Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

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OK….an article I read said that the Muslims had to get a special permit to CHANGE the noise ordinance to allow for their five calls to prayer. The noise ordinance is there for a reason. Why should the Muslims’ wish to blare that call override the regular noise laws?
That is what is implied by the article.
I am looking for another article on this. If they delayed the start to comply with the existing noise ordinance, I’m fine with it. My objection is if the noise ordinance was changed to accommodate them, placing the wishes of Christians and Jews below.
OK….an article I read said that the Muslims had to get a special permit to CHANGE the noise ordinance to allow for their five calls to prayer. The noise ordinance is there for a reason. Why should the Muslims’ wish to blare that call override the regular noise laws?

They have been doing that in this country for longer than any of us have been alive
o_O That, like everything you say more or less, is a lie, and you know it! There is not a single church in United States, not fucking one you evil fuck, that bangs the bells 5 x 7 x 365 and calls upon Christian faithful to come to prayer!

Not a single Christian church in America does so, and if they did Satanic fascist filth like above quoted imbecile, would scream their fascist brains out, and wage "lawfare" upon that church! :poke:
OK….the most recent thing I have read is that the Muslims were advocating to CHANGE the ordinance to allow them to blare that call EARLIER than 7 a.m., which takes a lot of chutzpah if you ask me.

They can practice their religion as long as it doesn’t violate existing ordinances - NOT have ordinances changed to accommodate their wish to blare the horn, even though other people will be trying to sleep.

o_O That, like everything you say more or less, is a lie, and you know it! There is not a single church in United States, not fucking one you evil fuck, that bangs the bells 5 x 7 x 365 and calls upon Christian faithful to come to prayer!

Not a single Christian church in America does so, and if they did Satanic fascist filth like above quoted imbecile, would scream their fascist brains out, and wage "lawfare" upon that church! :poke:

A Christian church in our town rings their bell 156 times a day, 365 days a year.
The first call is at 5:42 a.m.! Shit! Who wants to be woken up by that every day for a month?

For the first call, they can arrange at auto-call on the phone rather than disturb everyone else’s sleep.

What bullshit. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom for religion to indoctrinate folks with screeching public proselytism.
I would be incredibly annoyed by this. It's not the end of the world or anything, but religion intruding into peoples lives who don't want it to is a problem to me. Some above mentioned church bells; where I live there are churches everywhere and none of them sound any bells. The bells I have heard in other places are less intrusive than a person wailing religious nonsense over loudspeakers 5 times a day.
One man's meat...

We see religion intruding into our lives lots of different ways these days. Abortion access. Freedom for licensed businesses to discriminate. Freedom for public school employees to proselytize students at school events. Employers allowed to skip mandatory insurance coverage on religious grounds. Churches doing public service work allowed to set religious qualifications for employees. Churches not paying income taxes. Etc, etc, etc.
What people are missing here is that the first call is at 5 am in the morning, and the Muslims were pushing to allow it. Complete disregard for the comfort of their neighbors.

It seems that they have agreed to delay to 7 am, although that’s not really clear, but it took chutzpah to even TRY to get permission to blare that stuff while most people are still sleeping.
As long as it doesn’t violate any laws. There are rights to peace and quiet as well, which is why there are often rules prohibiting loud-volume activities during regular sleeping hours.
Not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but Christians and Jews don’t need to have their sleep disturbed by Muslim calls to prayer at daybreak when such calls violate existing noise ordinances.
And Muslims and Jews don’t need to have their sleep disturbed by church bells. This is not a new conflict and religious institutions need to be considerate.
And Muslims and Jews don’t need to have their sleep disturbed by church bells. This is not a new conflict and religious institutions need to be considerate.
But the church isn’t pushing to get an ordinance changed to allow them to ring bells at 5:45 a.m.
But the church isn’t pushing to get an ordinance changed to allow them to ring bells at 5:45 a.m.
They have challenged noise ordinances to be allowed to ring bells. Depending on the church, they can be rung at 6am, noon, and 6pm, or every hour, etc. or special events.

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