Minneapolis Mayor Tries to Shut Down Trump Rally With ‘Outrageous’ Security Fee

Fascism 101.

The Leftard mayor wants 26 times the cost charged to Obama’s rally.

The Left are terrified to let people have a choice.

Pitchforks and torches.

Trump campaign: ‘Radical leftist’ mayor trying to shut down Minneapolis rally

Meanwhile In Mogadishu Minneapolis...


Fascism 101.

The Leftard mayor wants 26 times the cost charged to Obama’s rally.

The Left are terrified to let people have a choice.

Pitchforks and torches.

Trump campaign: ‘Radical leftist’ mayor trying to shut down Minneapolis rally

Meanwhile In Mogadishu Minneapolis...

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Yes, there are murders in Minneapolis by all ethnic groups.
Secondly, your second picture is home a homeless camp, which there were no Muslims, it was primary Native Americans. but,,,
$11.2 million Minneapolis project to help house homeless – Twin Cities
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all idiots because we want to enforce the laws and preserve our society. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go blow a goat.

Superficial garbage. We allow idiots like you to speak for America, when you clearly don't respect or represent either. You haven't been shot dead in the streets for airing your brand of partisan stupidity because America still respects our constitution. If any of our constitutional rights don't remain fully preserved, people like you are going to be super fucked.
You don't know anything about the Constitution. If you respected the Constitution you wouldn't be speaking like you are against the President.

More bullshit. I respect the office. I don't respect the traitor sitting in the chair. After all, he doesn't respect the people he works for, so I use my constitutional right to say so, snowflake.
He's working for me and I think he's the best. Maybe it's because you're a whiney sniveling brat.

Maybe you're just an idiot.
Yeah, we're all idiots. Move to Canada.
Bull crap. He has been charged double, triple even moer than quadruple others have been charged. And there are threads on here showing the outrageous fees he has been charged per hour vs his opponents.

A tale of 2 invoices: O'Rourke pays El Paso, while Trump's campaign owes $470,000

Face it Little Trumpeters,Trump has a long history of stiffing people.
Six bankruptcies, hundred of judgements against him and US banks won't give him loans, thus his banking overseas. He has screwed over banks, businesses contractors and workers.
Trump is a deadbeat, period. Always has been a deadbeat and always will be a deadbeat.
I don't blame Minneapolis for not wanting to get screwed over.and wanting the money up front.
But Little Trumpsters don't give a shit how many taxpayers Trump fucks over. A real classy bunch of supporters who will defend their God over country and the real God.
Trumpsters. Are you like 10?
Brazile says Obama left DNC in deep debt; Clinton camp controlled party finances before 2016 primary
“Officials from Hillary’s campaign had taken a look at the DNC’s books,” Ms. Brazile said. “Obama left the party $24 million in debt — $15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly.”

Yes, I'm very aware of Obama's history.
But this thread is about Trump/Minneapolis.
Which is? The facts they wanted to charge him outrageous fees he isn’t even obligated to pay.

The amount that Minneapolis quoted Team Trump, was a pro-rated amount based on the Super Bowl and the Final Four, which occurred in Minneapolis in 2018 and 2019.
Will you admit Trump is a factual deadbeat? Would you borrow Trump your years income, on a promise to pay you back? :2up:
Yet again, you delve awwy from the topic at hand. ‘do as I say, not as I do’.
Trump is no deadbeat. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy. If you want to include entities with his name on them, we can go down that road, and I can show you many companies that have filed bankruptcies over the years.
Face it Little Trumpeters,Trump has a long history of stiffing people.
Six bankruptcies, hundred of judgements against him and US banks won't give him loans, thus his banking overseas. He has screwed over banks, businesses contractors and workers.
Trump is a deadbeat, period. Always has been a deadbeat and always will be a deadbeat.
I don't blame Minneapolis for not wanting to get screwed over.and wanting the money up front.
But Little Trumpsters don't give a shit how many taxpayers Trump fucks over. A real classy bunch of supporters who will defend their God over country and the real God.
Trumpsters. Are you like 10?
Brazile says Obama left DNC in deep debt; Clinton camp controlled party finances before 2016 primary
“Officials from Hillary’s campaign had taken a look at the DNC’s books,” Ms. Brazile said. “Obama left the party $24 million in debt — $15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly.”

Yes, I'm very aware of Obama's history.
But this thread is about Trump/Minneapolis.
Which is? The facts they wanted to charge him outrageous fees he isn’t even obligated to pay.

