Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
C'mon, Bolo, you can do better than that!
I bet he can. And I don't even know who he is.
Would you invite Nazis here to start Hitler Admiration clubs?
We already have Nazis here. And if they want to have Hitler Admiration clubs, they're free to do so. That doesn't break any laws. Are you familiar with "the rule of law"? Do you know how that works? One of its most basic principles is that if no law exists prohibiting an act, then that act is legal. No one gets to make up laws on the run.
How blind you must be to openly except(sic) people whose way of life is totally incompatible with western values while worrying that people who vote republican are domestic terrorists.
How bigoted you must be to put restrictions on who can come to this country that exist nowhere in the Constitution.
Yours is the true cult.
I don't think anyone here is in a cult.
I have no problem with Muslims or anyone else moving here, in fact, I'm a great student of eastern ideology and religion
That does not align with your earlier statements
but I'm not stupid enough to let mass quantities take over my country just as Europe have literally let muslims take over.
That certainly sounds as if you DO have a problem with Muslims. And with the freedom of religion found in the First Amendment.
In many sections, you don't even dare enter as a non-muslim for fear of getting beaten or killed.
That is false. That was false when Trump spewed it and it remains false to this day.
You are supposed to move to a country and live by THEIR rules, not go there and insert your own merely taking their land.
So you don't believe in freedom of religion?
Muslims live by Sharia Law and as their number increases, they will try to take over our court system and adapt it to fit them
And how will they do that? Laws that do not accord with the Consitution are not allowed even if EVERY US citizen favors them. Do you think Muslims will amend the Constitution to make Islam the official state religion?
,just as your blind progressivism has allowed China to buy up all of our businesses and property and land.
All of it? They don't own mine.
Are you really that blind to think that the same people who issue fatwas around the world to have people killed for saying Mohammad out of context are just benign visitors?
Fatwas are not issued by the Islamic public and I think happen far less frequently than you seem to imagine. There are a number of sins for which the Bible calls for execution and there are a few Christian religious leaders that believe such commands should be enforced. Someone on this forum just today suggested that all Democrats should be burned to death and quoted scripture in the same post.
Now China is directing our social, foreign and economic policy.
No, they are not.
It's not xenophobia to protect yourself and your country and way of life.
What you have expressed here is xenophobia and anti-Constitutional religious bigotry
You are either dimwitted or a deliberate anarchist.
I'd say he was a better American.
I bet you're not even very old.
I bet you are.
Yours is the sheer stupidity to just wantonly give your land and space and nation away to people who mean you no good.
Yours is to think you can identify evil with a test of faith and that such behavior is part and parcel of the proper American "way of life"
I'm not talking about the average muslim on the street, I'm talking about the organizers who will quietly slip in behind them and start directing things getting politically involved.
Yes, you have no argument with the Muslim people, only with Muslims who demand to be treated as fellow human beings. Got it.
I feel sad for you. Worse for the America you are destroying.
Every single thing you have argued for here is a blatant violation of the US Constitution. Guess who is "destroying" this nation.
The first call is at 5:42 a.m.! Shit! Who wants to be woken up by that every day for a month?

For the first call, they can arrange at auto-call on the phone rather than disturb everyone else’s sleep.

I already explained to you that is not the case. For God's sake, it's right in the beginning of the flippin article.

"Speaking about the call to prayer — called the adhan — Osman said Minneapolis mosques are allowed to play it between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., to correspond to Minnesota state law that permits broadcast noise during those 15 hours."
I already explained to you that is not the case. For God's sake, it's right in the beginning of the flippin article.

"Speaking about the call to prayer — called the adhan — Osman said Minneapolis mosques are allowed to play it between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., to correspond to Minnesota state law that permits broadcast noise during those 15 hours."
7a.m. Shit that’s way too early!
I already explained to you that is not the case. For God's sake, it's right in the beginning of the flippin article.

"Speaking about the call to prayer — called the adhan — Osman said Minneapolis mosques are allowed to play it between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., to correspond to Minnesota state law that permits broadcast noise during those 15 hours."
Then atheist calls to play its music and invitations have the same freedom. That won't be happening in islamic countries.
I would be incredibly annoyed by this. It's not the end of the world or anything, but religion intruding into peoples lives who don't want it to is a problem to me. Some above mentioned church bells; where I live there are churches everywhere and none of them sound any bells. The bells I have heard in other places are less intrusive than a person wailing religious nonsense over loudspeakers 5 times a day.

Awwwwwwwww, you get what you vote for.
Do I want to listen to Muslim loudspeakers at all hours of the day or night?

Do I want the FBI targeting Catholics?


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