Mike Pence's HIV Scandal Must Not Be Forgotten

Anyone familiar with the law admits abortion is much more restrictive than it used to be.

Sucks to be you.

Good to see democracy at work.

Roe was the law of the land. Now, other laws are superceeding it. The left won't take it back to the SCOTUS because they know there is a chance it could get shot down.

Actually it's only restricted in backwards conservative states.

The only times abortion comes up in my state is when someone gets enough signatures on a petition to get issues such as should we use state medicaid money to pay for abortions for any reason? I voted in the majority and my state has been using state tax dollars to pay for abortions for any reason through medicaid since the early 1980s.

Not one politician in my state has brought any anti abortion bills to our state congress.

But then democrats have controlled my state for decades and will continue to do so for a long time.

So while it maybe restricted in such backwards conservative states as Indiana, that's only within their borders. None of those stupid laws are legal in my state and never will be.

In the early 90s another petition got enough signatures to get on the ballot so we could vote to enact a law that says no matter what Washington DC does, no matter what the supreme court does abortion stays legal and safe in my state. I voted in the majority and the women of my state have been protected by that law for a couple decades now.

No one and no politician can ever take that right from the women of my state. We voters made sure if it in the 90s.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?

Oh what a hollow claim.

Many states have been slowly cutting away at it. Can't help that.

Stupid is all in the eyes of the beholder.

But that is what is great about America. You get to live in a state where you point of view is prominent. And people can live in other states where other points of view take priority.

But left wingers can't just live in their own states. People like that asshole Ted Kennedy needed to make sure his position was pushed on everyone.

Tolerant dick. I hope he suffered for a long time before going to hell.

Yes, the Reich wing states waste a lot of tax payer dollars to go after abortion issues, but it only takes one person to challenge it in court. And then those taxpayer dollars go down the toilet in a Federal District Court or end up in the U.S. Supreme court where the law is immediately overturned. This at great expense to the taxpayers of those states.

The U.S. Supreme court is the law of the land, and those that try and tweek into something else do so at their own peril.

Can you be any more stupid.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and look at any issue where the SCOTUS rules. It is never totally settled.....

Analysis: The death of Roe v. Wade

Again--what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years. I don't want to read your conspiracy theories or read what some group of nut cases thinks that can be done about Roe V Wade. You ANSWER the question what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years.

It was a flawed premise, but technology, now with sonograms people can see kids...makes them more human.....and people's opinions have been turned........it's going in the pro life way.......

CNN Poll: America Becoming More Pro-Life, 58% Oppose All or Almost All Abortions

Oh and lakhota is dodging me again....tisk tisk
The Fifth Circuit Just Stuck A Knife In Roe v. Wade
Actually it's only restricted in backwards conservative states.

The only times abortion comes up in my state is when someone gets enough signatures on a petition to get issues such as should we use state medicaid money to pay for abortions for any reason? I voted in the majority and my state has been using state tax dollars to pay for abortions for any reason through medicaid since the early 1980s.

Not one politician in my state has brought any anti abortion bills to our state congress.

But then democrats have controlled my state for decades and will continue to do so for a long time.

So while it maybe restricted in such backwards conservative states as Indiana, that's only within their borders. None of those stupid laws are legal in my state and never will be.

In the early 90s another petition got enough signatures to get on the ballot so we could vote to enact a law that says no matter what Washington DC does, no matter what the supreme court does abortion stays legal and safe in my state. I voted in the majority and the women of my state have been protected by that law for a couple decades now.

No one and no politician can ever take that right from the women of my state. We voters made sure if it in the 90s.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?

Oh what a hollow claim.

Many states have been slowly cutting away at it. Can't help that.

Stupid is all in the eyes of the beholder.

But that is what is great about America. You get to live in a state where you point of view is prominent. And people can live in other states where other points of view take priority.

But left wingers can't just live in their own states. People like that asshole Ted Kennedy needed to make sure his position was pushed on everyone.

Tolerant dick. I hope he suffered for a long time before going to hell.

Yes, the Reich wing states waste a lot of tax payer dollars to go after abortion issues, but it only takes one person to challenge it in court. And then those taxpayer dollars go down the toilet in a Federal District Court or end up in the U.S. Supreme court where the law is immediately overturned. This at great expense to the taxpayers of those states.

The U.S. Supreme court is the law of the land, and those that try and tweek into something else do so at their own peril.

Can you be any more stupid.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and look at any issue where the SCOTUS rules. It is never totally settled.....

Analysis: The death of Roe v. Wade

Again--what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years. I don't want to read your conspiracy theories or read what some group of nut cases thinks that can be done about Roe V Wade. You ANSWER the question what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years.

It was a flawed premise, but technology, now with sonograms people can see kids...makes them more human.....and people's opinions have been turned........it's going in the pro life way.......

CNN Poll: America Becoming More Pro-Life, 58% Oppose All or Almost All Abortions

Read the book "The Brethren" by Bob Woodward. It gives a lot of insight about how Harry "the jackle" Blackmunn decided the law.

It's disgusting.

