"Military age men" at San Diego's southern border. 'Credible Threat'

Commence daily public pants shitting!!! Code Red! Code Red! WOLF!!! WOLF!!!
It's the Obama administration agency - ot Conservatives - that is declaring this to be a threat, g...but nice try.
Nope. The OP link is built around a letter written by Republican Duncan Hunter.
Among the several dozen Pakistani and Afghan men who have entered the U.S. illegally, coming into San Diego from Tijuana, two were found to have ties to terrorist groups, according to a letter sent by U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter to the Department of Homeland Security.
Try again, g...it is the border patrol describing the men they have taken under custody and claiming they are a valid threat. But you just keep trying....
"Military age men" at San Diego's southern border

"Credible threat" posed by unknown Afghans and Pakistanis

Among the several dozen Pakistani and Afghan men who have entered the U.S. illegally, coming into San Diego from Tijuana, two were found to have ties to terrorist groups, according to a letter sent by U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter to the Department of Homeland Security.

Muhammad Azeem and Muktar Ahmad, both in their 20s, surrendered to U.S. Border Patrol agents in September, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. One was listed on the Terrorist Screening Database for “associations with a known or suspected terrorist. The other was a positive match for derogatory information in an alternative database,” according to Hunter’s letter.

#Azeem and Ahmad are among dozens of men — described by Border Patrol agents as “military age and carrying U.S. cash” who began entering the U.S. through a Tijuana-based human-smuggling pipeline in September.

“It’s very concerning,” Shigg said. “We have no idea what their actual intentions are because we have no effective way of backtracking. Just the males are coming and there’s no way for us to know for certain who they are and why.” ... “Afghanistan and Pakistan do not have a robust identification system — these are places where there is tremendous potential for official document and visa fraud.”
- Obama's 'thorough' background checks, such as the one used on the terrorist he let in and who killed 14 Americans in Va...

“It’s not as if they don’t have the systems to sort, but they have to dedicate the resources and detention space to sorting this out,” he said. “These are credible threats.”


The WH responded by declaring NONE of these individuals are a threat to the US or US citizens, as their 'thorough' background check system learned NONE of them are 'widows or orphans'. :p

Jeeze. And these are the ones they know about.
Thousands and thousands of military age men have been attending Donald Trump rallies...
Commence daily public pants shitting!!! Code Red! Code Red! WOLF!!! WOLF!!!
Ignore the problem and it will go away.
Because "ignoring" is the ONLY other option in a RW binary world.
I know you find it necessary to LIE to push your propaganda, but it would help if you stuck to reality. Conservatives have offered up many suggestions...which Obama and Liberals refuse to heed.

Obama claims he has contained ISIS...the day before ISIS kills 150+ Parisians and wounds almost as many more.

Obama claims vetting system leaves nothing but orphans to fear by Americans...right before his vetting system lets in a terrorist who kills 14 Americans. In response to HIS Ca terrorist attack he insists of bypassing Congress to create more laws to impose on law-abiding citizens, as if any of them would prevent the terrorist attacks he has allowed to happen or the mass shootings.

Instead of focusing on law-abiding citizens he should have been focused on NOT giving thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, who used those weapons to kill over 500 innocent people, to include 2 US military personnel

Instead of focusing on American citizens, maybe he should have focused on NOT giving Al Qaeida weapons and taking the country to war on his own to help perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 take over Libya...that eventually led to the 1st death in over 30 years of a US Ambassador and 3 other Americans.

Instead of focusing on law-abiding citizens, who Obama mockingly claims cling to their Bibles and guns, he should be focused on the DAILY record-setting gun violence / murder going on in Chicago in 2015 caused by black-on-black crime and gang violence.

Perhaps Obama should have started up a committee to determine why the cities with some of the strictest gun laws in the country (and run by Liberals primarily) have the highest rates of gun violence / murder? Or study how even ONE of his 'edicts' will keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and terrorists (especially those HE is responsible for arming!)
Military Aged men at Border, "Credible Threat"

Translation: Foreign Guys at border, anything is possible
We have been blowing the shit out of their countries for well over a decade. For many of those "military age men", we been bombing them to smithereens since they were in diapers, if they had diapers.

Credible threat? It is more credible they are refugees trying to escape the insanity of their homeland.

But you'll never hear the fucking bigoted assholes say that.
Military Aged men at Border, "Credible Threat"

Translation: Foreign Guys at border, anything is possible
From Pakistan and Afghanistan?! Some who are on the terrorist watch list or are acquaintances of those on the list? Coming from Mexico? Yeah, nothing suspicious about that...to a liberal.

You are the same people who will scream, " Why didn't anyone do anything" when the next terrorist event happens. But, you probably will just blame Republicans for not spending more money or, if it happens with an (R) in the White House, you will simply say "it happened on his watch".

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