Microsoft threatens to shut down Gab after anti semitic post by user

Tossing Jones and not Farrakhan is blatant hypocrisy on the part of social media and should be criticized. Only conservatives are getting banned. Enjoy yourself. Eventually they're coming for you.

Is Farakhan still a thing?
How about a government that bullies progressives? Or Muslims. Blacks. Problem is, once you create your bully-state, you won't be running it. You won't always be in the majority. You could easily end up its target. What will you do then? ......

Yawn, don't care.. get bored with your silly libertarian fantasies..

Must. Not. Think..... resist.....
Must. Not. Think..... resist.....

Guy, just because you think ...

Rather than guessing what I think, you could just answer the question. But that would be actually addressing criticism of your ideas. I guess liberals don't do that.

Do you really think that government can never do something against your will? Do you really imagine it will always be on your side?
Tossing Jones and not Farrakhan is blatant hypocrisy on the part of social media and should be criticized. Only conservatives are getting banned. Enjoy yourself. Eventually they're coming for you.

Is Farakhan still a thing?
was he ever a thing? Guess I wasn't in to politics enough way back when to know? He never reached my circle of life....
Rather than guessing what I think, you could just answer the question. But that would be actually addressing criticism of your ideas. I guess liberals don't do that.

Do you really think that government can never do something against your will? Do you really imagine it will always be on your side?

Which isn't the argument I made, buddy.

Again, Libertarians just love living in civilized society, they just don't like the hard work part of civilization.

Civilization means that we need government to make these kinds of calls. For instance, they shut down Alex Jones illegal radio station because we need a government agency, the FCC, to regulate the use of bandwidth...
was he ever a thing? Guess I wasn't in to politics enough way back when to know? He never reached my circle of life....

He was kind of a big deal back in the 1990's, but only to the degree that he'd say crazy shit about the Jews and aliens and the media will pay attention to him.
MS does not have to give anyone a platform.

End of story.
Because PRIVATE COMPANIES can decide who they will and will not serve?
No. Because they can decide what messages they choose to host and it is clearly stated in the TOS you agree to when you sign up.
Alt-Tech is growing and soon with the help of blockchain, content creators won't need the likes of YouScrew, Twatdle, Gookle, FacePlant or any Fsscist Silicon Valley company that violates antitrust laws, to reach their subscribers. The Internet will be returned to the people as intended. Cancelling Net Neutrality is only a start. Internet speeds are finally increasing again.
Rather than guessing what I think, you could just answer the question. But that would be actually addressing criticism of your ideas. I guess liberals don't do that.
Do you really think that government can never do something against your will? Do you really imagine it will always be on your side?

Which isn't the argument I made, buddy.

What argument? I just asked a question. I'm trying to get a handle on your enthusiasm for bullying. Clearly, it turns you on to see government shoving around people you don't like, but it doesn't sound like you've given any consideration to what happens when you're the target. If the Trumpsters get their way and start cracking down on the media - will you be just as happy about that?

Again, Libertarians just love ...

That's quite the boogeyman you're working on there.
Alt-Tech is growing and soon with the help of blockchain, content creators won't need the likes of YouScrew, Twatdle, Gookle, FacePlant or any Fsscist Silicon Valley company that violates antitrust laws, to reach their subscribers. The Internet will be returned to the people as intended. Cancelling Net Neutrality is only a start. Internet speeds are finally increasing again.

Uh, dummy, ending Net Neutrality actually INCREASED the power of Google, Facebook, etc.
What argument? I just asked a question. I'm trying to get a handle on your enthusiasm for bullying. Clearly, it turns you on to see government shoving around people you don't like, but it doesn't sound like you've given any consideration to what happens when you're the target. If the Trumpsters get their way and start cracking down on the media - will you be just as happy about that?

Any of us who have to work for a big corporation already get bullied, every day.

I'm all for the government pushing back on some of these people.
What argument? I just asked a question. I'm trying to get a handle on your enthusiasm for bullying. Clearly, it turns you on to see government shoving around people you don't like, but it doesn't sound like you've given any consideration to what happens when you're the target. If the Trumpsters get their way and start cracking down on the media - will you be just as happy about that?

Any of us who have to work for a big corporation already get bullied, every day.

I'm all for the government pushing back on some of these people.

Which still doesn't answer the question. What recourse do you have if government is "pushing back" on the wrong people? What if Trump's people decide to nationalize the media? If they had the votes, should they be allowed to do that?
Which still doesn't answer the question. What recourse do you have if government is "pushing back" on the wrong people? What if Trump's people decide to nationalize the media? If they had the votes, should they be allowed to do that?