I really don't care about abortion. I do care about due process. When Blackmunn dies, I'll find his grave and piss all over it for being such an arrogant moron.
I don't agree that Governor Pence caused that Planned Parenthood to close, as that happened before the abortion bill and Scott County is a poor rural area. Scott County isn't the only county to face this challenge either. However, the governor's stance on needle exchanges and slow reaction to this statewide problem is worthy of scorn. Even though communities can set up needle exchanges now certain criteria must be met. By that time it's too late. In addition, communities that have these health emergencies must pay for exchanges without state funds. Many areas just can't afford it.
The indian princess started to OP with lies. When I provided about 10 links showing her liberal PP propaganda was bullshit she got all defensive. Now she is hiding in the wigwam.
hey oreo 60 million lives have been snuffed out. Are you proud of that?

Sure he is, he has to sacrifice to the feminists in order to get laid, I'm just sorry it has to be fat hairy bitches that like other chicks....could you imagine a threesome from 2 people in a womens' studies class? GROSSSSSSS

but he doesn't count them human, because they get in the way.......maybe if he had a kid or saw a sonogram.....he's change his mind....I hope so..
How did these people get HIV?
It's generally transmitted through unprotected sexual contact.

Are you against sex?

Unprotected, reckless sex, yeah.....Like people at HIV roulette parties.....not smart people and no loss.
So, even in matters of public health, you would be willing to cast aside your fellow citizens?

At some point you cant child proof the world.....adults can engage in those activities, but to make me feel sorry for them......nope....

If you get aids from a blood transfusion or some rare crazy incident yes.....but if it's from indiscriminate sex and drugs......you knew the risk.
Lakhota's my *****

That my friend is classic...
LOL thanks, he's so predictable and never offers a thing...starts a thread with a huff po piece...gets owned...then he calls someone a racist...gets owned....pretty much he gets owned....
It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Of course you have a link to that claim? It is the U.S. Supreme Court Justices that wrote the legal terminology in Roe V. Wade--and it didn't come from the right or the left. So your poorly written comment
It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.
It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Poorly written or not, it is the law of the land.

What is your argument here.

That nothing has changed since Roe ?

Please make sure you are very clear on your position before your ignorance is shown to all.

What has changed with Roe V. Wade over the last 45 years?

Increasingly, however, there is a fundamental assumption both sides seem to share, even if they don't say so, and it may well shape the future of abortion rights in America: Opponents and supporters of abortion appear to have taken the position that Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land.

Since the start of this year, 916 measures seeking to regulate reproductive health have been introduced in 49 states. According to the Guttmacher Institute, by the end of March, 15 laws had been enacted in seven states. These laws include an expansion of the waiting period in South Dakota from 24 to 72 hours and a requirement that counseling from "crisis pregnancy centers" include scientifically flawed data on risk factors. There are new regulations in Utah and Virginia governing abortion clinics. Legislation has been introduced in 13 states requiring that women have an ultrasound procedure before having an abortion—and in seven of those states, the woman must view the fetus and listen to a detailed verbal description as well. Measures have been introduced in 17 states copying a Nebraska law banning abortion at 20 weeks, on the theory—again based on questionable medical data—that this is when a fetus can feel pain.

Analysis: The death of Roe v. Wade


Why do people always march on the SCOTUS if things were so wonderful for the pro-choicers.

States can come up with as many anti abortion laws as they want too but all it will take is one single challenge for it to be overturned. A Federal District Court or the U.S. Supreme court will overrule state laws if they are prohibiting or interfering with a woman's right to choose. As what happened in Texas. The cost to the taxpayers of these states are in the millions of dollars to defend their anti-abortion laws all the way up to the U.S. Supreme court--only to watch the U.S. Supreme court overrule their law.


A woman that she needs to die to give birth? A woman who also may have two kids at home already that she needs to raise, along with a husband that probably wouldn't appreciate the Republican party telling him that his wife needs to die and he can raise the two kids and baby by himself?

Is the Republican party going to tell the Parents of a young girl that has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life so she can give birth?

Is the Republican party going to tell A lucky to be alive woman that she needs to give birth to a rape baby, while she is only trying to put her own life back together. What about telling her husband who may be opposed to her carrying a rape baby to full term?

Is this what the Republican party has turned into? It appears so, by the candidates you select.

And then you wonder why women won't vote for you.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You have no right to intervene into the private--personal decisions of women and their families, and the U.S. Supreme court will always defend & protect that. Nor do you have any right to intervene into a woman's doctor/patient relationship as to what type of birth control devices she uses.

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Actually it's only restricted in backwards conservative states.

The only times abortion comes up in my state is when someone gets enough signatures on a petition to get issues such as should we use state medicaid money to pay for abortions for any reason? I voted in the majority and my state has been using state tax dollars to pay for abortions for any reason through medicaid since the early 1980s.

Not one politician in my state has brought any anti abortion bills to our state congress.

But then democrats have controlled my state for decades and will continue to do so for a long time.

So while it maybe restricted in such backwards conservative states as Indiana, that's only within their borders. None of those stupid laws are legal in my state and never will be.

