Miscarried at five weeks baby Reuben was a human being

I found one of those between my couch cushions last night. I certainly hope it wasn't a baby!
The abortion industry will claim that babies Reuben’s age are nothing more than a group of cells or tissue, but the truth cannot be hidden when you see Reuben. These babies have their own unique DNA from the moment of conception, and all they need is time to grow, just like the rest of us in our early stages of life.

View attachment 126196
Miscarried at five weeks, baby Reuben was a human being

When the public and young kids in schools are fed lies it's no wonder they have been brainwashed into thinking life is just a clump of cells. This is a huge corporate industry who makes big money off the uninformed lied to public. Their consciousness is trained to think hey it's just a clump of cells just kill it.
Awww well we will always have suckers to the system.
why did your jebus allow that miscarriage to happen?

Because that is the nature of the world.....when we die we return to where we came from.....

Why do you want to kill that baby?

More importantly, why did God kill THAT baby?

God is real?

Can you prove that?

I'm not sure if God is real. I know the people I was arguing with usually think God is real. Why not respond in a manner they can relate to?
They've invented an artificial womb for cases like this; haven't seen if there is anything on the innernetz about it, just heard about ti in passing on a radio show.

And we know everything we hear on the radio is true, right?

Researchers Have Successfully Grown Premature Lambs in an Artificial Womb

So they have had some success with late term lambs. Still a long way from the "artificial womb for cases like this", don't you think?
The abortion industry will claim that babies Reuben’s age are nothing more than a group of cells or tissue, but the truth cannot be hidden when you see Reuben. These babies have their own unique DNA from the moment of conception, and all they need is time to grow, just like the rest of us in our early stages of life.

View attachment 126196
Miscarried at five weeks, baby Reuben was a human being

When the public and young kids in schools are fed lies it's no wonder they have been brainwashed into thinking life is just a clump of cells. This is a huge corporate industry who makes big money off the uninformed lied to public. Their consciousness is trained to think hey it's just a clump of cells just kill it.
Awww well we will always have suckers to the system.
why did your jebus allow that miscarriage to happen?

Because that is the nature of the world.....when we die we return to where we came from.....

Why do you want to kill that baby?

More importantly, why did God kill THAT baby?

God is real?

Can you prove that?

I'm not sure if God is real. I know the people I was arguing with usually think God is real. Why not respond in a manner they can relate to?

Because, unless you can prove he/ she is real... it just makes you look like an idiot troll.
They've invented an artificial womb for cases like this; haven't seen if there is anything on the innernetz about it, just heard about ti in passing on a radio show.

And we know everything we hear on the radio is true, right?

Researchers Have Successfully Grown Premature Lambs in an Artificial Womb

So they have had some success with late term lambs. Still a long way from the "artificial womb for cases like this", don't you think?

I don't get my panties in a bunch over off the cuff comments like that one was. Did you really take it as though he thought there literally was artificial wombs set aside for cases like these?

I didn't.
They've invented an artificial womb for cases like this; haven't seen if there is anything on the innernetz about it, just heard about ti in passing on a radio show.

And we know everything we hear on the radio is true, right?

Researchers Have Successfully Grown Premature Lambs in an Artificial Womb

So they have had some success with late term lambs. Still a long way from the "artificial womb for cases like this", don't you think?

I don't get my panties in a bunch over off the cuff comments like that one was. Did you really take it as though he thought there literally was artificial wombs set aside for cases like these?

I didn't.

Compared to a lot of the claims made by the crazy, right wing, gun nut, religious nut, tinfoil hat wearing goofs around here, that as one of the more reasonable claims. Can you say deep state, pizza gate, chem trails, the war on Christmas, etc. etc. ad nauseum.
They've invented an artificial womb for cases like this; haven't seen if there is anything on the innernetz about it, just heard about ti in passing on a radio show.

And we know everything we hear on the radio is true, right?

Researchers Have Successfully Grown Premature Lambs in an Artificial Womb

So they have had some success with late term lambs. Still a long way from the "artificial womb for cases like this", don't you think?

I don't get my panties in a bunch over off the cuff comments like that one was. Did you really take it as though he thought there literally was artificial wombs set aside for cases like these?

I didn't.

Compared to a lot of the claims made by the crazy, right wing, gun nut, religious nut, tinfoil hat wearing goofs around here, that as one of the more reasonable claims. Can you say deep state, pizza gate, chem trails, the war on Christmas, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Show me where I have ever spouted ANY of that.
The abortion industry will claim that babies Reuben’s age are nothing more than a group of cells or tissue, but the truth cannot be hidden when you see Reuben. These babies have their own unique DNA from the moment of conception, and all they need is time to grow, just like the rest of us in our early stages of life.

View attachment 126196
Miscarried at five weeks, baby Reuben was a human being

When the public and young kids in schools are fed lies it's no wonder they have been brainwashed into thinking life is just a clump of cells. This is a huge corporate industry who makes big money off the uninformed lied to public. Their consciousness is trained to think hey it's just a clump of cells just kill it.
Awww well we will always have suckers to the system.
So...Reuben was self sustaining...could breath on his own?

Show me where that is a requirement for personhood.

For nearly a month while my wife was in a coma, she was not self sustaining and could not breathe on her own at all...

Was she any less a human being, during that time?

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