Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
5x a day?.....i lived by a catholic church they did not ring them 5x a day every day.....

That is a fair point, although, I would gather mosques are generally located in areas populated with Muslims. It may become an annoyance to those who aren't, but I guess time will tell how much of a nuisance it really is.
Minnesota is intent upon becoming the most radical state in nation, fully mandating child sexual mutilation, not informing parents of schools changing a boy/girls gender, and now this,

I would be incredibly annoyed by this. It's not the end of the world or anything, but religion intruding into peoples lives who don't want it to is a problem to me. Some above mentioned church bells; where I live there are churches everywhere and none of them sound any bells. The bells I have heard in other places are less intrusive than a person wailing religious nonsense over loudspeakers 5 times a day.
Since Islam is incompatible with our constitutional republic and western civilization generally, such an action tends to undermine our nation and should not be allowed in any form whatsoever. Sure, we allow people here to freely exercise their own religion. But the government sanction of this bullshit is tantamount to the violation of the establishment clause. There are far less Christian actions sanctioned by the state which have violated the Establishment Clause. Moreover, the constitution is not a suicide pact. Implicit in the constitution, like in any other founding charter, is the intention to preserve and promote itself, not allow matters that are harmful to it. And we certainly know that SOME Islam can be very harmful to western nations. Islam has been a major problem for the west for hundreds of years. So, this is one of those things that tend to stir up people to express and act on anti-American sentiment. I propose that the free exercise clause does not have to fall on the sword of Islam in order for it to be a legitimate and enduring light of freedom and the western world.
Fuck Constantinople...Retake Minneapolis!

Islam is an aggressive supremacist political ideology that seeks the total domination of all other people.

What a feather in it's cap that it now has a stronghold in Minnesota. From there, it will demand ever increasing privileges from the dhimmi until the locals are completely subjugated.

This giant cult built upon the screed of a mass murdering rapist warlord has followed the same pattern for fifteen hundred years.

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