Minimum Wage Dishonesty and is racist.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
st low-skilled workers but also is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists.

In our society, the least skilled people are youths, who lack the skills, maturity and experience of adults. Black youths not only share these handicaps but have attended grossly inferior schools and live in unstable household environments. That means higher minimum wages will have the greatest unemployment effect on youths, particularly black youths.

Our nation's first minimum wage came in the form of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, which sets minimum wages on federally financed or assisted construction projects. During the legislative debates, racist intents were obvious. Rep. John Cochran, D-Mo., said he had "received numerous complaints in recent months about Southern contractors employing low-paid colored mechanics getting work and bringing the employees from the South."

Rep. Miles Allgood, D-Ala., complained: "That contractor has cheap colored

labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country." Rep. William Upshaw, D-Ga., complained of the "superabundance or large aggregation of Negro labor."

During South Africa's apartheid era, the secretary of its avowedly ra


cist Building Workers' Union, Gert Beetge, said, "There is no job reservation left in the building industry, and in the circumstances, I support the rate for the job (minimum wage) as the second-best way of protecting our white artisans."

The South African Economic and Wage Commission of 1925 reported that "while definite exclusion of the Natives from the more remunerative fields of employment by law has not been urged upon us, the same result would follow a certain use of the powers of the Wage Board under the Wage Act of 1925, or of other wage-fixing legislation. The method would be to fix a minimum rate for an occupation or craft so high that no Native would be likely to be employed."

It is incompetence or dishonesty for my fellow economists to deny these two effects of minimum wages: discrimination against employment of low-skilled labor and the lowering of the cost of racial discrimination.

Minimum Wage Dishonesty

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

Education Gaps Don't Fully Explain Why Black Unemployment Is So High

The economy is improving: Nationally, unemployment is about 5 percent, down from 10 percent in 2009. But for black Americans, the unemployment rate is much higher—for them, the economy is still a disaster. Unemployment among blacks was 9.5 percent during the third quarter of 2015 compared to only 4.5 percent for whites. While the discrepancy in unemployment has been volatile, the current gap is actually slightly larger than the one that existed 15 years ago or in the years directly preceding the recession.

st low-skilled workers but also is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists.

In our society, the least skilled people are youths, who lack the skills, maturity and experience of adults. Black youths not only share these handicaps but have attended grossly inferior schools and live in unstable household environments. That means higher minimum wages will have the greatest unemployment effect on youths, particularly black youths.

Our nation's first minimum wage came in the form of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, which sets minimum wages on federally financed or assisted construction projects. During the legislative debates, racist intents were obvious. Rep. John Cochran, D-Mo., said he had "received numerous complaints in recent months about Southern contractors employing low-paid colored mechanics getting work and bringing the employees from the South."

Rep. Miles Allgood, D-Ala., complained: "That contractor has cheap colored

labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country." Rep. William Upshaw, D-Ga., complained of the "superabundance or large aggregation of Negro labor."

During South Africa's apartheid era, the secretary of its avowedly ra


cist Building Workers' Union, Gert Beetge, said, "There is no job reservation left in the building industry, and in the circumstances, I support the rate for the job (minimum wage) as the second-best way of protecting our white artisans."

The South African Economic and Wage Commission of 1925 reported that "while definite exclusion of the Natives from the more remunerative fields of employment by law has not been urged upon us, the same result would follow a certain use of the powers of the Wage Board under the Wage Act of 1925, or of other wage-fixing legislation. The method would be to fix a minimum rate for an occupation or craft so high that no Native would be likely to be employed."

It is incompetence or dishonesty for my fellow economists to deny these two effects of minimum wages: discrimination against employment of low-skilled labor and the lowering of the cost of racial discrimination.

Minimum Wage Dishonesty

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

Education Gaps Don't Fully Explain Why Black Unemployment Is So High

The economy is improving: Nationally, unemployment is about 5 percent, down from 10 percent in 2009. But for black Americans, the unemployment rate is much higher—for them, the economy is still a disaster. Unemployment among blacks was 9.5 percent during the third quarter of 2015 compared to only 4.5 percent for whites. While the discrepancy in unemployment has been volatile, the current gap is actually slightly larger than the one that existed 15 years ago or in the years directly preceding the recession.

