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Mission Accomplished!!! My liberal pro-Hillary daughter will not be voting!!!

I have had many discussions with my liberal pro-Hillary daughter about this election, and she has finally told me today she will not be voting!!!

Mission accomplished!!!

I urge all of you to talk to your liberal friends and family and urge them NOT to vote!!!

Convince them, which I did, that Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.

Interesting.............you wore your daughter down so that she wouldn't vote.

Now, you're encouraging others to stop people from voting for Hillary, by telling them not to vote at all.

Isn't that a form of voter suppression?
Its called saving America from the idiots that are allowed to vote without knowing a damn thing about what they are voting for.There need to be tests passed before people are allowed to vote.I would do the same thing. Only people I could possibly would vote for the bitch is my 2 mothers daughters but I have NOTHING to do with either of them and both live in a red state that isn't even tilting blue so I could care less!

Dear Odium So why not start holding parties accountable for their policies and membership
and make them pay for their own policies?

Then when each citizen reaches legal age, in order to qualify for privileges of citizenship,
either that person or their legal guardian agreeing to sponsor them signs a contract
for the costs and consequences of their actions, including if they commit a premeditated
crime and incur costs of prosecution, legal and court expenses, incarceration, and restitution for debts and damages.

If you take out a bad loan and someone sues, you already agreed to pay it in full plus
legal expenses and can't write it off for taxpayers or other people to take the hit.

If you murder someone, and the agreed contract in your state sets the cost at 5 million, and to work
for restitution in prison for 25-50 years, then you agree to pay that and work off the cost the rest of your life including the estate left to your heirs, if you are going to be a citizen residing in a district or state that sets that as the cost.

Then citizens can go through their parties or buy insurance or whatever it takes to afford the cost.

NOTE: I would also set up
* means for diagnosis treatment and cure for mental and criminal illness, so at the first sign of risk to public health safety and laws, the person at risk or their legal guardian is required to get them professional help or pay costs if
negligence leads to damage injury or death.
* means for mediating with authorities so any crime or abuse can be resolved without fear of punishment beyond what people involved consent to as being fair, neither too harsh or too lenient, but ethically correcting problems and damage

We have to reward citizens with tax breaks for investing in prevention and correction through education and training programs that reduce crime and correct abuses, hire lawyers and govt to enforce justice in cooperative ways that encourage equal responsibility as mutual benefit, instead of power games playing with or running from the laws.

By setting up an agreed system first, then we would have equal interest in making it work, instead of fighting over it.

We don't even agree how to run the govt yet, so how can we agree on enforcing that.
Why shouldn't parents exercise influence over their kids? It seems to me that's what any good parent should do. If you don't influence than, then a bunch of charlatans and frauds will.

Children that are not given full room to think for themselves grow up to be stupid fucks like their parents.
There is a big difference between indoctrination and influence. When an authoritarian figure uses indoctrination on a child it is abuse. Influence relies on the subject respecting and considering advice. Indoctrination is simply a form of psychological bullying.
Why shouldn't parents exercise influence over their kids? It seems to me that's what any good parent should do. If you don't influence than, then a bunch of charlatans and frauds will.

Children that are not given full room to think for themselves grow up to be stupid fucks like their parents.

Onyx yes and no. If you give them too much freedom without discipline and supervision,
the opposite can happen. If you look at the parents of the shooters at Columbine,
they fought against the community instead of working with them, as the families
of other shooters volunteered in later cases so that those communities healed faster.
A brother of one of the shooting victims pointed out the shooters had higher than average
grades and academic performance, but were missing something in character; whatever
was missed was blamed on the parents for not catching first, had there been close enough interactions to know where the students were coming from and where they were going.

It takes both freedom and also structure and MENTORING to make sure you don't waste
time or cause trouble making the wrong decisions or taking the wrong direction.

A good teacher will let students do their own work, but they supervise and make sure
they aren't totally off base and going so far off on a tangent they've taught themselves bad habits. Or about to head over a cliff following the wrong peers.

