Minnesota Freedom Fund that Kamala Harris supports & promoted has been bailing out VIOLENT criminals.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
.........but what about the police????!!!!!!! you people burn/loot/murder not only BEFORE the investigation, but when they are found INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..look at Taylor's parents!!!! they don't accept the fair/legal verdict!!!!!
you people?

I never burned looted or rioted in my life.

And the OP did not specify that this was solely about rioters, looters and arsonists did it?

But I see you people are too narrow monded to discuss larger issues and therefore have to dumb it all down to somethuing you can wrap your tiny minds around
This thread is about Kamalas support of bailing out VIOLENT MEN.

If you wanna discuss "larger issues" go start your own fucking thread.
Men who have not been convicted of any crime whatsoever.

If the judge sets bail and it is paid then the law is not compromised at all.

And that you think it is then you are commenting on the larger issue
that's the system..whites are jailed also without a trial/etc
And you're OK with that I get it.

Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.
That makes YOU a fool.

My grandmother bailed me out twice before the judge set my bail so high she couldn't afford it.

The result?
Several people hospitalized and a lot of property destroyed.

People like you are suckers and almost deserve the bad luck that could befall you for your ignorance.

So you're an asshole who takes advantage of his grandmother.

That makes you an authority n the justice system?

Your absolutely insane plan of having no one in jail that is not convicted does not rise to the level of analysis that a five year old has regarding the topic.

Letting murderers and other on the street who are clearly intent on harming others because there has not yet been a trial is a completely insane idea.
OK where did I say "no one" who is not convicted should be in jail.

You are fabricating an argument and attributing it to me. Or IOW you are being a lying sack of shit.

I said there are hundreds of thousands of people in jail who have not been convicted of any crime. But you seem to be OK with that.
Well they loved Hillary............who laughed about getting a rapist off the hook........

What has changed?
I laughed also when I read about the prosecutors bumbling nature in Springdale, Arkansass..Back when it actually happened.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
.........but what about the police????!!!!!!! you people burn/loot/murder not only BEFORE the investigation, but when they are found INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..look at Taylor's parents!!!! they don't accept the fair/legal verdict!!!!!
you people?

I never burned looted or rioted in my life.

And the OP did not specify that this was solely about rioters, looters and arsonists did it?

But I see you people are too narrow monded to discuss larger issues and therefore have to dumb it all down to somethuing you can wrap your tiny minds around
This thread is about Kamalas support of bailing out VIOLENT MEN.

If you wanna discuss "larger issues" go start your own fucking thread.
Men who have not been convicted of any crime whatsoever.

If the judge sets bail and it is paid then the law is not compromised at all.

And that you think it is then you are commenting on the larger issue
that's the system..whites are jailed also without a trial/etc
And you're OK with that I get it.

Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.
That makes YOU a fool.

My grandmother bailed me out twice before the judge set my bail so high she couldn't afford it.

The result?
Several people hospitalized and a lot of property destroyed.

People like you are suckers and almost deserve the bad luck that could befall you for your ignorance.

So you're an asshole who takes advantage of his grandmother.

That makes you an authority n the justice system?
I was an asshole. A violent one. Just like the criminals Kamala supports bailing out.

NOW do you get it???

And yes, I know far more about the justice system than you because I lived it. Every aspect of it.
Then I should treat you like any other violent piece of shit even though it violates the Constitution.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
On the contrary. Give em their trials, AGAIN, then when they are let out again and rape YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER you can consider your feelings important

Hot shots with money get out of jail don't they?? Suspected rapists and murderers?
hahahha you fked up--OJ didn't

well do you think the poor should sit in jail and rot??

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
DNC threw that out a long time ago...........spare me the Drama


I never said anything supporting the DNC did I?
And yet the DNC funding legal for violent criminals is the point of the op.........kinda implied now isn't it......................Did she join the the RNC without me noticing it.......
What about innocent until proven guilty do you not understand?

Accused of a crime does not equal convicted of a crime.

And a general comment about our Constitutional rights is not an endorsement of any political party.

In case you haven't noticed, neither party gives 2 shits about the constitution

The Judge decides BAIL not you dummy............those accused with sufficient evidence will get no bail.........so they can't flee or kill again..........

