Ministry intervenes to rescue feral horses


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
THE Ministry of Environment and Tourism has come to the rescue of feral horses of the Namib-Naukluft Park which are on the verge of extinction because of predation by hyenas.

The ministry's chief public relations officer, Romeo Muyunda, yesterday told The Namibian that they have prioritised the safety of these horses since they became aware of their predicament through the Namibia Wild Horses Foundation.

“We have committed ourselves to capturing and removing the hyenas since last year. We started the process in December, but our efforts were hampered by the fact that staff had to go for holidays. Now that the staff members are back in the field, they are working on capturing the hyenas so that they are removed from the Nauklauft park,” he stated.
Ministry intervenes to rescue feral horses - The Namibian

Ok, since I didn't know about the horses I had to look them up.

And this is more on their origin here: Origin

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