Mike Huckabee: Obama Is Pretending To Be A Christian

I wish trump would stick his foot in his mouth big time again...So we can laugh at the dumb republican party.
I admit that I haven't read the post because the OP is a racist dipshit, but I have noticed that the femocrook party that seems to be in love with atheism sure is taken with this pope. There hasn't been a single bed wetter "journalist" complaining about the separation of church and state while their moonbat messiah is kissing the pontiff's ring.

Huckabee would not know a real Christian if Jesus came down and pointed one out to him. His brand of Christianity is an unholy perversion.
The Huckster pretends to be christian so fools like the OP will buy his phony cures for cancer and diabetes.

My bet is, its no coincidence that so many of Huckster's friends are pedophiles.
I admit that I haven't read the post because the OP is a racist dipshit, but I have noticed that the femocrook party that seems to be in love with atheism sure is taken with this pope. There hasn't been a single bed wetter "journalist" complaining about the separation of church and state while their moonbat messiah is kissing the pontiff's ring.

A lot of people gave up on Christianity because it was taken over by evil. A lot of people would come back if it started living up to biblical standards of goodness, charity, mercy and grace.
Huckleberry musta got his crystal ball outta hock for his campaign eh? Wonder who coughed up the dough to get it out.
Blessed Hussein Obama is a sick and dirty joke played on America.
There are lots of examples we could site, like BO's speech at the UN "there is no future for those who slander Islam". But we've seen and heard far more than that, again and again. When BO is asked about his Christian beliefs, what does he say? He usually offers up an adolescent taunt to the Christian right. Does he explain how Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior? Does he talk about Love (well, yeah, only if it's between same sex folks. This was after his evolving, of course).

We don't need Huckabee to explain what we've been witnessing for some seven years.
There are lots of examples we could site, like BO's speech at the UN "there is no future for those who slander Islam". But we've seen and heard far more than that, again and again. When BO is asked about his Christian beliefs, what does he say? He usually offers up an adolescent taunt to the Christian right. Does he explain how Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior? Does he talk about Love (well, yeah, only if it's between same sex folks. This was after his evolving, of course).

We don't need Huckabee to explain what we've been witnessing for some seven years.
The only thing you have been witnessing is the Christian right losing it's political grip. They have only themselves to blame for forgetting what Jesus told them to do.
The rev huckleberry is a religious bible thumping parasite pandering to his Low Iq southern cracker base
Huckabee would not know a real Christian if Jesus came down and pointed one out to him. His brand of Christianity is an unholy perversion.

Not many Christians are so pro-abortion. Obama being a Christian is like having the head of the KKK married to a black woman.
Huckabee is pretending to be a Christian. And he's really bad at it. Obama is much better at it.
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There are lots of examples we could site, like BO's speech at the UN "there is no future for those who slander Islam".

Nope. That's what Rush said Obama said, piss drinking parrot.

Here is what Obama actually said:

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt — it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, "Muslims, Christians, we are one." The future must not belong to those who bully women — it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.

The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country's resources — it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs, the workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the women and men that America stands with; theirs is the vision we will support.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.
Huckabee would not know a real Christian if Jesus came down and pointed one out to him. His brand of Christianity is an unholy perversion.

Not many Christians are so pro-abortion. Obama being a Christian is like having the head of the KKK married to a black woman.
The christian right made two social issues paramount over everything else and forgot all the other stuff. Nowhere do you find a concern for poverty, sickness, corruption, dishonesty ect. All we see is a bunch of extremely hateful people acting like jackasses that would walk over any number of hungry people just to block a clinic door.
I'm halfway surprised that Huck isn't saying Michelle should be returned to her lawful owners.

He knows they wouldn't take her.

I'd pay her to go away before she got into my fridge.


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