Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage

The great majority can believe religiously in human sacrifice as a ritual of the church, but the government can and say "uh uh" to its practice publicly and privately.
Why is it news to the left? Why is it on the political forum? Why is homosexual marriage so important to the left? I recall when a bunch of left wing celebs (is there any other kind?) promised to renounce their citizenship and leave the Country if a republican was elected president. I don't think they went. It doesn't matter anyway.
Why is it news to the left? Why is it on the political forum? Why is homosexual marriage so important to the left? I recall when a bunch of left wing celebs (is there any other kind?) promised to renounce their citizenship and leave the Country if a republican was elected president. I don't think they went. It doesn't matter anyway.

Its probably so popular among the left because its an issue of denial of rights that 1) makes no sense at all 2) Is clearly unjust 3) they can actually do something about.

And if we're being completely honest, I suspect there are many a liberal who finds the idea of Utah having to perform same sex marriages to be an absolute hoot.
“Just because using govt to BAN gay marriage is unconstitutional
does not mean that using govt to ESTABLISH gay marriage isn't equally unconstitutional.”

This also doesn't make any sense.

There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only marriage law, a single component of contract law where the state recognizes the union of two equal adult partners – same- or opposite-sex, it makes no difference.

Consequently, nothing is being 'established,' state measures that seek to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law that gay Americans are eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; when states follow the Constitution and allow same-sex couples access to marriage law, that act in compliance with the 14th Amendment cannot be 'un-Constitutional.'
Marriage equality is a growing majority on the right as well.

Ask the millennials in right wing families what they think.
This means something because he's a Fox employee like the rest of the Repub Presidential candidates.
You think there would be zero backlash from forced gay marriage/polygamy against the will of the majority of tens of millions of voters nationwide?

Think again..

The last poll indicates 55% of the population supports gay marriage. The electorate has definitely picked a team on this issue. And its not yours.

Last I checked, if 55% of the population supported Christianity, that is still unlawful to establish through govt and federal laws.
It must remain a free choice, even if 75 or 80% agree, if it involves BELIEFS that is not the role of govt to establish for others.

Saying my legal civil marriage gets treated exactly like yours doesn't force anything on anyone. Civil marriage involves no one's beliefs but that of the couple doing it.
Why is it news to the left? Why is it on the political forum? Why is homosexual marriage so important to the left? I recall when a bunch of left wing celebs (is there any other kind?) promised to renounce their citizenship and leave the Country if a republican was elected president. I don't think they went. It doesn't matter anyway.

And Limbaugh promised to move to Costa Rica. Has he?
Why is it news to the left? Why is it on the political forum? Why is homosexual marriage so important to the left? I recall when a bunch of left wing celebs (is there any other kind?) promised to renounce their citizenship and leave the Country if a republican was elected president. I don't think they went. It doesn't matter anyway.

Just as there's no such thing as 'gay marriage,' so too is there no such thing as 'homosexual marriage.'

Otherwise, as a conservative, it comes as no surprise that you fail to acknowledge the importance of ensuring that every American be afforded his comprehensive civil liberties, and that you and others on the right are willing to allow your fellow Americans to have their civil rights violated by the state.
Otherwise, as a conservative, it comes as no surprise that you fail to acknowledge the importance of ensuring that every American be afforded his comprehensive civil liberties, and that you and others on the right are willing to allow your fellow Americans to have their civil rights violated by the state.

Willing? I'd say eager. They tout the 10th amendment and the power of the State as supreme. And virtually ignore the 9th amendment, which talks about the rights of the people. In the battle between the supremecy of the State vs. the rights of the people, many republicans have picked a team: the State.

.......unless we're talking about gun control. Then fuck the State. Individual liberty shall not be infringed!

The funny part is how few recognize the laughable contradiction.
See, many republicans and conservatives give lip service to liberty. And for the libertarians, they probably mean it. But for many Tea Party and even main stream republicans, they really don't. What they mean by liberty is freedom from Federal oversight. They want power returned to the State. With federal intervention into State laws eliminated. Especially judicial intervention and federal oversight on voting laws.

.....and then on the State level they want to strip their citizens of rights they don't think they should have. Essentially annulling the entire part first section of the 14th amendment.

What's spooky, its not that implausible. The Congress has the authority to vote on which cases the USSC is allowed to rule on.
If gays left everyone who didn't want to participate in their marriage alone they would have far less opposition.
If gays left everyone who didn't want to participate in their marriage alone they would have far less opposition.

They pretty much are. I've yet to see a gay man smiling and saying 'I do' while his straight partner is looking at the audience and saying 'get me the fuck out of here!'.

Its usually two gays guys at the altar. Or two lesbians.
If gays left everyone who didn't want to participate in their marriage alone they would have far less opposition.

