Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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On public land?
Probably not for any religion
Trust me ... the Muslims will be praying all over the place in public places.

Because the "woke" crowd is wholly opposed to all things Christian. Let's just see if that Minnesota cesspool allows a public, Christian prayer session. I'm willing to bet NOT.
There is no law keeping anyone from praying whenever they want. Moreover, this law isn't allowing a prayer session, it simply allows the Mosque to do what Mosque do in many other countries, and what Christian churches have done for decades in this country. It's equal to church bells ringing.

I don't understand why so many people have an issue with people praying.....what's the big deal to you?
There is no law keeping anyone from praying whenever they want. Moreover, this law isn't allowing a prayer session, it simply allows the Mosque to do what Mosque do in many other countries, and what Christian churches have done for decades in this country. It's equal to church bells ringing.

I don't understand why so many people have an issue with people praying.....what's the big deal to you?
The "big deal" is that Sharia law has taken a foothold in an American city. Sharia doesn't tolerate anything else but the Muslim agenda. Does it affect me personally? No because I wouldn't step foot in that cesspool of a city. If the woke crowd there doesn't have a problem with it ... so be it. But many countries that have allowed Islam to get a foothold in their society are now suffering

Christians pray in public places all the time too
Do they block major streets? Not that I've ever seen.
The "big deal" is that Sharia law has taken a foothold in an American city. Sharia doesn't tolerate anything else but the Muslim agenda. Does it affect me personally? No because I wouldn't step foot in that cesspool of a city. If the woke crowd there doesn't have a problem with it ... so be it. But many countries that have allowed Islam to get a foothold in their society are now suffering

Do they block major streets? Not that I've ever seen.

Can you show anywhere in America under Sharia Law?
And that is an example of why diversity in our country is no good.

We have too many groups and sub groups and nationalities, cultures and sub cultures here and none of them want to conform to America. They all want America to conform to them and no one will back down.
Minneapolis is a city; Minnesota is a state.

Churches have been ringing church bells forever... how is a Mosque any different except for their religion?
Church bells ring once one day a week. The call to prayer is five times a day, every day.
The "big deal" is that Sharia law has taken a foothold in an American city. Sharia doesn't tolerate anything else but the Muslim agenda. Does it affect me personally? No because I wouldn't step foot in that cesspool of a city. If the woke crowd there doesn't have a problem with it ... so be it. But many countries that have allowed Islam to get a foothold in their society are now suffering

Do they block major streets? Not that I've ever seen.
Sharia Law? haha All practicing Muslims are suppose to pray 5 times a day. Is it a bad thing to pray? It's no different then church bells ringing. No nation is suffering because they simply have a Mosque and allow people to practice their faith.
How is this any different than church bells ringing?

You want a real experience, be in Williamsburg Brooklyn at sunset on a Friday, The Hasidics got their hand on an old air raid siren and blast it 15 minutes before sundown.

This is what freedom of Religion is all about.
Have they extended the offer to other religions to do the same thing?

Did they extend an offer or reply to a request?

Christian Churches have been doing it longer than I have been alive.

A church in our town rings its bell 156 times a day, nobody whines about it
Will they allow a Christian "call to prayer" 5 times a day, or is that against Sharia Law?
I guarantee you that if Christian churches were to do such, they'd be immediately attacked by fascist city government and all but shuttered, importantly this is not an attack against islamic religion, its merely a spectacular example of fuck you to Christianity from fascist democrat city! The issue here for all of the impossibly fucking stupid fascist toe suck is this right here in little math equation,

5 x 7 x 365 = annihilation of the separation of church & state!

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