A minimum wage not only discriminates against low-skilled workers but also is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists.
A minimum wage not only discriminates against low-skilled workers but also is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists.

A minimum wage not only discriminates against low-skilled workers but also is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists.
A minimum wage not only discriminates against low-skilled workers but also is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists.

In our society, the least skilled people are youths, who lack the skills, maturity and experience of adults. Black youths not only share these handicaps but have attended grossly inferior schools and live in unstable household environments. That means higher minimum wages will have the greatest unemployment effect on youths, particularly black youths.

Our nation's first minimum wage came in the form of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, which sets minimum wages on federally financed or assisted construction projects. During the legislative debates, racist intents were obvious. Rep. John Cochran, D-Mo., said he had "received numerous complaints in recent months about Southern contractors employing low-paid colored mechanics getting work and bringing the employees from the South."

Rep. Miles Allgood, D-Ala., complained: "That contractor has cheap colored labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country." Rep. William Upshaw, D-Ga., complained of the "superabundance or large aggregation of Negro labor."

During South Africa's apartheid era, the secretary of its avowedly racist Building Workers' Union, Gert Beetge, said, "There is no job reservation left in the building industry, and in the circumstances, I support the rate for the job (minimum wage) as the second-best way of protecting our white artisans."

The South African Economic and Wage Commission of 1925 reported that "while definite exclusion of the Natives from the more remunerative fields of employment by law has not been urged upon us, the same result would follow a certain use of the powers of the Wage Board under the Wage Act of 1925, or of other wage-fixing legislation. The method would be to fix a minimum rate for an occupation or craft so high that no Native would be likely to be employed."

Minimum Wage Dishonesty

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

The black youth unemployment rate for ages 16-19 is 393% higher than the national unemployment rate, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

Education Gaps Don't Fully Explain Why Black Unemployment Is So High

The economy is improving: Nationally, unemployment is about 5 percent, down from 10 percent in 2009. But for black Americans, the unemployment rate is much higher—for them, the economy is still a disaster. Unemployment among blacks was 9.5 percent during the third quarter of 2015 compared to only 4.5 percent for whites. While the discrepancy in unemployment has been volatile, the current gap is actually slightly larger than the one that existed 15 years ago or in the years directly preceding the recession.

Education Gaps Don't Fully Explain Why Black Unemployment Is So High

On The Historically Racist Motivations Behind Minimum Wage

While our African-American President Barack Obama tries to make a minimum wage hike a moral imperative, Sowell reports no sympathy from the Congressional Black Caucus after his entreaties that currying reciprocal political favors on other matters is not “worth sacrificing whole generations of young blacks to huge rates of unemployment.” Rather than inflating wages that punish employers, a better policy solution (which Obama even included in his own budget this year) is the earned income tax credit, which puts more money in workers’ pockets and saves their jobs.
Despite Democratic bluster on this issue, they’re not the ones with the facts to match. Or as Walter Williams, an African-American, libertarian economics professor at George Mason University, puts it: “The intentions are irrelevant to the effects.”

On The Historically Racist Motivations Behind Minimum Wage
Wow, you're a true piece of shit op.

Look at Africa or south Asia to understand why I believe that of you! Corporations will pay their workers pennies per hour without the minimum wage. You're a evil person to say the least.
Wow, you're a true piece of shit op.

Look at Africa or south Asia to understand why I believe that of you! Corporations will pay their workers pennies per hour without the minimum wage. You're a evil person to say the least.
USMB Republicans suggest that the south treats their black citizens better than we do up here in places like Detroit. From this piece, I'm not so sure about that.

Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham
I cannot tell, are the left wing pieces of patronizing racist shit saying blacks have it better here than anywhere else? Honestly I cannot tell.

Can anyone decipher their double talk, or do they only make sense to each other?

I have an idea. Let us see how much the minimum wage should be. 15/hr? Why not 20/hr? How about 30/hr?

