Minneapolis lawmakers vow to disband police department in historic move

You couldn't pay me to buy a home where my mother n law lived........nor where I grew up.........

I actually thought about buying the house....MY PARENTS HOUSE...not the mother n laws house.......but the crime was just too bad............couldn't do it.......

Right before it sold..........they cut the liner in the pool with a dolly......after breaking into the barn.........busted up every thing.......................

They didn't steal.........they just broke shit up............the pool was contracted for repair in the sell.......to a black man with a VA loan..........we refused to fix it before hand.........said will have it in the sell but NOT UNTIL THE SELL..........aka........we aren't gonna fix it to have it tore again waiting on the sell.
We grew up in and around Ferguson. Yes that Ferguson. No fking way would I ever go back there. EVAH!!!! Yep, the blacks destroyed my home town. BTW, showing how truly black lives don't matter.
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You couldn't pay me to buy a home where my mother n law lived........nor where I grew up.........

I actually thought about buying the house....MY PARENTS HOUSE...not the mother n laws house.......but the crime was just too bad............couldn't do it.......

Right before it sold..........they cut the liner in the pool with a dolly......after breaking into the barn.........busted up every thing.......................

They didn't steal.........they just broke shit up............the pool was contracted for repair in the sell.......to a black man with a VA loan..........we refused to fix it before hand.........said will have it in the sell but NOT UNTIL THE SELL..........aka........we aren't gonna fix it to have it tore again waiting on the sell.
We grew up in and around Ferguson. Yes that Ferguson. No fking way would I ever go back there. EVAH!!!! Yep, the blacks destroyed my home town.
They destroyed where I grew up..........shopped........where my wife grew up..........

I remember when they were great places..........now they are SHIT HOLES.......

They killed my Mother N Laws neighbor for about $150 worth of prescription drugs....in his own damned bed.............It was only then that we finally convinced her to move..............She said she lived their her whole life............and was gonna die there..............after the neighbor died she finally gave up.
No I don't.
Do you know what it feels like to be brutalized by a cop because of the color of your skin?

Was arrested plenty of times in my youth.

Been subdued in a couple of those.

Mostly by white officers but once by a couple of black MPs.

Pretty sure they were just doing their job and I was the asshole.

If I had calmed down and stopped fighting everything would have been completely fine.

I'm an old man now...and see things differently.

These cops have the same fights... hear the same lies...deal with the same human scum wrapped in different packages every day. White/black...I don't think that's the problem.

Black officers beat black criminals. White officers beat white criminals. Is it race or is out they get cynical, jaded, and burnt out?

Some of it is bad cops...some is poor training. But imagine how angry you are...and have you taken a beating from the cops? You never said.

Well those cops take a beating from criminals resisting arrest what...every week? Twice a week? Every day? Think about it...how angry you are...and translate that into how angry they must be.
No I don't.
Do you know what it feels like to be brutalized by a cop because of the color of your skin?

Was arrested plenty of times in my youth.

Been subdued in a couple of those.

Mostly by white officers but once by a couple of black MPs.

Pretty sure they were just doing their job and I was the asshole.

If I had calmed down and stopped fighting everything would have been completely fine.

I'm an old man now...and see things differently.

These cops have the same fights... hear the same lies...deal with the same human scum wrapped in different packages every day. White/black...I don't think that's the problem.

Black officers beat black criminals. White officers beat white criminals. Is it race or is out they get cynical, jaded, and burnt out?

Some of it is bad cops...some is poor training. But imagine how angry you are...and have you taken a beating from the cops? You never said.

Well those cops take a beating from criminals resisting arrest what...every week? Twice a week? Every day? Think about it...how angry you are...and translate that into how angry they must be.
maybe some cops have fellow cops who have been shot in the head for eating lunch in their squad cars.
A ridiculous overreaction.

I agree. If they did do away with their police department then everyone would be on their own. Hope some of them have guns to defend themselves with.

