Miriam Carey's family question her death


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
"We're still very confused as a family why she's not still alive," Amy Carey-Jones said late Friday, speaking of her 34-year-old sister. "I really feel like it's not justified, not justified."

Another sister, retired New York City police officer Valarie Carey, said there was "no need for a gun to be used when there was no gunfire coming from the vehicle."

The DC Police are just a tad jumpy these days, it seems. People get that way when they're under intense stress. A similar occurrence in wartime was depicted in the HBO series "The Pacific" showing an incident when one young Marine sentry on the Island of Guadalcanal accidentaly shot and killed one of his Marine comrades who had crawled out of his foxhole in the middle of the night simply to relieve himself.

Ms Carey had a well respected occupation with everything indicating the prospects of a comfortable lifetime income ahead for her along with her eighteen month old child. What female of almost any animal species would engage willingly and knowingly in any activities that would put her biological offspring in imminent danger? That protective behavior is not entirely of a wilful, conscious origin, either, but rather, wired in instead, so it is not easily disregarded. Bears exhibit protective behavior regarding their young as well as certain species of birds, and runs the gamut of living creatures. Its quite likely, instead, that Ms Cary made some kind of mistake navigating her vehicle through DC traffic, got flustered by the ensuing events and panicked, eventually running into the exquisitely nervous and equally jumpy Marine sentry on Guadalcanal with the same unfortunate results.

No, this heightened state of alertness and zero behavioral tolerance for any infractions by the citrizenry on display currently by the DC Police is driven by the knowledge that the American people are on the verge of turning on Comrade C'sucker Barack with a fearsome rage and the job of the DC Police is to protect the life of this foreigner and poseur president at any and all costs.

This foreigner and poseur may have slid down and out of the birth canal of a caucasian female who just happened to have had American citizenship and spent her short lifespan slutting her stuff, dispensing her sexual favors liberally accompanied by generous helpings of the gospel of Karl Marx, but he spent his infancy and early childhood in Muslim lands immersed in Muslim culture. When he did return to the states he chose to dive wholeheartedly into a lifestyle where he spent his entire adolescence in a cannabis and cocaine induced semi comatose state of amnesia inside the 'Choomwagon'. "Baseball and Babe Ruth", forgeddaboudit. "Never waste good bud!" "Interception!"

When Comrade O got to the Mainland to attend Occidental he dove right back into his drug induced semi comatose amnesiac state while surrounding himself with individuals who all collectively hated and despised the United States.
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Police shooting being investigated...
Use of force to be studied in DC police chase
Oct 5,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Police in Washington are reviewing the use of officers' deadly force in the killing of a woman who tried to ram her car through a White House barrier, a shooting her family says was unjustified.
The investigation will reconstruct the car chase and shooting, which briefly put the U.S. Capitol on lockdown, and explore how officers dealt with the driver and whether protocols were followed. Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer said he was confident the officers "did the best they could under the situation." Police guarding national landmarks need to make rapid decisions without the luxury of all the facts, he said. "This is not a routine highway or city traffic stop. It is simply not that," Gainer said Saturday. "The milieu under which we're operating at the United States Capitol and I suspect at the White House and at icons up in New York is an anti-terrorism approach, and that is a difference with a huge, huge distinction." Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine maintained that his officers acted "heroically" to protect the community.

Still, the family of 34-year-old Miriam Carey called the shooting unjustified, and some deadly force experts agree it merits scrutiny. "We're still very confused as a family why she's not still alive," Amy Carey-Jones said in New York late Friday after traveling to Washington to identify Miriam Carey's body. "I really feel like it's not justified, not justified." Another sister, retired New York City police officer Valarie Carey, said there was "no need for a gun to be used when there was no gunfire coming from the vehicle." Secret Service agents and Capitol Police officers fired shots during the Thursday afternoon encounter, which began when Carey - in a black Infiniti with her 1-year-old daughter - rammed a White House barricade and was pursued by police toward the Capitol during a high-speed chase. D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said she was confident after the shooting that Carey's actions were "not an accident," but the department's internal affairs division is investigating as part of standard protocol.