Their rights don't end where ours begin................Kinda like saying Charles Manson should have never been held til trial

Sell your ISM somewhere else.

Yes I can see why you dislike Constitutionalism
How is that a violation...........aka ........go into a murder scene ........police find a guy holding a bloody knife at the scene........should the judge let him go.....

lmao..........The Judge decides if he is a risk to flee or kill again.........he still gets a trial.
Cherry picking.

So tell me do you honestly think the hundreds of thousands of people in prison right now who have not been convicted of any crime are all there because they murdered someone?
I'm telling you how the system works..........and letting go a suspected murderer or rapist pending trial is stupid.......

That is up to a judge..............not me or you......and that is the LAW.........if the judge fucks up then time to get rid of him via impeachment.

now show me the judges you want impeached........other than Kav.......lmao
And I am telling you that is how it is supposed to work but as is often the case reality is a far cry from the ideal

The fact is there are hundreds of thousands of people in jail right now who have not been convicted of any crime and many of them will be there for long periods of time , even years, before they see a trial
And............hire more judges then..........There is no perfect system...........some shit will happen.......but it is still a judgement call on bail...........and done so to stop them from escaping justice or trial.............that is up to the judge............if you have a problem then you need to point out the judges who need to be impeached.

SO you really don't give a shit what's wrong with our so called justice system do you?

And the eighth amendment says excessive bail shall not be required.

So the fact is all these people who are in jail awaiting trial and cannot afford bail have had excessive bails put upon them.

And you don't know the name and record of every judge in the country do you?

I am commenting on the system and you want to cherry pick individual cases.

individual cases....kinda the point moron.........sorry a guy sticking a fork into a stomach.........aka.....manson doesn't compare to a kid stealing a candy bar..

One you don't release......other you call dad and tell him to bring his belt.
Tell you what then you look up the cases for the over 500,000 people in jail right now that have not been convicted of any crime and tell me why they should be held in prison even though they have not been convicted

How about you tell me what in the hell as this to do with Kamala paying the bail of criminals first?

If the bail hill is what you want to die on, make your own thread.
Nothing. He clearly just wants to protect her by changing the subject.

People who support no bail releases are really dumb. All facets of crime will increase.

You know what I'm sick of this,

Poorer people can sit in jail and rot

the people with money can get out of jail.

We have 2 different justices systems, poor that sit in jail
and wealthy ones that do not.
Bail is proportional to the crime dear. An individuals status in life is rarely taken into account unless they are filthy rich and then the bails are set astronomically high.

This idea that the poor can't make bail is stupid and flies in the face of logic. Goto any county jail and watch the revolving door.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
.........but what about the police????!!!!!!! you people burn/loot/murder not only BEFORE the investigation, but when they are found INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..look at Taylor's parents!!!! they don't accept the fair/legal verdict!!!!!
you people?

I never burned looted or rioted in my life.

And the OP did not specify that this was solely about rioters, looters and arsonists did it?

But I see you people are too narrow monded to discuss larger issues and therefore have to dumb it all down to somethuing you can wrap your tiny minds around
This thread is about Kamalas support of bailing out VIOLENT MEN.

If you wanna discuss "larger issues" go start your own fucking thread.
Men who have not been convicted of any crime whatsoever.

If the judge sets bail and it is paid then the law is not compromised at all.

And that you think it is then you are commenting on the larger issue
that's the system..whites are jailed also without a trial/etc
And you're OK with that I get it.

Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.
That makes YOU a fool.

My grandmother bailed me out twice before the judge set my bail so high she couldn't afford it.

The result?
Several people hospitalized and a lot of property destroyed.

People like you are suckers and almost deserve the bad luck that could befall you for your ignorance.

So you're an asshole who takes advantage of his grandmother.

That makes you an authority n the justice system?
I was an asshole. A violent one. Just like the criminals Kamala supports bailing out.

NOW do you get it???

And yes, I know far more about the justice system than you because I lived it. Every aspect of it.
Then I should treat you like any other violent piece of shit even though it violates the Constitution.
There are no constutitional protections to prevent you from acting that way. Be my guest.
It would just further prove the duplicity of the left.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
.........but what about the police????!!!!!!! you people burn/loot/murder not only BEFORE the investigation, but when they are found INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..look at Taylor's parents!!!! they don't accept the fair/legal verdict!!!!!
you people?

