Mike Huckabee: Obama Shouldn't Let Daughters Listen To Beyonce's 'Mental Poison'

I see the liberals here have done their usual job of going off topic and finding other things to pick on when they couldn't bring themselves to openly defend lyrics that bought up the Clinton/Lewinsky affair. So, they start bashing anything and everything to change the subject. The lyrics in Beyoncé's latest CD are vulgar and not the sort of thing responsible parents would let children listen to. And since liberals can't defend it, they start complaining about other shit and condemning people over the smallest things, all the while saying you shouldn't judge people or stick your nose in their business.

If anyone on the right had even mentioned the stain Clinton left on the dress, the left would have had a shit fit and bashed people for bringing it up, especially when Hillary wants to run in 2016. Well, Beyoncé went there and, apparently, the Obama's are fans of hers. I guess it's okay then for people to sing about some pretty disgusting things and even bring Clinton into it, as long as they are friends of Obama.

But, carry on liberals and do what you do best. Carry the water for your messiah no matter how big of a fool you look like doing it.

Bullshit. Liberals are the authors of most blue dress-cigar-cum stain Clinton jokes. You are WRONG!!!

I agree!


Sure seems there is a lot of limited government Right Wingers telling folks how to raise there kids...

r u sure bout that?

did you partake in the Palin thread over the picture of her child and dog?

you poor dears in the dem party really need to get a GRIP. You're looking desperate and letting some website (hufferpufferpost) make you look like fools
I see the liberals here have done their usual job of going off topic and finding other things to pick on when they couldn't bring themselves to openly defend lyrics that bought up the Clinton/Lewinsky affair. So, they start bashing anything and everything to change the subject. The lyrics in Beyoncé's latest CD are vulgar and not the sort of thing responsible parents would let children listen to. And since liberals can't defend it, they start complaining about other shit and condemning people over the smallest things, all the while saying you shouldn't judge people or stick your nose in their business.

If anyone on the right had even mentioned the stain Clinton left on the dress, the left would have had a shit fit and bashed people for bringing it up, especially when Hillary wants to run in 2016. Well, Beyoncé went there and, apparently, the Obama's are fans of hers. I guess it's okay then for people to sing about some pretty disgusting things and even bring Clinton into it, as long as they are friends of Obama.

But, carry on liberals and do what you do best. Carry the water for your messiah no matter how big of a fool you look like doing it.

Bullshit. Liberals are the authors of most blue dress-cigar-cum stain Clinton jokes. You are WRONG!!!

Every time I hear a liberal making a joke about that, it's aimed solely at Monica Lewinsky. Most jokes were about how fat she was. So mature. Funny how a young, impressionable girl was blamed and Clinton was excused. A lot of liberals took the "attaboy" attitude with Clinton and thought it was cool that he took advantage of a young woman.

Still, the language in Beyoncé's songs is vulgar and I can't imagine any responsible parent allowing young girls to listen to it.

Somehow, I doubt that Hillary is amused by any of the jokes or the latest Beyoncé song.
I see the liberals here have done their usual job of going off topic and finding other things to pick on when they couldn't bring themselves to openly defend lyrics that bought up the Clinton/Lewinsky affair. So, they start bashing anything and everything to change the subject. The lyrics in Beyoncé's latest CD are vulgar and not the sort of thing responsible parents would let children listen to. And since liberals can't defend it, they start complaining about other shit and condemning people over the smallest things, all the while saying you shouldn't judge people or stick your nose in their business.

If anyone on the right had even mentioned the stain Clinton left on the dress, the left would have had a shit fit and bashed people for bringing it up, especially when Hillary wants to run in 2016. Well, Beyoncé went there and, apparently, the Obama's are fans of hers. I guess it's okay then for people to sing about some pretty disgusting things and even bring Clinton into it, as long as they are friends of Obama.

But, carry on liberals and do what you do best. Carry the water for your messiah no matter how big of a fool you look like doing it.

Bullshit. Liberals are the authors of most blue dress-cigar-cum stain Clinton jokes. You are WRONG!!!

Every time I hear a liberal making a joke about that, it's aimed solely at Monica Lewinsky. Most jokes were about how fat she was. So mature. Funny how a young, impressionable girl was blamed and Clinton was excused. A lot of liberals took the "attaboy" attitude with Clinton and thought it was cool that he took advantage of a young woman.

Still, the language in Beyoncé's songs is vulgar and I can't imagine any responsible parent allowing young girls to listen to it.

Somehow, I doubt that Hillary is amused by any of the jokes or the latest Beyoncé song.

First paragraph untrue. Complete bullshit.

Wrong. No one has stopped women from getting abortions. Measures to make it safer have been met with outrage from the left. They pretend it's as minor as a manicure and don't like doctors doing tests to check for potential problems. When doctors try to calculate the gestational age of the fetus to insure they are within the legal limit for abortion, liberals scream. They don't want questions or tests, just kill the fetuses and be done with it. Hell, they even want people other than doctors to perform them. Maybe a two-week course and then people can perform abortions miles away from the nearest hospital. That's another thing that has liberals up in arms. If a woman has problems during the procedure, she is so fucked not being closer to a hospital. Liberals want easy abortions without worrying about complications, conditions or medical help in a hurry. That would be a liberal dream. Soon, abortions will be about as safe as the back alley ones done with hangers. Another fail with your worn out crap.

It's liberals in everyone's personal lives that is the problem right now.

And with the left embracing slutty behavior, like in Beyoncé's songs, we can rest assured that there will be even more abortions.

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