Carey struck a Secret Service agent with her car at the White House and reversed her vehicle into a police car, authorities say. A Capitol Police officer was also injured. Both are expected to recover. Experts in the use of deadly force said there were more questions than answers. Many police departments direct their officers not to fire at moving vehicles - even if the driver is using the car as a weapon - or permit it under extremely limited circumstances. And experts wondered whether police should have relied on other options - such as establishing a roadblock - to diffuse the situation. "I think the question we have to ask is, `What threat did she cause?" said Geoffrey Alpert, an expert on police use of force at the University of South Carolina. "What threat was she to the officers, to the public, to the politicians?"

Chuck Drago, a former Oviedo, Fla., police chief who now works as a police consultant, said he was concerned officers approached the vehicle on foot while the conflict was still unfolding. That kind of direct contact can elevate the tension of an already tense scenario and leave an officer feeling anxious and vulnerable, he said. "Their main concern should have been trying to keep that vehicle from moving, and then exposing themselves only adds to the danger and lessens their options in the long run," Drago said. Authorities were investigating why Miriam Carey, who lived in Connecticut, turned up in Washington on Thursday. A search warrant application for Carey's car seeks bullet fragments, maps or other documents pertaining to the White House, alcohol or drugs, "and/or evidence of a mechanical malfunction or lack thereof."

Did anyone watch the video?
She went through a barricade and hit a patrol car.
She was driving fast.
People can get hurt for this kind of wrecklessness.

I feel bad for her but I wasn't in this situation.
Who does she have to hurt first for it to be justified?
The woman also ran down a Secret Service agent.
A DC police officer was also injured.
I can say with a high degree of certainty that if the sister of the shooting victim had been on duty in NYC and a motorist had run over a fellow cop, you can bet your last dollar, the NYC cops would have done the same thing and shot the driver. No questions asked. No charges from Internal Affairs or charges by the DA's office.
Yeah I saw all the videos Chuck. Including one that has certainly been sanitized by now from the gate (which was not the WH gate btw). The only person in fact who rammed through anything was an idiot cop who National Treasured his squad car.
This doesn't seem much worse than your average drunk-driver or fleeing-traffic-violator scenario...

She phukked-up, and Nature de-selected her...

I'm guessing that the cops were within their rights to kill her...

Still... just because they could, doesn't mean they should...

Especially with a baby in the car...

Wouldn't a ramming of the car or putting-down tire blow-out strips or shooting-out the tires or something have done the job?

It does seem like 'overkill' - literally...

Mebbe I'm wrong...
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This doesn't seem much worse than your average drunk-driver or fleeing-traffic-violator scenario...



She phukked-up, and Nature de-selected her...

I'm guessing that the cops were within their rights to kill her...

Still... just because they could, doesn't mean they should...

Especially with a baby in the car...

Wouldn't a ramming of the car or putting-down tire blow-out strips or shooting-out the tires or something have done the job?

It does seem like 'overkill' - literally...

Mebbe I'm wrong...

I played basketball and football with friends and it is hard to hit the basket while being chased. It is hard to aim at a moving target without other people getting hurt.

She was already a block away from a restricted area.

She resisted orders to stop. She rammed a patrol car and hurt two people. I think they did what they did to protect themselves and the public.

How do blow out strips work? Do you have to set them up ahead of time? What speed do they operate and can they hurt someone else? It sounds like a dangerous thing for patrol cars to be carrying around.

One of my relatives was an officer. He got bit on the hand while making an arrest. He had to have antibiotics for months because the suspect chipped the bone. That is a dangerous thing and it is hard for people to recover. In real life, police get hurt doing the simplist things because it isn't simple.
Did anyone watch the video?
She went through a barricade and hit a patrol car.
She was driving fast.
People can get hurt for this kind of wrecklessness.

I feel bad for her but I wasn't in this situation.
Who does she have to hurt first for it to be justified?

Except that after her car was stopped and she ran, unarmed and not trying to kill anyone, she was shot dead. I'd agree with you if she was shot in her car while ramming something. That was not the case. It was excessive use of force.
The DC Police are just a tad jumpy these days, it seems. People get that way when they're under intense stress. A similar occurrence in wartime was depicted in the HBO series "The Pacific" showing an incident when one young Marine sentry on the Island of Guadalcanal accidentaly shot and killed one of his Marine comrades who had crawled out of his foxhole in the middle of the night simply to relieve himself.

