Minnesota Will Allow Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Rung Throughout City Five X Daily Year Round!

Are you okay with Muslim loudspeakers calling to prayer at all hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Minneapolis is a city; Minnesota is a state.

See the source image

Give this he/she/man/woman a cigar/kotex napkin!
How is this any different than church bells ringing?

Let me field this one, Bolo!
  • Christians BUILT this country.
  • Muslims actually tried to tear it down on 9/11/01.
Slight difference. And muslims around the world applauded the attempt.

People are SUPPOSED to move here to Adopt OUR way of life, not bring their own and create whole pocket private communities just for themselves.

That's called INFILTRATION.
Let me field this one, Bolo!
  • Christians BUILT this country.
  • Muslims actually tried to tear it down on 9/11/01.
Slight difference. And muslims around the world applauded the attempt.

People are SUPPOSED to move here to Adopt OUR way of life, not bring their own and create whole pocket private communities just for themselves.

That's called INFILTRATION.

LOL and there we have it. Your entire premise is built on xenophobia. As if nobody could have guessed.

The "party of the Constitution," everyone.
Minnesota is intent upon becoming the most radical state in nation, fully mandating child sexual mutilation, not informing parents of schools changing a boy/girls gender, and now this,

Minn. has a large muslim population…not sure why anyone would take issue with this if the city wants to do it
Minnesota is intent upon becoming the most radical state in nation, fully mandating child sexual mutilation, not informing parents of schools changing a boy/girls gender, and now this,


The church down the street from me rings it’s bells twice a day. But that is OK because they are Christian
And every time they’re rung, homos and trannies and democrats should throw riots because Muslims hate and kill homos.
And since Republicans hate homos and trannies... you right-wing nut jobs and Muslims should kiss and make up. Birds of a feather... and all that.
LOL and there we have it. Your entire premise is built on xenophobia.

:laughing0301: C'mon, Bolo, you can do better than that! Would you invite Nazis here to start Hitler Admiration clubs? How blind you must be to openly except people whose way of life is totally incompatible with western values while worrying that people who vote republican are domestic terrorists.

Yours is the true cult.

I have no problem with Muslims or anyone else moving here, in fact, I'm a great student of eastern ideology and religion, but I'm not stupid enough to let mass quantities take over my country just as Europe have literally let muslims take over. In many sections, you don't even dare enter as a non-muslim for fear of getting beaten or killed.

You are supposed to move to a country and live by THEIR rules, not go there and insert your own merely taking their land. Muslims live by Sharia Law and as their number increases, they will try to take over our court system and adapt it to fit them, just as your blind progressivism has allowed China to buy up all of our businesses and property and land. Are you really that blind to think that the same people who issue fatwas around the world to have people killed for saying Mohammad out of context are just benign visitors?

Now China is directing our social, foreign and economic policy.

It's not xenophobia to protect yourself and your country and way of life. You are either dimwitted or a deliberate anarchist. I bet you're not even very old. Yours is the sheer stupidity to just wantonly give your land and space and nation away to people who mean you no good. I'm not talking about the average muslim on the street, I'm talking about the organizers who will quietly slip in behind them and start directing things getting politically involved.

I feel sad for you. Worse for the America you are destroying.

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