Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Why do you think that? There are a hundred instances in our organic laws such as the Constitution where the Founders were vague by today's standards in their meaning and subject to careful interpretation today, such as the precise intention and meaning of a militia.

How much and where would a European such as Washington or Jefferson or any man from England in the 1700s ever meet a Muslim? Hear or read about them? Sharia Law? Maybe perhaps if they were a specialist historian and scholar. You see, you are comparing apples and oranges here. Not only would they know next to nothing of these people or how their religions operate to even think of including them, nor have any expectation that such a person from the Far and Middle East would ever want to or be able to get to or relocate all the way to America, but Sharia Law which is the underpinning of all Islamic life is wholly incompatible with western law, so the first thing many muslims will want to do as soon as they are in sufficient number to politically matter is, as events are showing us as we speak today, will try to begin inserting Sharia Law into OUR law and system.

In Washington and Jefferson's day, I believe the variety of religion and faiths they were aware of and including in their daily life were all confined mainly to variants of Christianity. Places like China, India and Saudi Arabia, et al., were all somewhere between rumors, stories, to just mere legends of far off worlds far, far removed from the world they knew. They had no idea of jets flying people around the world in mere hours. To them, freedom of religion was surely freedom to practice whatever faith of Christianity or some such thing you held free of imposition from the government, as surely, the only god they recognized and accepted was their Abrahamic God, so the 1A was not intended as a mandate imposed on ourselves that we must accept any belief system no matter what from anywhere no matter how destructive.

In immigrating to America as a U.S. Citizen, it should be made clear to any muslims that they are migrating to a western society built upon Justinian law and they are accepting that, otherwise, WHY COME HERE?

So on that basis alone, Muslim ideology cannot be treated purely just as another "religion," but bound up with Sharia Law which is like oil and water mixed with western jurisprudence. Unfortunately, when you buy into muslim faith, you are buying the total package and I'm sure you will understand that when it comes to that sort of thing, muslims will not accept so much as one letter of their beliefs and system of laws to be out of place, and once in sufficient numbers, will be hell bent on trying to impose THEIR system of law and values if not on us, but them establishing it in their own pocket communities here as a permanent source of friction between us and them.

That's not bigotry or xenophobia, just the facts, sorry, and will only be proven more true as time marches on.
No one is “buying into” any faith. The basis of the right is any religion. In fact, some of the founders were Deists. Nowhere was it stated that it only applied to some religions. That is a pretty dangerous path to go down. It only applies to Christians? Which branch is true Christianity? Do Quakers count? How about Jehova’switnesses? Most of the founders were also Protestant, does that mean the right was intended to exclude Catholic?
Most of the history of every religion, including Christianity, is a series of efforts to destroy or persecute the people that are part of the reason we have a great standard of living. But there's no possibility of dialogue between us on this so let's leave the thread to its topic.
Part of the wealth is self-control. In my younger years that is what I noticed from most adults in the neighborhood I grew up in.
Excuse me? Was I responding to you you fucking moron? If you want to understand the context of my comments read the thread, Dipshit.
the is a message board---not a private forum for YOU---
just as the world is not a private domain for rapist of
No one is “buying into” any faith. The basis of the right is any religion. In fact, some of the founders were Deists. Nowhere was it stated that it only applied to some religions. That is a pretty dangerous path to go down. It only applies to Christians? Which branch is true Christianity? Do Quakers count? How about Jehova’switnesses? Most of the founders were also Protestant, does that mean the right was intended to exclude Catholic?
try again. The "right" to BROADCAST one's religion
in the USA is VERY MUCH a matter of LOCAL CONTROVERSY. You are, obviously, not a small town
try again. The "right" to BROADCAST one's religion
in the USA is VERY MUCH a matter of LOCAL CONTROVERSY. You are, obviously, not a small town
I wasn’t talking about that specific, I was addressing what Toob was saying.

There are limits on any right, including religion, and that includes noise ordinances. This isn’t the only such case either. Mosques have been sued before and Churches have been sued for bell ringing

There has to be some compromise.
I wasn’t talking about that specific, I was addressing what Toob was saying.

There are limits on any right, including religion, and that includes noise ordinances. This isn’t the only such case either. Mosques have been sued before and Churches have been sued for bell ringing

There has to be some compromise.
a STATE LAW leaves little room for "compromise" In
court---as far as I know----a lawsuit against a mosque
for blasting out the call for prayer would be defeated
Because Muslims hate America....
Are you defending terrorists like Ilhan Omar?
Well, that's a very prejudicial statement, not ALL Muslims hate America....sure some might....nor are all Muslims terrorist or like Omar....some might be, but not all.

See, you highlight the fundamental flaw with dembot cultist....you are not capable of thinking for yourself, or realizing the fact that life isn't one or the other....you group entire peoples together and fall back to your prejudicial ways of thinking they are a hive mind.

Another example of this, is from your current Cult Leader Joey Xiden during the 2020 election, when he said African-Americans were not diverse.

“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things,” Biden said

Now, I'll give him some credit for recognizing there is diversity in the hispanic population, but it's evident from his comment he is referring to Cuban Americans in FL, who have fled the dembot utopia of Castro v. the folks he's allowing to illegal enter our country.
the is a message board---not a private forum for YOU---
just as the world is not a private domain for rapist of
So avail yourself of this public information, you fucking moron, rather than expecting me to act as your personal guide to the internet.
I don't care to "prove" it to you. 😄 I enjoy your lot being this fucking ignorant about easily discernable facts. I want you to keep making a fool of yourself by claiming the Founders knew nothing of Islam even though rep Keith Ellison took the oath of office using Jefferson's quran. 😂
who claimed that the founding fathers knew NOTHING
about islam?
So avail yourself of this public information, you fucking moron, rather than expecting me to act as your personal guide to the internet.
"this public information" ??? what public information
do you IMAGINE applies, specifically, to this
o_O Not the brightest bulb in the lamp are you, the difference so obvious I will just chalk your silly comment up to extreme confirmation bias, as with the two dunces just above you!

So, no answer as to how it is different.

Minnesota is intent upon becoming the most radical state in nation, fully mandating child sexual mutilation, not informing parents of schools changing a boy/girls gender, and now this,

Will they allow a Christian "call to prayer" 5 times a day, or is that against Sharia Law?

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