Ms Carey had a well respected occupation with everything indicating the prospects of a comfortable lifetime income ahead for her along with her eighteen month old child. What female of almost any animal species would engage willingly and knowingly in any activities that would put her biological offspring in imminent danger? That protective behavior is not entirely of a wilful, conscious origin, either, but rather, wired in instead, so it is not easily disregarded. Bears exhibit protective behavior regarding their young as well as certain species of birds, and runs the gamut of living creatures. Its quite likely, instead, that Ms Cary made some kind of mistake navigating her vehicle through DC traffic, got flustered by the ensuing events and panicked, eventually running into the exquisitely nervous and equally jumpy Marine sentry on Guadalcanal with the same unfortunate results.

No, this heightened state of alertness and zero behavioral tolerance for any infractions by the citrizenry on display currently by the DC Police is driven by the knowledge that the American people are on the verge of turning on Comrade C'sucker Barack with a fearsome rage and the job of the DC Police is to protect the life of this foreigner and poseur president at any and all costs.

This foreigner and poseur may have slid down and out of the birth canal of a caucasian female who just happened to have had American citizenship and spent her short lifespan slutting her stuff, dispensing her sexual favors liberally accompanied by generous helpings of the gospel of Karl Marx, but he spent his infancy and early childhood in Muslim lands immersed in Muslim culture. When he did return to the states he chose to dive wholeheartedly into a lifestyle where he spent his entire adolescence in a cannabis and cocaine induced semi comatose state of amnesia inside the 'Choomwagon'. "Baseball and Babe Ruth", forgeddaboudit. "Never waste good bud!" "Interception!"

When Comrade O got to the Mainland to attend Occidental he dove right back into his drug induced semi comatose amnesiac state while surrounding himself with individuals who all collectively hated and despised the United States.

This was a pretty disgusting post.

You should feel ashamed.
The woman also ran down a Secret Service agent.
A DC police officer was also injured.
I can say with a high degree of certainty that if the sister of the shooting victim had been on duty in NYC and a motorist had run over a fellow cop, you can bet your last dollar, the NYC cops would have done the same thing and shot the driver. No questions asked. No charges from Internal Affairs or charges by the DA's office.

Yes, IF she had been shot in the act of trying to run anyone over. She was not shot in the act, she was shot while on foot without a weapon of any kind.
The DC Police are just a tad jumpy these days, it seems. People get that way when they're under intense stress. A similar occurrence in wartime was depicted in the HBO series "The Pacific" showing an incident when one young Marine sentry on the Island of Guadalcanal accidentaly shot and killed one of his Marine comrades who had crawled out of his foxhole in the middle of the night simply to relieve himself.

Ms Carey had a well respected occupation with everything indicating the prospects of a comfortable lifetime income ahead for her along with her eighteen month old child. What female of almost any animal species would engage willingly and knowingly in any activities that would put her biological offspring in imminent danger? That protective behavior is not entirely of a wilful, conscious origin, either, but rather, wired in instead, so it is not easily disregarded. Bears exhibit protective behavior regarding their young as well as certain species of birds, and runs the gamut of living creatures. Its quite likely, instead, that Ms Cary made some kind of mistake navigating her vehicle through DC traffic, got flustered by the ensuing events and panicked, eventually running into the exquisitely nervous and equally jumpy Marine sentry on Guadalcanal with the same unfortunate results.

No, this heightened state of alertness and zero behavioral tolerance for any infractions by the citrizenry on display currently by the DC Police is driven by the knowledge that the American people are on the verge of turning on Comrade C'sucker Barack with a fearsome rage and the job of the DC Police is to protect the life of this foreigner and poseur president at any and all costs.

This foreigner and poseur may have slid down and out of the birth canal of a caucasian female who just happened to have had American citizenship and spent her short lifespan slutting her stuff, dispensing her sexual favors liberally accompanied by generous helpings of the gospel of Karl Marx, but he spent his infancy and early childhood in Muslim lands immersed in Muslim culture. When he did return to the states he chose to dive wholeheartedly into a lifestyle where he spent his entire adolescence in a cannabis and cocaine induced semi comatose state of amnesia inside the 'Choomwagon'. "Baseball and Babe Ruth", forgeddaboudit. "Never waste good bud!" "Interception!"

When Comrade O got to the Mainland to attend Occidental he dove right back into his drug induced semi comatose amnesiac state while surrounding himself with individuals who all collectively hated and despised the United States.

This was a pretty disgusting post.

You should feel ashamed.

Coming from you, that is massively ironic.

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