Mila the Lesbian Runs Afoul of the Religion of Peace

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Mila the Lesbian Runs Afoul of the Religion of Peace
Posted on January 25, 2020 by Baron Bodissey

A teenage lesbian in France named Mila got herself into a heap o’ trouble when she said unkind things about Islam. The unfortunate young lady is now in hiding and being guarded by police. She is also being investigated by police for a possible hate crime, and I’d bet a fifth of Mount Gay that if she had been a straight white male, she’d already be languishing in durance vile. It will be interesting to see how long her minority credentials protect her.

The tipster who sent in the link included this explanation of what happened:

Today in France. A virtual mob is calling to lynch young Mila (16 years old) because she dared to blaspheme Islam.

Long story short (details in the attached report from the mainstream newspaper Marianne): last Saturday this young singer from Lyon was having a live chat with her followers through her Instagram account. A guy starts hitting on her; she’s not interested (she’s gay) and clearly lets him know. She starts to receive insults, being called all sorts of names (“French whore”, “Dirty dyke” etc.), and, as many of these are clearly issued with a religious tone (e.g. “Allah will have you burn in Hell”), she starts to lose patience and explains that she hates religion, that “the Quran only contains hate, Islam is s***, that’s what I think…” [See the video for the rest.]
Mila the Lesbian Runs Afoul of the Religion of Peace | Gates of Vienna

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