(PS may I tag Pumpkin Row to give some insights on how to balance freedom of thought in education but making sure there is structure and guidance. Thanks!)
I have had many discussions with my liberal pro-Hillary daughter about this election, and she has finally told me today she will not be voting!!!

Mission accomplished!!!

I urge all of you to talk to your liberal friends and family and urge them NOT to vote!!!

Convince them, which I did, that Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.

Congratulations on being an absolutely terrible parent.
True. If he was a better parent his daughter would be a Republican.

Dear bripat9643 And how do we know God didn't place
a liberal daughter with a conservative dad for a reason???
No one was born a liberal.

Dear bripat9643
Yes and no. Spiritually people can be destined to become anything.
But as for each individual, I find that spiritually each one is already designed to come out
certain ways, and to go through certain experiences in path in life, to fulfill a unique purpose.

So if our role in life is to be a Muslim or an Atheist,
a Christian Constitutionalist or a prochoice Democrat,
that's how we manifest our experiences in life, through that cultural identity
and the relationships with others who come into our lives as they are, too.

I believe the beauty in life or God's plan for humanity
is that all these colorful orchestrations come together in harmony.
That we learn to bring out the best talents and gifts each one has to contribute,
and we help each other to be the most effective and productive in the role we
are each designed to play. We need all of these parts to be played right,
in tune and in harmony with the others, to play out the symphony in life
that God's laws will and plan represent. That is our bigger purpose,
and all of us are designed differently in order to fill out all the parts needed for the whole to work.
Why shouldn't parents exercise influence over their kids? It seems to me that's what any good parent should do. If you don't influence than, then a bunch of charlatans and frauds will.

Children that are not given full room to think for themselves grow up to be stupid fucks like their parents.

That's a bullshit liberal theory. You can't make decisions without information. That means it's incumbent on parents to provide their kids with correct information, not the steady diet of leftwing propaganda they are subjected to in government schools. Parents who leave to schools to educate their kids end up with a litter of dumbfucks.
I have had many discussions with my liberal pro-Hillary daughter about this election, and she has finally told me today she will not be voting!!!

Mission accomplished!!!

I urge all of you to talk to your liberal friends and family and urge them NOT to vote!!!

Convince them, which I did, that Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.

Congratulations on being an absolutely terrible parent.
True. If he was a better parent his daughter would be a Republican.

Dear bripat9643 And how do we know God didn't place
a liberal daughter with a conservative dad for a reason???
No one was born a liberal.

Dear bripat9643
Yes and no. Spiritually people can be destined to become anything.
But as for each individual, I find that spiritually each one is already designed to come out
certain ways, and to go through certain experiences in path in life, to fulfill a unique purpose.

So if our role in life is to be a Muslim or an Atheist,
a Christian Constitutionalist or a prochoice Democrat,
that's how we manifest our experiences in life, through that cultural identity
and the relationships with others who come into our lives as they are, too.

I believe the beauty in life or God's plan for humanity
is that all these colorful orchestrations come together in harmony.
That we learn to bring out the best talents and gifts each one has to contribute,
and we help each other to be the most effective and productive in the role we
are each designed to play. We need all of these parts to be played right,
in tune and in harmony with the others, to play out the symphony in life
that God's laws will and plan represent. That is our bigger purpose,
and all of us are designed differently in order to fill out all the parts needed for the whole to work.

No one has a role in life to be a Christian or a Muslim. That's something kids are taught. Religion is a cultural artifact, and culture is learned. By definition, you aren't born with it.
That's a bullshit liberal theory.

Free thinking?

You can't make decisions without information.

Never said otherwise.

That means it's incumbent on parents to provide their kids with correct information, not the steady diet of leftwing propaganda they are subjected to in government schools.

There is a signifigant distinction between sharing objective information and feeding ideas your childrens impressionable minds with propaganda.

Parents who leave to schools to educate their kids end up with a litter of dumbfucks.

Same with parents that try and "teach" their kids.

Stupid see as stupid do.
I have had many discussions with my liberal pro-Hillary daughter about this election, and she has finally told me today she will not be voting!!!