They pretty much are. I've yet to see a gay man smiling and saying 'I do' while his straight partner is looking at the audience and saying 'get me the fuck out of here!'.

Its usually two gays guys at the altar. Or two lesbians.
And the person they forced to make the cake forced to photograph the wedding and the person forced to provide couples counseling.
It would be a BIG LOSS if Mike left the R Party! He is a good man, and usually always correct! He would make a fine President, but I don't think he will take the pay cut. He is too honest to steal his riches like Clinton and Obama.

And how did Obama 'steal his riches'?
By being a phony and liar mostly, but kickbacks are likely considering all his misplaced "stimulus money."
Otherwise, as a conservative, it comes as no surprise that you fail to acknowledge the importance of ensuring that every American be afforded his comprehensive civil liberties, and that you and others on the right are willing to allow your fellow Americans to have their civil rights violated by the state.

Willing? I'd say eager. They tout the 10th amendment and the power of the State as supreme. And virtually ignore the 9th amendment, which talks about the rights of the people. In the battle between the supremecy of the State vs. the rights of the people, many republicans have picked a team: the State.

.......unless we're talking about gun control. Then fuck the State. Individual liberty shall not be infringed!

The funny part is how few recognize the laughable contradiction.
Most on the right ignore Article VI of the Constitution itself.

It is beyond dispute that it was the intent of the Framers and the Founding Generation that the states not interfere with the relationship between the people and the National government they created, that the Constitution and its case law are the supreme law of the land, and that the states are subordinate to the Constitution and its case law.
It would be a BIG LOSS if Mike left the R Party! He is a good man, and usually always correct! He would make a fine President, but I don't think he will take the pay cut. He is too honest to steal his riches like Clinton and Obama.

And how did Obama 'steal his riches'?
By being a phony and liar mostly, but kickbacks are likely considering all his misplaced "stimulus money."

What kickbacks?
Otherwise, as a conservative, it comes as no surprise that you fail to acknowledge the importance of ensuring that every American be afforded his comprehensive civil liberties, and that you and others on the right are willing to allow your fellow Americans to have their civil rights violated by the state.

Willing? I'd say eager. They tout the 10th amendment and the power of the State as supreme. And virtually ignore the 9th amendment, which talks about the rights of the people. In the battle between the supremecy of the State vs. the rights of the people, many republicans have picked a team: the State.

.......unless we're talking about gun control. Then fuck the State. Individual liberty shall not be infringed!

The funny part is how few recognize the laughable contradiction.
Most on the right ignore Article VI of the Constitution itself.

It is beyond dispute that it was the intent of the Framers and the Founding Generation that the states not interfere with the relationship between the people and the National government they created, that the Constitution and its case law are the supreme law of the land, and that the states are subordinate to the Constitution and its case law.

That's definitely disputable. The founders didn't envision the Federal government protecting its citizens from the State. Instead, it was envisioned protecting the States. With the States being the defenders of the rights of the people. The Bill of Rights didn't apply to the States, by design. It was a restriction of federal power only.

It was only after absolutely egregious violations of rights by the State governments that the federal government intervened with the creation of the 14th amendment. That's why the 14th amendment was created....to extend the Bill of Rights to the States. Well, that's why Section 1 of the 14th amendment was created anyway.

It was at that point that the federal government became the defender of the rights of the people from state violations of rights held by citizens of the United States. Or 'Privileges and Immunities' as they 14th amendment called them.
If gays left everyone who didn't want to participate in their marriage alone they would have far less opposition.

They pretty much are. I've yet to see a gay man smiling and saying 'I do' while his straight partner is looking at the audience and saying 'get me the fuck out of here!'.

Its usually two gays guys at the altar. Or two lesbians.
And the person they forced to make the cake forced to photograph the wedding and the person forced to provide couples counseling.

No one was 'forced' to do anything.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional, as authorized by the Commerce Clause.
It would be a BIG LOSS if Mike left the R Party! He is a good man, and usually always correct! He would make a fine President, but I don't think he will take the pay cut. He is too honest to steal his riches like Clinton and Obama.

And how did Obama 'steal his riches'?
By being a phony and liar mostly, but kickbacks are likely considering all his misplaced "stimulus money."

“I'm an ignorant, tedious rightwing partisan hack with a delusional, unwarranted hatred for the president.”
WE all know what the meaning of GOD is. Being an AGNOSTIC, I have NO REVULSION to the use of GOD in anything. For those that do, we simply LOOK BACK at our traditions and culture, and point to the fact that if the people that formed this Republic didn't BELIEVE in a CREATOR, we simply would NOT be the country that we once were....Live with it people, sticks and stones may break your bones but words ONLY HURT the truly demented!

The people who founded this country also believed slavery was nifty and bleeding was a valid medical treatment. So just because they saved us from the horror of being ... gasp... Canadians, I'm not feeling terribly obligated to subscribe to their superstitions.

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