Let us see if we can get them to see the point. I love too how they bring up China etc? Are they saying we should not be shipping our factories there? How do they feel about the workers being mistreated in cuba? Are they proud of this president making deals with cuba? They arrrrre?

Interesting. What pieces of hypocritical shit.
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In 1931, The employer used the practice of hiring scabs to replace regular workers.

That practice continues today. Except, instead of cheap black labor, Companies seek out cheap foreign labor.

Note:It does not matter what race the "scab" worker were. What matter was which group was cheapest.

For instance, In some North Eastern cities, there was a time New Irish arrivals would replace native Irish workers in some occupations because they were cheaper. Tell us, how does 'race' play a role in this situation?

It does not. However Capitalism demands cheaper labor as a method to increase profits.

Does this makes capitalism a racist economic system-- actually no. Capitalism encourages exploitation for profit by creating competition in the labor market.
In 1931, The employer used the practice of hiring scabs to replace regular workers.

That practice continues today. Except, instead of cheap black labor, Companies seek out cheap foreign labor.

Note:It does not matter what race the "scab" worker were. What matter was which group was cheapest.

For instance, In some North Eastern cities, there was a time New Irish arrivals would replace native Irish workers in some occupations because they were cheaper. Tell us, how does 'race' play a role in this situation?

It does not. However Capitalism demands cheaper labor as a method to increase profits.

Does this makes capitalism a racist economic system-- actually no. Capitalism encourages exploitation for profit by creating competition in the labor market.

What Armchair said, period!

That is exactly why people who have any sense know that stopping an influx of illegals will raise wages. Take away people willing to work for less, and all of the sudden, more compensation needs to be offered to fill employee slots.

What is the population count of poor South Americans? Can we agree it is over 75 million, if not more?

So before our wages can rise under our system, if ALL of them are willing to cross the border illegally for a job, we need 75 million before we see anything happening?

Good luck with that! And you wonder why people intuitively understand that slamming the border shut to everyone that we do not allow in legally improves the economy for Americans.
The Coming Minimum Wage Catastrophe
Unions get what they want even when it leads to layoffs.
April 20, 2016
Matthew Vadum

The Left’s destructive push for a $15 an hour minimum wage threatens to make the American fast-food worker extinct while driving up the price of burgers and other dietary staples relied on by low-income consumers.

It’s actually a highly effective job-creation program – for those who manufacture robots and the touch-screen point-of-sale terminals that replace the comparatively expensive human help. White Castle, Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s, McDonald’s and plenty of other fast-food chains are already considering or making the move to get rid of their frontline employees.

The current feel-good push for a $15 an hour minimum wage has nothing to do with helping workers and everything to do with advancing the goals of the left wing, especially the labor movement. It's a vote-buying scam that moves money around on an Alinskyite chess board. The minimum wage has become a "motherhood" issue for the Left in recent years. It gets fuzzy-thinking bleeding-heart voters to the polls the way that opposition to same-sex marriage used to get conservative voters to the polls.

The "Fight for $15" movement got a massive shot in the arm in the fall of 2013 when the voters of SeaTac, a small community outside of Seattle that is home to the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, just barely approved the $15 an hour wage mandate in a referendum. “Yes” got 3,040 votes (50.64 percent); “No” got 2,963 (49.36 percent). This razor-thin victory gave leftist organizers across the country a huge morale boost and drove bands of economic illiterates to push even harder for their goal.

Hiking the mandatory hourly wage is about redistributing wealth to fat-cat labor unions and recruiting Democratic voters. It allows the gluttonous Left to gorge itself on other people's money.

So as usual, the Left is responsible for causing untold misery. As Discover the Networks’ profile page, “Left’s War on Minorities War on Minorities, the Poor, & Working Americans,” states:

“Leftists view their own prescriptions for all manner of social ills—e.g., racism, sexism, homophobia, intolerance, greed, alienation—as solutions uniquely rooted in enlightenment and decency. … But the solutions they have advanced in the form of social and ideological crusades, often prosecuted with messianic zeal, have actually brought immense, needless suffering to the very same ‘victims’ in whose names they have acted.”


The Coming Minimum Wage Catastrophe

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