Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

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  • No

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That’s right
It’s a Christian founded nation no matter how much you weep

Damn straight!

Who are those other religions trying to worship in OUR a country?
Don’t they read the Constitution?
It seems a bit extreme to portray a major city in the U.S. as a Mid-East Muslim center several times a day but if that's what the residents of the Minnie Apple want, the 1st Amendment authorizes it.
:laughing0301: C'mon, Bolo, you can do better than that! Would you invite Nazis here to start Hitler Admiration clubs? How blind you must be to openly except people whose way of life is totally incompatible with western values while worrying that people who vote republican are domestic terrorists.

Yours is the true cult.

I have no problem with Muslims or anyone else moving here, in fact, I'm a great student of eastern ideology and religion, but I'm not stupid enough to let mass quantities take over my country just as Europe have literally let muslims take over. In many sections, you don't even dare enter as a non-muslim for fear of getting beaten or killed.

You are supposed to move to a country and live by THEIR rules, not go there and insert your own merely taking their land. Muslims live by Sharia Law and as their number increases, they will try to take over our court system and adapt it to fit them, just as your blind progressivism has allowed China to buy up all of our businesses and property and land. Are you really that blind to think that the same people who issue fatwas around the world to have people killed for saying Mohammad out of context are just benign visitors?

Now China is directing our social, foreign and economic policy.

It's not xenophobia to protect yourself and your country and way of life. You are either dimwitted or a deliberate anarchist. I bet you're not even very old. Yours is the sheer stupidity to just wantonly give your land and space and nation away to people who mean you no good. I'm not talking about the average muslim on the street, I'm talking about the organizers who will quietly slip in behind them and start directing things getting politically involved.

I feel sad for you. Worse for the America you are destroying.

Nope. You're a fraud and bigot, plain and simple. We have a First Amendment in this country that guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of YOUR religion. Deal with it, snowflake.
The "party of the Constitution," everyone.
And I suppose your Democrat Party is?

The democrat party who:
  1. Calls the Constitution outdated.
  2. Wantonly violates people's freedom of speech.
  3. Wants to ban guns and eliminate the 2nd amendment.
  4. Destroys historical statues as if that changes the history.
  5. Oppresses religion and tries to remove all references to God from out government.
  6. Votes for mob rule and the abolishment of the Electoral College.
  7. Celebrates imprisoning citizens violating their legal and human rights.
  8. Makes up laws to imprison the people who threaten their seat of power.
Shall I add 10-20 more, O constitutional one???
The Presbyterian Church two blocks from my house plays “Onward Christian Soldiers” at noon and “A Mighty Fortress is our God” at six

They do it to chase the Muslims away
Minneapolis is a city; Minnesota is a state.

Churches have been ringing church bells forever... how is a Mosque any different except for their religion?

Churches ring bells. Mosques play a recording which is often of crappy quality, of a very loud male voice.

Churches generally ring bells once a day or sometimes on the hour, so it's a useful reminder of what the time is. Mosques play a recording of a man yelling at you FIVE TIMES A DAY. I lived near one of the largest mosques in Seattle. It is annoying as fuck unless you hate Christians.

Why do you hate Christians?

Nice try, troll, but it's time for you to GFY.

Nope. You're a fraud and bigot, plain and simple. We have a First Amendment in this country that guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of YOUR religion.

You don't need to ring a bell 5 times a day in every mosque to worship Mohammad. Proof of the matter is that they have been doing so for many years.

But go ahead, call me childish names. The 1st Amendment was written to guarantee CHRISTIANS their freedom to practice their religion without government interference, not to let Muslims and every other special interest group impose their Sharia Law or whatever taking over whole states.

These people have moved into government and are already trying to Shariaize and Muslimize our country, our schools and our law.

But-- It's of no real matter to me. By the time this country is totally destroyed with nothing left recognizable to our Founders, I will be gone, but I hope you are young and have kids, you and they will grow up in a country which bears no resemblance to the superpower that America once was, socially, economically or technologically.

They always said that the key to taking down America was not from without but from WITHIN. Thanks for showing yourself a blind or willing FACILITATOR. Hope you'll like living as a dhimmi.

Ever taste a meal with 100 ingredients all thrown in for diversity? It tastes like shit. Your America will have no borders, no people, no currency, no history and no IDENTITY, just a pot of shit where 50 different entities all vie for their piece of the pie for their own. But at least you will have assuaged your blind liberal white guilt and proven yourself to not be a "xenophobe"--- you didn't just SHARE your good country with the world, you handed them the KEYS.

Someday years from now you will think back to this conversation and realize that I was right after all. But by then, it will be too late.
I bet that really bothers you.
A little bit…….same stupid songs day after day after day

You think Christians would be smart enough to mix it up a little. Maybe some Led Zepplin, Hendrix, Beach Boys

It would get more people to come to Church
Since Islam is incompatible with our constitutional republic and western civilization generally, such an action tends to undermine our nation and should not be allowed in any form whatsoever. Sure, we allow people here to freely exercise their own religion. But the government sanction of this bullshit is tantamount to the violation of the establishment clause. There are far less Christian actions sanctioned by the state which have violated the Establishment Clause. Moreover, the constitution is not a suicide pact. Implicit in the constitution, like in any other founding charter, is the intention to preserve and promote itself, not allow matters that are harmful to it. And we certainly know that SOME Islam can be very harmful to western nations. Islam has been a major problem for the west for hundreds of years. So, this is one of those things that tend to stir up people to express and act on anti-American sentiment. I propose that the free exercise clause does not have to fall on the sword of Islam in order for it to be a legitimate and enduring light of freedom and the western world.
Many christian sects are also incompatible with our Constitutional Republic.

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