Without police you will have gangs running throughout the city taking what they want and killing who they want.

Hope the citizens enjoy.
The stats don't lie. After Freddie Gray and Baltimore police backing off in 2015 well over 100+ more blacks have died in the city each year since. This year Baltimore is on pace for over 348 homicides. which is almost 150 over the 2014 number prior to Freddie Gray. Removing police will have the opposite affect in Minnesota. BLM and the kneeling is going to get more blacks killed. The stats don't lie.


There's the ticket...police are bad, not individuals who become officers

Fuck, let's just do away with the justice system

Everyone for themselves

Let them. Hope those lawmakers are ready to take up the slack to defend the citizens. Oh wait. I forgot. They are lawmakers and none of them have the brains to be a police officer. Never mind. LOL
The stats don't lie. After Freddie Gray and Baltimore police backing off in 2015 well over 100+ more blacks have died in the city each year since. This year Baltimore is on pace for over 348 homicides. which is almost 150 over the 2014 number prior to Freddie Gray. Removing police will have the opposite affect in Minnesota. BLM and the kneeling is going to get more blacks killed. The stats don't lie.
that is true for every demofk plantation. cops back off, more black lives lost. So black lives don't matter. They really don't like blacks.
A ridiculous overreaction.
And it ain't gonna happen! Why anyone pretends it will, or elimination Is even an option, is lunacy.

Sure, things may change a little, a so called, rethinking of how our police force runs itself... but the police force will always be there.... even if by another name.
I hope it does happen

the results will be informative
Of course you would.... :rolleyes:
The stats don't lie. After Freddie Gray and Baltimore police backing off in 2015 well over 100+ more blacks have died in the city each year since. This year Baltimore is on pace for over 348 homicides. which is almost 150 over the 2014 number prior to Freddie Gray. Removing police will have the opposite affect in Minnesota. BLM and the kneeling is going to get more blacks killed. The stats don't lie.
that is true for every demofk plantation. cops back off, more black lives lost. So black lives don't matter. They really don't like blacks.

Exactly. The last thing blacks have to worry about is getting killed by a cop (especially if they don't resist arrest if they choose crime). It's other blacks they have to worry about. BLM is a lie.
A ridiculous overreaction.
And it ain't gonna happen! Why anyone pretends it will, or elimination Is even an option, is lunacy.

Sure, things may change a little, a so called, rethinking of how our police force runs itself... but the police force will always be there.... even if by another name.
I hope it does happen

the results will be informative
Of course you would.... :rolleyes:
don't you want them to get what they're protesting for? wow.
A ridiculous overreaction.
And it ain't gonna happen! Why anyone pretends it will, or elimination Is even an option, is lunacy.

Sure, things may change a little, a so called, rethinking of how our police force runs itself... but the police force will always be there.... even if by another name.
I hope it does happen

the results will be informative
Of course you would.... :rolleyes:
I think most of the libs giving lip-service to this idea are just grandstanding and have no intention of actually doing it

but there exists a core of true radicals that could wind up running the show

so dont think its out of the question

I shopped the malls near there as a kid..............Crime was small.........now a 17 year old gets shot while walking her baby in a stroller.............

You can't pay someone to take the homes there anymore.

I bought gas there as a kid.............same dang area...........Hardware store near there I used to shop at for my wife's mom.

It had very little crime when I was a kid..............We shopped there........walked down and shopped the mall area.........

You can go there now if you have a death wish.

Do you know what it feels like to be brutalized by a cop because of the color of your skin?
I am not a black person, but I do have an idea of what its like to be under a certain microscope because of the skin color issue and to me, because not everyone is racist, those who have nothing to do with other people's prejudice should be left alone. In other words, regardless of whether or not someone carries a badge, lumping good people in there with those who are bad isn't going to do anyone any favors. All that you can do is what ever you legally can do to make sure that those who do walk over illegal lines do not get away with it.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (formerly known as Casper in junior high)

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