Mirror, Mirror: Magnetism/Marx [Trump's Diary]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why does TrumpUSA give so many people 'goosebumps'?

What do you think?


Ethan is standing in front of his mirror and notices he's lost some weight since beginning work as an American bureaucrat on Wall Street. Ethan doesn't like the fact that he's thinner, but he's surely more sensitized to the notion that American industriousness can be taxing on the body itself. As Ethan stares in the mirror, he wonders what it'd be like if he never lost the weight...or started working on Wall Street.


Meanwhile, a super-alien from Venus named Magneto decides to visit Earth's moon and observes the TrumpUSA Christmas season frivolities. Magneto has powers of magnetism and can control metal and magnetic fields, so he decides to use his power to bend some of the bars of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (France). As Parisians observe the Eiffel Tower deforming, they wonder if humanity's frivolous activities towards tourism and commerce are being punished by God. It's not God...it's actually only Magneto, but that may be even worse(!).


U.S. President Donald Trump notes all this in his secret diary, and he focuses on how capitalism and consumerism and TrumpUSA itself has fostered a 'special child-like pride' towards the convenient access to toys and goods in the modern online/market. Trump remembers his youth when he saw a beautiful swan basking in the sunset and compares the swan to a Christmastime shopper basking in the conveniences of Amazon.com and eBay. President Trump considers the notion that America has evolved away from Communism in significant ways(!).


Finally, Trump realizes that if America is so far away from the initial curiosities of Communist theory then TrumpUSA Christmastime consumers have the necessary space and comforts to celebrate/enjoy all the benefits/honors of modern age capitalism(!). However, does capitalism indulgence promote all kinds of spiritual vices? Does it raise up eerie and monstrous Jabberwocky-creatures when we stare into our vanity-mirrors and wish for a great lottery win? Will Magneto continue to sit on the moon and spy on TrumpUSA, taking notes about our frivolous 'lifestyle'? Why are Americans fascinated by horror-films like Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street? Are Americans paranoid about the 'fate' of commerce/traffic?



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