In the early 90s another petition got enough signatures to get on the ballot so we could vote to enact a law that says no matter what Washington DC does, no matter what the supreme court does abortion stays legal and safe in my state. I voted in the majority and the women of my state have been protected by that law for a couple decades now.

No one and no politician can ever take that right from the women of my state. We voters made sure if it in the 90s.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?

Oh what a hollow claim.

Many states have been slowly cutting away at it. Can't help that.

Stupid is all in the eyes of the beholder.

But that is what is great about America. You get to live in a state where you point of view is prominent. And people can live in other states where other points of view take priority.

But left wingers can't just live in their own states. People like that asshole Ted Kennedy needed to make sure his position was pushed on everyone.

Tolerant dick. I hope he suffered for a long time before going to hell.

Yes, the Reich wing states waste a lot of tax payer dollars to go after abortion issues, but it only takes one person to challenge it in court. And then those taxpayer dollars go down the toilet in a Federal District Court or end up in the U.S. Supreme court where the law is immediately overturned. This at great expense to the taxpayers of those states.

The U.S. Supreme court is the law of the land, and those that try and tweek into something else do so at their own peril.

Can you be any more stupid.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and look at any issue where the SCOTUS rules. It is never totally settled.....

Analysis: The death of Roe v. Wade

Again--what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years. I don't want to read your conspiracy theories or read what some group of nut cases thinks that can be done about Roe V Wade. You ANSWER the question what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years.

You can't read anything.

There have been plenty of laws passed in states, incremental laws, that are slowly chipping away.

Sorry chump....this is reality.

I really don't care if you don't like it.

All it's going to take is one single challenge and you can kiss your law good-bye. The only reason they're getting away with it is because no one has challenged it.

It's not if it will be challenged it's when. And when that happens enjoy the taxpayer dollar expense for your state Attorney General to take it all the way up to the U.S. Supreme court, only to watch it go up in smoke.
The Personhood bill is a bill that abortion activists in Colorado tried to pass. This bill gives the baby in the womb the same rights as a baby out of the womb, and this bill has soundly been defeated in my state of Colorado on 3 different occasions. Of course the bill was designed to stop all abortions, so they could charge doctors & nurses will murder for performing them.

Colorado is also considered the church capital of the United States-and we have a ton of abortion activists--so it should have passed right?

Reason why it didn't pass. Since our laws do not discriminate.

1. A common miscarriage would have to be investigated for foul play and an autopsy would have to be performed.
2. A pregnant mother due to illness or accident loses the baby she would be investigated and possibly charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into an accident with a pregnant woman, and the baby in the womb dies YOU could also be charged with reckless manslaughter or murder.
4. Doctors and nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and could face criminal charges for negligence and manslaughter.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we don't need innocent mothers, and accidents investigated and innocent people ending up in prison over accidents or natural incidents.

What GOP candidates promised a Constitutional amendment for a personhood bill to their constituents? None other than Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, supposedly "constitutional experts" that apparently didn't look beyond the tip of their noses at the consequences of such a bill.

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The first thing to know about Mike Pence is that he hates abortion. I mean, really hates it. As in, a good gift for him would be a lapel pin that read, "Ask me how I feel about abortion." While many right-wing politicians have been screeching about defunding Planned Parenthood over the last year due to those hoax videos, Pence wanted to shut them down before it was cool. In 2011, Politico detailed Pence's "one-man crusade to deny all federal funding" to the organization. Reminder: Title X does not provide federal funding for abortions, and abortion makes up only three percent of the services that Planned Parenthood provides. PP's main function is STI and STD testing and treatment. Pence's response: "If Planned Parenthood wants to be involved in providing counseling services and HIV testing, they ought not be in the business of providing abortions."

In 2013, the only Planned Parenthood in Indiana's rural Scott County was forced to close due to lack of funding. The women of Scott County must now travel 50 miles to visit a gynecologist, according to the Chicago Tribune. The closure also left the county without an HIV testing center, and by June 2015, 150 of Austin, Indiana's 4,300 residents were infected with HIV. That's almost 3.5 percent of the population. For comparison, the overall HIV infection rate in the United States is less that 0.4 percent.

Austin's only physician, Dr. William Cooke, saw the epidemic coming a mile away. "We’ve been asking for help for a long time," he told MSNBC in 2015. "We identified long ago there was an undercurrent here that was very unhealthy."

Pence finally called the Centers for Disease Control to assist Cooke with the outbreak in March of that year. As of April 2016, 190 cases of HIV have been diagnosed in Austin, reported the Indy Star. The Scottsburg Planned Parenthood, which never performed abortions, remains permanently closed.

Mike Pence's HIV Scandal Must Not Be Forgotten

Pence really sounds like a religious psycho! And very dangerous for women!

So how did they get all those stats if no one is getting tested?
How did these people get HIV?

Drugs and Sex is the way it's transmitted.
So voluntary.

Well, there's been lots of husbands that have brought HIV home to their wives and other innocent people. So are you saying the wife is GUILTY so who gives a dam about an HIV test for her too?

People have contacted HIV through unsterilized dental equipment, by simply getting their teeth examined or cleaned.

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