to make the choice to keep their employees safe and healthy.

FAKE NEWS--Those with a medical condition or other reason, such as a religious standing, that prevents them from getting the COVID-19 vaccine will be accommodated.
This is from your article. Kind of blows your spectacularized bullshit out of the water, eh?

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