Mike Johnson uses "porn cure" app with his son

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.

Tammy prefers it when parents encourage their children to “change genders”.

Putting kids on drugs and mutilating them through surgery isn’t “a bit creepy” to Tammy or other lefties at all.
Tammy prefers it when parents encourage their children to “change genders”.

Putting kids on drugs and mutilating them through surgery isn’t “a bit creepy” to Tammy or other lefties at all.

Except kids are rarely getting surgery except in the most extreme cases.

People subject themselves to surgery to change themselves every day, from Boob Jobs to Gastric Bypass surgury.
"War on Technology" event? The app would be using technology.
This reminds me of a funny story.

I raised my sons as nerds. It saved me all the problems I gave my parents. Both are very intelligent.

They are 38 and 40 years old now, but when they were entering high school, my ex-wife got them a computer. They were thrilled, of course.

My ex spent the afternoon and evening setting all the parental locks and safety stuff. When she went to bed they were still exploring the new tech.

The next morning she got up and there were Post-It notes all around the screen. They had hacked the computer and gotten all the passwords or had changed the passwords.

One of my proudest moments. lol
This reminds me of a funny story.

I raised my sons as nerds. It saved me all the problems I gave my parents. Both are very intelligent.

They are 38 and 40 years old now, but when they were entering high school, my ex-wife got them a computer. They were thrilled, of course.

My ex spent the afternoon and evening setting all the parental locks and safety stuff. When she went to bed they were still exploring the new tech.

The next morning she got up and there were Post-It notes all around the screen. They had hacked the computer and gotten all the passwords or had changed the passwords.

One of my proudest moments. lol
Well said.

The problem is that we grew up in a world without computers (if you are my age) and learning the technology is a challenge.

These kids grew up with it and for them, a world without computers would be as alien as a world without TV would be for us.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.

It is very creepy.
Speaking to Fox News after he became House speaker, Johnson said: “Someone asked me today in the media, they said: ‘People are curious. What does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it – that’s my worldview. That’s what I believe and so I make no apologies for it.”

Jesus said in Matthew 19:12 that not everyone is born the same.

For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.
Its sort of funny that a grown man needs an app to avoid porn.

But strangely in the Bible Belt you have these weird folks who think porn is going to destroy them.

First you get this.

Then you get that as a result...(sometimes).
We are speaking about adults here.
Mike put an app on his sons computer as well as his own.

So, he is telling his son porn is bad, especially for minors, while setting the same example for his son

That is called parenting, something the Left abhors.

Patriarchal religious fanatics is what they are!!

The biggest threat to America!


What ever happened to, "None of your damned business Lefties?" Or does that only apply to abortion and illicit drugs?
Speaking to Fox News after he became House speaker, Johnson said: “Someone asked me today in the media, they said: ‘People are curious. What does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it – that’s my worldview. That’s what I believe and so I make no apologies for it.”

In Leviticus we read...................

When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19: 33-34
Mike put an app on his sons computer as well as his own.

So, he is telling his son porn is bad, especially for minors, while setting the same example for his son

That is called parenting, something the Left abhors.

Patriarchal religious fanatics is what they are!!

The biggest threat to America!


What ever happened to, "None of your damned business Lefties?" Or does that only apply to abortion and illicit drugs?

What they do in this regard is none of my business. I wouldn't suggest doing anything to stop them. To note though, they are ADULTS, not kids and yes, I find it a wee bit creepy.
Its sort of funny that a grown man needs an app to avoid porn.

But strangely in the Bible Belt you have these weird folks who think porn is going to destroy them.

First you get this.

Then you get that as a result...(sometimes).
What is strange is your daughter writing his her diary that her daddy showered with her, as she would avoid showering when he was awake because she was so creeped out by him, and then voters like yourself elect him as President

I venture to say, that is the creepiest damned thing I have ever heard in my life, but now it is the norm apparently.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.
So he doesn’t want his son looking at porn.
That would be a negative to perverts like you.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.

Dude, your side is mutilating and drugging kids so they can pretend to be the other sex.

Get a fucking grip.
Its sort of funny that a grown man needs an app to avoid porn.

But strangely in the Bible Belt you have these weird folks who think porn is going to destroy them.

First you get this.

Then you get that as a result...(sometimes).

Does the article actually say that, or are you inferring wrongly as usual?

From the article, it appears he is using it himself to show his son he practices what he preaches.

A foreign concept to the left, as I know from them jetting to AGW conferences.

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