Guy, it's a retarded question.. Trump is ALREADY pushing back on people he disagrees with... without the majority. Did you miss the whole "concentration camps" thing, because I didn't.

We aren't even talking about nationalizing the media on this thread. We are talking about a corporation deciding they don't want Nazis using their platform... Good for them.
Which still doesn't answer the question. What recourse do you have if government is "pushing back" on the wrong people? What if Trump's people decide to nationalize the media? If they had the votes, should they be allowed to do that?

Guy, it's a retarded question..

You can't conceive of government acting against your interests?

We aren't even talking about nationalizing the media on this thread. We are talking about a corporation deciding they don't want Nazis using their platform... Good for them.

Yeah, I know. And the hypocrisy of it all is pretty amazing. We have socialists pretending to care about the rights of private businesses, and pretend conservatives whining to the government for social justice. Clearly neither side has any serious principles or values. They'll argue for anything that harms the other side, or benefits theirs.
You can't conceive of government acting against your interests?

Yup... still retarded.

The Lizard Men aren't hiding under your bed.

Yeah, I know. And the hypocrisy of it all is pretty amazing. We have socialists pretending to care about the rights of private businesses, and pretend conservatives whining to the government for social justice. Clearly neither side has any serious principles or values. They'll argue for anything that harms the other side, or benefits theirs.

Well, guy, if you have NAZIS on your side, it's your own damned fault if I can use that to hurt you, isn't it?
You can't conceive of government acting against your interests?

Yup... still retarded.

The Lizard Men aren't hiding under your bed.

Yeah, I know. And the hypocrisy of it all is pretty amazing. We have socialists pretending to care about the rights of private businesses, and pretend conservatives whining to the government for social justice. Clearly neither side has any serious principles or values. They'll argue for anything that harms the other side, or benefits theirs.

Well, guy, if you have NAZIS on your side, it's your own damned fault if I can use that to hurt you, isn't it?

Industrial-strength, partisan blinders, FTW.

I asked koshergrl a similar question: "What happens when the other side takes over and uses these new government powers against your interests?" She wouldn't allow herself to think about it either.
Industrial-strength, partisan blinders, FTW.

I asked koshergrl a similar question: "What happens when the other side takes over and uses these new government powers against your interests?" She wouldn't allow herself to think about it either.

Then I'll contend with that when it happens.

But if the government wants to round up neo-Nazis and beat them with rubber hoses,


Because, honestly, they are such awful human beings, who cares.
Microsoft Threatens to Shut Down Gab After Anti-Semitic Posts by User

Some can't comprehend the meaning


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‘First They Came for Alex Jones’: Ted Cruz’s Crusade Against Facebook Reaches New Extreme

And now they try coming after GAB!! It won't be just google leftist goon squads.
NOT many may know who or what GAB is but it is twitter like site that is trying to become the next twitter without being leftist assholes banning someone for everything and anything they say.

Just like on here the Losers on the left try getting people who DONT' ACT/think like IDIOTS AS THEY DO BANNED, and as one TWAT on here mentioned in writing " THEY START THINGS" to get people kicked off she knows who the fk she is too.

You people want private ownership of everything, you're getting it. You people want no regulations on private business. You're getting it.

I don't know why you expect a private business to do what you want. They don't care about you or what you want. All they care about is money.

They don't have to respect anyone's first Amendment rights. They have all the right in the world to write their own rules and you have to follow them or you get kicked out.

If you don't like this then stop doing everything you can to give private business so much power to do anything they want. You people scream regulations on private business is communism or socialism, which it's not, so when you people finally realize that private business doesn't give a damn about you so they need to be regulated to give everyone a voice and make things fair with a big private, I'll take your bitching about this seriously.

You scream for free market capitalism. You've got it and now you're bitching about it like a little child.
You can't conceive of government acting against your interests?

Yup... still retarded.

The Lizard Men aren't hiding under your bed.

Yeah, I know. And the hypocrisy of it all is pretty amazing. We have socialists pretending to care about the rights of private businesses, and pretend conservatives whining to the government for social justice. Clearly neither side has any serious principles or values. They'll argue for anything that harms the other side, or benefits theirs.

Well, guy, if you have NAZIS on your side, it's your own damned fault if I can use that to hurt you, isn't it?

Industrial-strength, partisan blinders, FTW.

I asked koshergrl a similar question: "What happens when the other side takes over and uses these new government powers against your interests?" She wouldn't allow herself to think about it either.
That's because nobody is talking about government taking control of dick.
Government is preventing a hostile group from taking over.

There's a difference. You loons just don't see it because you're brainwashed.

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