Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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It was intended for Christians, not Mohammedans, pagans, or devil worshippers.
Pagans, Muslims, Jews, Bhuddists, Pastaforians and the Constitution disagree with you.
And I suppose your Democrat Party is?

The democrat party who:
  1. Calls the Constitution outdated.
  2. Wantonly violates people's freedom of speech.
  3. Wants to ban guns and eliminate the 2nd amendment.
  4. Destroys historical statues as if that changes the history.
  5. Oppresses religion and tries to remove all references to God from out government.
  6. Votes for mob rule and the abolishment of the Electoral College.
  7. Celebrates imprisoning citizens violating their legal and human rights.
  8. Makes up laws to imprison the people who threaten their seat of power.
Shall I add 10-20 more, O constitutional one???
He’s not a Democrat.
Then they would have specifically stated that.
Why do you think that? There are a hundred instances in our organic laws such as the Constitution where the Founders were vague by today's standards in their meaning and subject to careful interpretation today, such as the precise intention and meaning of a militia.

How much and where would a European such as Washington or Jefferson or any man from England in the 1700s ever meet a Muslim? Hear or read about them? Sharia Law? Maybe perhaps if they were a specialist historian and scholar. You see, you are comparing apples and oranges here. Not only would they know next to nothing of these people or how their religions operate to even think of including them, nor have any expectation that such a person from the Far and Middle East would ever want to or be able to get to or relocate all the way to America, but Sharia Law which is the underpinning of all Islamic life is wholly incompatible with western law, so the first thing many muslims will want to do as soon as they are in sufficient number to politically matter is, as events are showing us as we speak today, will try to begin inserting Sharia Law into OUR law and system.

In Washington and Jefferson's day, I believe the variety of religion and faiths they were aware of and including in their daily life were all confined mainly to variants of Christianity. Places like China, India and Saudi Arabia, et al., were all somewhere between rumors, stories, to just mere legends of far off worlds far, far removed from the world they knew. They had no idea of jets flying people around the world in mere hours. To them, freedom of religion was surely freedom to practice whatever faith of Christianity or some such thing you held free of imposition from the government, as surely, the only god they recognized and accepted was their Abrahamic God, so the 1A was not intended as a mandate imposed on ourselves that we must accept any belief system no matter what from anywhere no matter how destructive.

In immigrating to America as a U.S. Citizen, it should be made clear to any muslims that they are migrating to a western society built upon Justinian law and they are accepting that, otherwise, WHY COME HERE?

So on that basis alone, Muslim ideology cannot be treated purely just as another "religion," but bound up with Sharia Law which is like oil and water mixed with western jurisprudence. Unfortunately, when you buy into muslim faith, you are buying the total package and I'm sure you will understand that when it comes to that sort of thing, muslims will not accept so much as one letter of their beliefs and system of laws to be out of place, and once in sufficient numbers, will be hell bent on trying to impose THEIR system of law and values if not on us, but them establishing it in their own pocket communities here as a permanent source of friction between us and them.

That's not bigotry or xenophobia, just the facts, sorry, and will only be proven more true as time marches on.
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How is this any different than church bells ringing?
do they ring out five times per day? I support religious
equity. Hindu chanting five times per day, church bells
five times per day. Hebrew chanting five times per day
and whatevah buddhists and zorostrians ring or sing
Why do you think that? There are a hundred instances in our organic laws such as the Constitution where the Founders were vague by today's standards in their meaning and subject to careful interpretation today, such as the precise intention and meaning of a militia.

How much and where would a European such as Washington or Jefferson or any man from England in the 1700s ever meet a Muslim? Hear or read about them? Sharia Law? Maybe perhaps if they were a specialist historian and scholar. You see, you are comparing apples and oranges here. Not only would they know next to nothing of these people or how their religions operate to even think of including them, nor have any expectation that such a person from the Far and Middle East would ever want to or be able to get to or relocate all the way to America, but Sharia Law which is the underpinning of all Islamic life is wholly incompatible with western law, so the first thing many muslims will want to do as soon as they are in sufficient number to politically matter is, as events are showing us as we speak today, will try to begin inserting Sharia Law into OUR law and system.
Thomas Jefferson owned a Quran and studied Islam you historically ignorant moron.
In Washington and Jefferson's day, I believe the variety of religion and faiths they were aware of and including in their daily life were all confined mainly to variants of Christianity.
Islam and Christianity are both offshoots of Judaism.
do they ring out five times per day?

I don't think you quite understand. What they intend to do five times a day is to issue a call to prayer. It isn't a bell that goes ding, it is a long muslim prayer played loudly over a loudspeaker in all directions which is a declaration of muslim faith and belief, and by that, establishes a space for Sharia Law wherever and as far as it can be heard. It may start out seeming as just cute, melodic, exotic and benign, but that is not how their clerics and leaders see it, especially once they establish a sizable community presence.

It is a case of the unsuspecting American Indians happily, willingly welcoming their good friends the Spaniards all over again.
Thomas Jefferson owned a Quran and studied Islam you historically ignorant moron.

Yet I don't see the proof. :th_waiting: Further, curiosity about muslim faith says nothing about understanding the system of Sharia Law underpinning it all.
Yet I don't see the proof. :th_waiting: Further, curiosity about muslim faith says nothing about understanding the system of Sharia Law underpinning it all.
I don't care what an ignorant Fucktard like you sees. 😄

Read a book.
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I don't care what an ignorant Fucktard like you sees.

TRANSLATION: Another leftist fake news claim.
Minnesota is intent upon becoming the most radical state in nation, fully mandating child sexual mutilation, not informing parents of schools changing a boy/girls gender, and now this,

Hope they mandate loud speakers in fag bars, black neighborhoods, and City Hall.
I would prefer not hearing church bells, calls to prayer on any other intrusion on the private enjoyment of my home.

I thought it was going to be annoying to hear the hourly bells ringing the time, but after about a month I stopped hearing it.

The adhan would be impossible to not hear. I know. I tried.

And that was back when I was a "tolerant liberal democrat".

I tried. It meant SJW brownie points!


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