I never burned looted or rioted in my life.

And the OP did not specify that this was solely about rioters, looters and arsonists did it?

But I see you people are too narrow monded to discuss larger issues and therefore have to dumb it all down to somethuing you can wrap your tiny minds around
This thread is about Kamalas support of bailing out VIOLENT MEN.

If you wanna discuss "larger issues" go start your own fucking thread.
Men who have not been convicted of any crime whatsoever.

If the judge sets bail and it is paid then the law is not compromised at all.

And that you think it is then you are commenting on the larger issue
that's the system..whites are jailed also without a trial/etc
And you're OK with that I get it.

Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.
That makes YOU a fool.

My grandmother bailed me out twice before the judge set my bail so high she couldn't afford it.

The result?
Several people hospitalized and a lot of property destroyed.

People like you are suckers and almost deserve the bad luck that could befall you for your ignorance.

So you're an asshole who takes advantage of his grandmother.

That makes you an authority n the justice system?

Your absolutely insane plan of having no one in jail that is not convicted does not rise to the level of analysis that a five year old has regarding the topic.

Letting murderers and other on the street who are clearly intent on harming others because there has not yet been a trial is a completely insane idea.
OK where did I say "no one" who is not convicted should be in jail.

You are fabricating an argument and attributing it to me. Or IOW you are being a lying sack of shit.

I said there are hundreds of thousands of people in jail who have not been convicted of any crime. But you seem to be OK with that.

It was about... few minutes ago that you said that.

Blues Man said:
Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
.........but what about the police????!!!!!!! you people burn/loot/murder not only BEFORE the investigation, but when they are found INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..look at Taylor's parents!!!! they don't accept the fair/legal verdict!!!!!
you people?

I never burned looted or rioted in my life.

And the OP did not specify that this was solely about rioters, looters and arsonists did it?

But I see you people are too narrow monded to discuss larger issues and therefore have to dumb it all down to somethuing you can wrap your tiny minds around
This thread is about Kamalas support of bailing out VIOLENT MEN.

If you wanna discuss "larger issues" go start your own fucking thread.
Men who have not been convicted of any crime whatsoever.

If the judge sets bail and it is paid then the law is not compromised at all.

And that you think it is then you are commenting on the larger issue
that's the system..whites are jailed also without a trial/etc
And you're OK with that I get it.

Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.
That makes YOU a fool.

My grandmother bailed me out twice before the judge set my bail so high she couldn't afford it.

The result?
Several people hospitalized and a lot of property destroyed.

People like you are suckers and almost deserve the bad luck that could befall you for your ignorance.

So you're an asshole who takes advantage of his grandmother.

That makes you an authority n the justice system?

Your absolutely insane plan of having no one in jail that is not convicted does not rise to the level of analysis that a five year old has regarding the topic.

Letting murderers and other on the street who are clearly intent on harming others because there has not yet been a trial is a completely insane idea.
OK where did I say "no one" who is not convicted should be in jail.

You are fabricating an argument and attributing it to me. Or IOW you are being a lying sack of shit.

I said there are hundreds of thousands of people in jail who have not been convicted of any crime. But you seem to be OK with that.

It was about... few minutes ago that you said that. Don't start back pedaling now.

Blues Man said:
Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
On the contrary. Give em their trials, AGAIN, then when they are let out again and rape YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER you can consider your feelings important

Hot shots with money get out of jail don't they?? Suspected rapists and murderers?
....rich whites get held also...many factors involved
Robert Durst

Menebdez Brothers

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
On the contrary. Give em their trials, AGAIN, then when they are let out again and rape YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER you can consider your feelings important

Hot shots with money get out of jail don't they?? Suspected rapists and murderers?
hahahha you fked up--OJ didn't

well do you think the poor should sit in jail and rot??
.....if it's good for the rich, it's good for the poor
there are many factors involved .....
Bail bondsman get people out of jail does that make them bad people also?
Most of you have never heard of the Freedom Fund:

The Minnesota Freedom Fund is a bail fund in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was founded in 2016. The organization pays bail for people who have been arrested and are awaiting trial. The group's executive director Tonja Honsey said that the average amount of money needed by recipients of the fund was $150.[1] Bail amounts of $78, the surcharge cost of Hennepin County court fees, are also common.[2] The organization supports abolition of bail fees.[2]