The amount that Minneapolis quoted Team Trump, was a pro-rated amount based on the Super Bowl and the Final Four, which occurred in Minneapolis in 2018 and 2019.
Will you admit Trump is a factual deadbeat? Would you borrow Trump your years income, on a promise to pay you back? :2up:
Yet again, you delve awwy from the topic at hand. ‘do as I say, not as I do’.
Trump is no deadbeat. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy. If you want to include entities with his name on them, we can go down that road, and I can show you many companies that have filed bankruptcies over the years.
Trump ran his companies that declared bankruptcy, he was the final decision maker and as everyone knows he was very hands on.
You're in denial of factual reality.
doesn't matter. you can't increase the costs like that just cause you don't like someone.

If I'm the venue owner I certainly can. I would price myself out of doing business with someone with a deadbeat reputation like Orange. I stay away from bad business investments.
Slander is all you Leftards have to offer.

As a clueless winger like yourself calls me 'leftard' without even the slightest sense of irony. :spinner:

You are a Stalinst, a Fascist dedicated to crushing all civil rights.

You have your party, it leaves no room for honor or integrity.

Do not lecture me on honor or integrity.

You are a Stalinist, you have neither honor nor integrity.
Superficial garbage. We allow idiots like you to speak for America, when you clearly don't respect or represent either. You haven't been shot dead in the streets for airing your brand of partisan stupidity because America still respects our constitution. If any of our constitutional rights don't remain fully preserved, people like you are going to be super fucked.
You don't know anything about the Constitution. If you respected the Constitution you wouldn't be speaking like you are against the President.

More bullshit. I respect the office. I don't respect the traitor sitting in the chair. After all, he doesn't respect the people he works for, so I use my constitutional right to say so, snowflake.
He's working for me and I think he's the best. Maybe it's because you're a whiney sniveling brat.

Maybe you're just an idiot.
Yeah, we're all idiots. Move to Canada.

You don't get it, retard. My life is pretty much set.at this point to where I don't need to move anywhere else. Most of the rest of the country doesn't have what I have. You'll never understand that, and it's on purpose. You're just another Cult45 reject. That Orange cock ain't gonna suck itself, so you'd better get busy, snowflake.
If I'm the venue owner I certainly can. I would price myself out of doing business with someone with a deadbeat reputation like Orange. I stay away from bad business investments.
Slander is all you Leftards have to offer.

As a clueless winger like yourself calls me 'leftard' without even the slightest sense of irony. :spinner:

You are a Stalinst, a Fascist dedicated to crushing all civil rights.

You have your party, it leaves no room for honor or integrity.

Do not lecture me on honor or integrity.

You are a Stalinist, you have neither honor nor integrity.

No, you are just a bad faith customer eschewing ignorant political points of view upon me because it gets your rocks hard, snowflake. Go find a nice, warm spot to go fuck yourself.
You don't know anything about the Constitution. If you respected the Constitution you wouldn't be speaking like you are against the President.

More bullshit. I respect the office. I don't respect the traitor sitting in the chair. After all, he doesn't respect the people he works for, so I use my constitutional right to say so, snowflake.
He's working for me and I think he's the best. Maybe it's because you're a whiney sniveling brat.

Maybe you're just an idiot.
Yeah, we're all idiots. Move to Canada.

You don't get it, retard. My life is pretty much set.at this point to where I don't need to move anywhere else. Most of the rest of the country doesn't have what I have. You'll never understand that, and it's on purpose. You're just another Cult45 reject. That Orange cock ain't gonna suck itself, so you'd better get busy, snowflake.
Oh, that's nasty. Typical filthy corrupt loser trash talk. Get out of our country.
So, you're okay with politicians using government to crush free speech/assembly with politically-motivated financial roadblocks?

Okay with it? No, but I can't be 'okay' with every issue that's well beyond my control. Every issue no matter how big or small seems to be politically biased these days. It's reality. There are no real winners here. Nor is there anything that you or I can do about it.

You would be okay with Texas passing a law that all Democrat political activities are illegal unless thy pay $40,000,000 for each separate event?

Not a very realistic example because it would be unconstitutional.
Slander is all you Leftards have to offer.

As a clueless winger like yourself calls me 'leftard' without even the slightest sense of irony. :spinner:

You are a Stalinst, a Fascist dedicated to crushing all civil rights.

You have your party, it leaves no room for honor or integrity.

Do not lecture me on honor or integrity.

You are a Stalinist, you have neither honor nor integrity.

No, you are just a bad faith customer eschewing ignorant political points of view upon me because it gets your rocks hard, snowflake. Go find a nice, warm spot to go fuck yourself.

False. You are a Stalinist with zero honor and zero integrity waging civil war on the Constitution of the United States because the ONLY law to you is "serve the party." That Potentate Obamugabe corrupted the FBI to spy on his political opponent and rig the election doesn't bother in the least, he was serving the party, obeying the ONLY law you recognize. Sure, he was shitting all over the Constitution, but you have no loyalty to that, only the party matters.

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