Mission accomplished!!!

I urge all of you to talk to your liberal friends and family and urge them NOT to vote!!!

Convince them, which I did, that Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.
maybe she lied to you because you didnt shut the f up
I will only encourage my child to be informed. I will not influence in either direction.
In other words, you rely on others to teach your children.

Welcome to the mess we're in. Retards who think it's the job of the state to educate their children and tell them what to do.

Wow. You actually got that from post? Please tell me you don't have kids. You must suck as a parent if you lack simple comprehension skills. Not to mention it sounds like you will force your children to think like you. How awful and disgusting.
That's a bullshit liberal theory.

Free thinking?

You can't make decisions without information.

Never said otherwise.

That means it's incumbent on parents to provide their kids with correct information, not the steady diet of leftwing propaganda they are subjected to in government schools.

There is a signifigant distinction between sharing objective information and feeding ideas your childrens impressionable minds with propaganda.

Parents who leave to schools to educate their kids end up with a litter of dumbfucks.

Same with parents that try and "teach" their kids.

Stupid see as stupid do.

Oh, right. Because transferring your knowledge and understanding of the world is brainwashing, but when government schools do it, it's objective knowledge. Who do you think you're fooling?

You are one of those brainwashed drones I am always talking about. You think you're some kind of free thinker, but you're packed full of all the same horseshit the government schools dispense.

The claim that parents who teach their kids turn them into dumbfucks is so stupid and servile that I won't even bother refuting it. Anyone who hasn't been brainwashed in the government rolling mills of learning knows it's total bullshit.
... Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.
Unfortunately, it came down to:
Clinton vs Trump.
Neither is my 1st or 2nd choice.

However, to say that Hillary is "such a bad person" without reference to Donald's badness shows your true partisan party colors.

They both lie, but Donald has repeatedly been fact-checked to lie many times more, and he does it spontaneously off the top of his arrogant head.
NOT presidential material, in my book.
... Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.
Unfortunately, it came down to:
Clinton vs Trump.
Neither is my 1st or 2nd choice.

However, to say that Hillary is "such a bad person" without reference to Donald's badness shows your true partisan party colors.

They both lie, but Donald has repeatedly been fact-checked to lie many times more, and he does it spontaneously off the top of his arrogant head.
NOT presidential material, in my book.

If you believe Trump lies more than Hillary, you're an imbecile. Hillary is a criminal who sold her government office for personal gain. She lied numerous times about it while under oath. Trump shades the truth about how rich he is. That's the difference between mass murder and punching someone in a bar.
... Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.
Unfortunately, it came down to:
Clinton vs Trump.
Neither is my 1st or 2nd choice.

However, to say that Hillary is "such a bad person" without reference to Donald's badness shows your true partisan party colors.

They both lie, but Donald has repeatedly been fact-checked to lie many times more, and he does it spontaneously off the top of his arrogant head.
NOT presidential material, in my book.
If you believe Trump lies more than Hillary, you're an imbecile. Hillary is a criminal who sold her government office for personal gain. She lied numerous times about it while under oath. Trump shades the truth about how rich he is. That's the difference between mass murder and punching someone in a bar.
Apparently, evidence means nothing to your rigid biased position. Then on top of that, you proudly (LOL!) make insults.
All you got to do is Google all those fact checkers and see how much Trump lies, but you're partisan-blind to that.
Even this Canadian news outlet reveals Trump's un-presidential badness to the extreme ...
... Hillary Clinton is such a bad person that she is NOT worth voting for, even if that means Trump is elected President instead.
Unfortunately, it came down to:
Clinton vs Trump.
Neither is my 1st or 2nd choice.

However, to say that Hillary is "such a bad person" without reference to Donald's badness shows your true partisan party colors.