The Minnesota Freedom Fund was founded in 2016 by Simon Cecil, a graduate student at the University of Minnesota who received a $5,000 grant through the university's Carlson School of Management and a further $5,000 from a business competition, the Acara Challenge. By April 2017, the organization reported having posted bail for 33 people, all but two of whom had attended their trial.[2] In 2018, the fund paid $9,464 across 113 bail cases.[3] By March 2020, the group reported having provided bail money in 500 cases, including a limited number of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers.[4]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the group sought the release of more inmates, concerned about the virus spreading rapidly throughout the prison population. It removed its upper limit of $1,000 in bail payments.[4]

Following the killing of George Floyd in May 2020, the fund received $20 million in donations over a four-day period,[5] public postings of donations to the group becoming popular on Twitter.[1] On June 2, 2020, the group temporarily suspended further donations, suggesting that visitors to their website donate to the non-profits Black Visions Collective, Reclaim the Block, Rebuild Lake Street, Northstar Health Collective or West Broadway Business and Area Coalition. The fund said that they would prioritize bail for people who have been detained in connection with the George Floyd protests.[3]
..blacks being incarcerated/held without bail at higher rates is a MYTH--like police brutality
...they commit crimes at higher rates
..if anything, they are held at a LOWER rate compared to their crime rate

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
"By our board standards" she's a pedophile, marches with Satan, is a communist, hates America, loves Hitler, wants to burn everything down, supports sex crimes, and crime in general, is corrupt, is a man, isn't really black, and wasn't born in the US.
She will do you for a vote........bro.........hearde the line for it is long.........have fun.
I don't do chimps.
How about baboons?

That's how the Africans got ebola. :08621:

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
.........but what about the police????!!!!!!! you people burn/loot/murder not only BEFORE the investigation, but when they are found INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..look at Taylor's parents!!!! they don't accept the fair/legal verdict!!!!!
you people?

I never burned looted or rioted in my life.

And the OP did not specify that this was solely about rioters, looters and arsonists did it?

But I see you people are too narrow monded to discuss larger issues and therefore have to dumb it all down to somethuing you can wrap your tiny minds around
This thread is about Kamalas support of bailing out VIOLENT MEN.

If you wanna discuss "larger issues" go start your own fucking thread.
Men who have not been convicted of any crime whatsoever.

If the judge sets bail and it is paid then the law is not compromised at all.

And that you think it is then you are commenting on the larger issue
that's the system..whites are jailed also without a trial/etc
And you're OK with that I get it.

Unlike you I don't think people who have not been convicted of a crime should be incarcerated.
That makes YOU a fool.

My grandmother bailed me out twice before the judge set my bail so high she couldn't afford it.

The result?
Several people hospitalized and a lot of property destroyed.

People like you are suckers and almost deserve the bad luck that could befall you for your ignorance.

So you're an asshole who takes advantage of his grandmother.

That makes you an authority n the justice system?
I was an asshole. A violent one. Just like the criminals Kamala supports bailing out.

NOW do you get it???

And yes, I know far more about the justice system than you because I lived it. Every aspect of it.
Then I should treat you like any other violent piece of shit even though it violates the Constitution.
There are no constutitional protections to prevent you from acting that way. Be my guest.
It would just further prove the duplicity of the left.
Following the Constitution is not duplicitous.

Acting on the belief that people are innocent until proven guilty is not duplicitous

By our board standards I guess this means she supports domestic abuse no? Of the 6 men bailed out after domestic violence only one did not have previous domestic violence convictions. Two of the men strangled their victims.

Wonder if the media will question Kamala about her support for this group and their support for men who beat women?

Do we really need a radical of her nature one mental breakdown away from the office of the Presidency.....
You seem not to understand the innocent until proven guilty aspect of out justice system.
On the contrary. Give em their trials, AGAIN, then when they are let out again and rape YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER you can consider your feelings important

Hot shots with money get out of jail don't they?? Suspected rapists and murderers?
hahahha you fked up--OJ didn't

well do you think the poor should sit in jail and rot??
ANOTHER RICH, white guy --no bail

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