Millenials: a good view

and my main problem with millenials is the politicians and causes that they advocate for WAddict .

Boomers are the biggest voting block and have given us the dysfunctional government we have today. Millennials are trying to change it and are put down for that at every turn.
you can read what i think of millenials WAddict , i have never seen a generation more despicable as they mimic gang and hip hop culture WAddict .
Yeah sure, millennials are all gangs and hip hop (and their is nothing wrong with hip hop). Going with your idiotic though process:

Boomers were the most despicable generation as they were mostly hippies that promoted heavy drug use and free love spreading disease everywhere
at least the millenials are polite enough to fund the retirement of the boomers WAddict .

Right, so they don't deserve put downs that they are all lazy idiots from boomers.
I think this guy summed them up the best...
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”
...not like in my day...
JakeStarkey is a typical irresponsible boomer that blames the young on their generations' legacy of greed.
Got to love boomers. They benefit from cheap college, plentiful good paying jobs, cheap health care, and sensible financial regulations. They leave millennials with expensive college that puts them in debt for years, expensive health care insurance premiums to pay for the mass of old boomers, and a lack of well paying jobs since deregulating everything and sending jobs overseas is good for their stock portfolio.
It is the financial system. Wall Street pays people like you to advertise a division between young and old. Are you salaried? Just kidding in your case. But don't think that Wall Street is not invested in all these articles putting down the millenials. They hate anyone living with his parents because he cannot go into debt and the bankers make their living off of debt.
You guys are brainwashed. The thousands of articles paid for by bankers are working to make you guys fall for it. Maybe you guys are bankers, or media, I don't know. But this continually ganging up on millennials would not even be happening without main stream media. I can't believe you guys are so brainwashed? Doesn't anyone think for himself around here?
Got to love boomers. They benefit from cheap college, plentiful good paying jobs, cheap health care, and sensible financial regulations. They leave millennials with expensive college that puts them in debt for years, expensive health care insurance premiums to pay for the mass of old boomers, and a lack of well paying jobs since deregulating everything and sending jobs overseas is good for their stock portfolio.
It is the financial system. Wall Street pays people like you to advertise a division between young and old. Are you salaried? Just kidding in your case. But don't think that Wall Street is not invested in all these articles putting down the millenials. They hate anyone living with his parents because he cannot go into debt and the bankers make their living off of debt.
Exactly. Boomers have left a corrupt financial system of debt for all. Millennials are a threat to ending that gravy train for the good of humanity.
JakeStarkey is a typical irresponsible boomer that blames the young on their generations' legacy of greed.
Those are your silly words, not mine. I wrote the ones I know are about what they need as opposed to what they want. They seem more interested in an experiential life not materialism. Their generation's lack of nuance of how the world works amazes the observer.
Got to love boomers. They benefit from cheap college, plentiful good paying jobs, cheap health care, and sensible financial regulations. They leave millennials with expensive college that puts them in debt for years, expensive health care insurance premiums to pay for the mass of old boomers, and a lack of well paying jobs since deregulating everything and sending jobs overseas is good for their stock portfolio.
Again, you are blaming boomers for the bankers' greed.

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