They both lie, but Donald has repeatedly been fact-checked to lie many times more, and he does it spontaneously off the top of his arrogant head.
NOT presidential material, in my book.
If you believe Trump lies more than Hillary, you're an imbecile. Hillary is a criminal who sold her government office for personal gain. She lied numerous times about it while under oath. Trump shades the truth about how rich he is. That's the difference between mass murder and punching someone in a bar.
Apparently, evidence means nothing to your rigid biased position. Then on top of that, you proudly (LOL!) make insults.
All you got to do is Google all those fact checkers and see how much Trump lies, but you're partisan-blind to that.
Even this Canadian news outlet reveals Trump's un-presidential badness to the extreme ...

We all know that so-called "fact checkers" are really leftwing propagandists. If you want some facts, refer to the actual documented facts found in the Wiki emails and uncovered by the FBI. It's only a matter of time before Hillary is wearing an orange jumpsuit rather than an orange pantsuit.
If you want to live like a republican...you'd better vote like a democrat.

Republicans definitely believe in socialism for the richest 1% and for corporate America...just not for anybody else.
Hillary is the one getting all the cash from the 1%.

Repugs are the ones who want to keep providing corporate welfare socialism to the richest 1%, slow-learner goober. Try to keep up, but obviously you can't.
Really? provide an example.

I already did, dumb ass. Trump not paying taxes for 20 years, which he admitted.
Yes, they were arrested. The question is: how many haven't been caught? Given how lawless and determined to ensure a Hillary victory her supporters are, it's likely this is going on in most of the Democrat precincts in the country.

Please quote where your link says they were arrested.... Or another link....

We'll wait for your proof of arrest.

I'm thinking you're lying to us...yet again. It's getting easier and easier to expose....you're really starting to suck at it.

You've already been proven wrong douche bag. That's all anyone needs to know. You don't get to keep asking me questions. so you can have another chance at not looking like a moron.

So you’re admitting you lied (we already knew that) and they were not arrested.
If you want to live like a republican...you'd better vote like a democrat.

Republicans definitely believe in socialism for the richest 1% and for corporate America...just not for anybody else.
Hillary is the one getting all the cash from the 1%.

Repugs are the ones who want to keep providing corporate welfare socialism to the richest 1%, slow-learner goober. Try to keep up, but obviously you can't.
Really? provide an example.

I already did, dumb ass. Trump not paying taxes for 20 years, which he admitted.

Since when are legitimate tax deductions "corporate welfare?"
Yes, they were arrested. The question is: how many haven't been caught? Given how lawless and determined to ensure a Hillary victory her supporters are, it's likely this is going on in most of the Democrat precincts in the country.

Please quote where your link says they were arrested.... Or another link....

We'll wait for your proof of arrest.

I'm thinking you're lying to us...yet again. It's getting easier and easier to expose....you're really starting to suck at it.

You've already been proven wrong douche bag. That's all anyone needs to know. You don't get to keep asking me questions. so you can have another chance at not looking like a moron.

So you’re admitting you lied (we already knew that) and they were not arrested.

If that pathetic victory makes you feel better after making a total fool out of yourself on your original claim, I'm happy for you.
And they were arrested right? I mean, that is a felony. Surely there were arrests made, right?
Yes, they were arrested. The question is: how many haven't been caught? Given how lawless and determined to ensure a Hillary victory her supporters are, it's likely this is going on in most of the Democrat precincts in the country.

Please quote where your link says they were arrested.... Or another link....

We'll wait for your proof of arrest.

I'm thinking you're lying to us...yet again. It's getting easier and easier to expose....you're really starting to suck at it.

You've already been proven wrong douche bag. That's all anyone needs to know. You don't get to keep asking me questions. so you can have another chance at not looking like a moron.

So you’re admitting you lied (we already knew that) and they were not arrested.

If that pathetic victory makes you feel better after making a total fool out of yourself on your original claim, I'm happy for you.

My original claim is that I make fun of people like you that think there is widespread voter fraud. And you played your part beautifully; first bringing up a story that apparently didn’t happen since there were no arrests AND THEN insisting there was an arrest.

I keep asking you guys this…do you ever get tired of lying? I mean is this the new default conserve-hate-ive position? Lie as often as you can and see what sticks? It sure seems to be.

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