Millions might have died if not for the Bombs


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Japan and the End of World War II

Once again MILLIONS of Japanese civilians were in danger of starving to death if we did not end the war quickly. most of their foodstuff and fuel coal came from overseas. We had destroyed their capacity to transport anything in. The Army confiscated what food there was for their use and the Army refused to surrender.
We had to kill all those women and children to save them from starvation.

What will they come up with next, to justify a war crime of the highest order?
Japanese people were starving by the dawn of the new year 1945 because Japan was a defeated country and the U.S. eggheads who had developed the Bomb were dying to use the device and hoping that the war wouldn't end before they had the chance to use it on sub-human civilians in Japan as opposed to the Nazis in Germany. Life was cheap in WW2 and it wasn't difficult for the hard liners in the military to convince a former senator who woke up one morning in April 1945 and found out that he was a president without a clue, to incinerate thousands of Japanese civilians with a savage weapon to convince the holdouts to surrender. .
You retards are amusing. We demanded unconditional surrender . Japan's Government demanded a ceasefire with return to 1941 start lines and no consequences for Japan. By August we were 3 months from an Invasion of Mainland Japan, an event that would have cost close to a million us casualties and MILLIONS of dead Japanese.We dropped two bombs and the Government refused to surrender even then, the Emperor over ruled them and the Army attempted a Coup to stop even him. No surrender we would have starved millions of civilians in those 3 months and seen millions more die to an Invasion.

Some of argued we could have just kept them from shipping in anything and force them to surrender. The bombs PROVE that is a lie and if we had done such we would have caused the starvation of millions of civilians.
Iwo Jima could have been bypassed and the Japanese to starve to death in Feb. 1945. There was never a suggestion that Iwo Jima would be used for crippled U.S. bombers until 6,000 Marines were killed in a month taking the smelly arm pit of the Japanese empire. The Navy apparently had better things to do than shell the island for the required time that the Marines asked for. The reason is that the Navy didn't want to kill all the Iwo Jima defenders. The Marines were sacrificed as a test so that the idiot egg heads who developed the Bomb could show that the Japanese were willing to die rather than surrender. About 6,000 Marines died on Iwo Jima without sufficient Naval Gunfire support so that the Truman administration could justify the incineration of sub-human Japanese civilians while the hard liners were trying to negotiate peace terms with Joe Stalin. That's how propaganda works.
Iwo Jima could have been bypassed and the Japanese to starve to death in Feb. 1945. There was never a suggestion that Iwo Jima would be used for crippled U.S. bombers until 6,000 Marines were killed in a month taking the smelly arm pit of the Japanese empire. The Navy apparently had better things to do than shell the island for the required time that the Marines asked for. The reason is that the Navy didn't want to kill all the Iwo Jima defenders. The Marines were sacrificed as a test so that the idiot egg heads who developed the Bomb could show that the Japanese were willing to die rather than surrender. About 6,000 Marines died on Iwo Jima without sufficient Naval Gunfire support so that the Truman administration could justify the incineration of sub-human Japanese civilians while the hard liners were trying to negotiate peace terms with Joe Stalin. That's how propaganda works.
You are a fucking LIAR. You are making shit up as usual. Care to provide a credible source for your claim? By the way the ships were pulled because they were needed elsewhere just like an entire Brigade of marines was not sent as reinforcements because they needed experienced troops for another effort.
Iwo Jima could have been bypassed and the Japanese to starve to death in Feb. 1945. There was never a suggestion that Iwo Jima would be used for crippled U.S. bombers until 6,000 Marines were killed in a month taking the smelly arm pit of the Japanese empire. The Navy apparently had better things to do than shell the island for the required time that the Marines asked for. The reason is that the Navy didn't want to kill all the Iwo Jima defenders. The Marines were sacrificed as a test so that the idiot egg heads who developed the Bomb could show that the Japanese were willing to die rather than surrender. About 6,000 Marines died on Iwo Jima without sufficient Naval Gunfire support so that the Truman administration could justify the incineration of sub-human Japanese civilians while the hard liners were trying to negotiate peace terms with Joe Stalin. That's how propaganda works.
You are a fucking LIAR. You are making shit up as usual. Care to provide a credible source for your claim? By the way the ships were pulled because they were needed elsewhere just like an entire Brigade of marines was not sent as reinforcements because they needed experienced troops for another effort.
Note to self: Don't fuck with a retired Gunny.
would have cost close to a million us casualties and MILLIONS of dead Japanese.... if we had done such we would have caused the starvation of millions of civilians.

Speculation and speculation
No. It is not speculation. It is an outright lie in an effort to justify mass murder of defenseless innocent women and children by Truman.

Why do some Americans feel compelled to justify the actions of a corrupt dumb ass racist war criminal? Americans want to believe their leaders are like them...honest, moral and ethical, when it is evident they are the opposite.

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