Mississippi lawmaker apologizes for calling for lynching

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009

Mississippi lawmaker apologizes for calling for lynching

“The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific,” Republican state Rep. Karl Oliver of Winona said in a post Saturday night, which was removed from his page Monday. “If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, ‘leadership’ of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State.”
They should be lynched.

That was the fate of many nazis.

Lincoln also used lynching to great effect against Indians who dared to challenge federal authority to take land and resources. Just as the southerners did.
KKK sticking together.

Well there is some debate as to the preferred method of executing traitors and subversives.

But I'm fine with lynching.

Esp. since it horrifies them so. I mean, it works best as a deterrent if it actually horrifies people.

Mississippi lawmaker apologizes for calling for lynching

“The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific,” Republican state Rep. Karl Oliver of Winona said in a post Saturday night, which was removed from his page Monday. “If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, ‘leadership’ of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State.”
Why should he apologize for being a typical Confederate Republican?
"December 26, 1862: thirty-eight Dakota Indians were hanged in Mankato, Minnesota, in the largest mass execution in US history–on orders of President Abraham Lincoln. Their crime: killing 490 white settlers, including women and children, in the Santee Sioux uprising the previous August.

"The execution took place on a giant square scaffold in the center of town, in front of an audience of hundreds of white people. The thirty-eight Dakota men “wailed and danced atop the gallows,” according to Robert K. Elder of The New York Times, “waiting for the trapdoors to drop beneath them.” A witness reported that, “as the last moment rapidly approached, they each called out their name and shouted in their native language: ‘I’m here! I’m here!’ ”

Largest Mass Execution in US History: 150 Years Ago Today
" Lincoln’s treatment of defeated Indian rebels against the United States stood in sharp contrast to his treatment of Confederate rebels. "

That's because he wasn't killing confederates over RACISM and SLAVERY. He was at war with them because he wanted to exert illegal federal authority over their assets, resources, and land.

And to do that, he had to embrace a cause for the north..and that cause was slavery.
But he still viewed slaves as animals. Just as he viewed Indians as animals.

He was just using the slaves to give him an excuse to steal land. So much for the hero of the left.
LOL So much for your knowledge of history. You silly fat old woman, you hate the government, or anyone else that is slightly sane. LOL
How does one know if a poster is fat or had a warty nose on a message board?
LOL So much for your knowledge of history. You silly fat old woman, you hate the government, or anyone else that is slightly sane. LOL
I love our government as established and codified by the constitution.

I despise totalitarians and brownshirt thugs who have destroyed our rural lands.

Mississippi lawmaker apologizes for calling for lynching

“The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific,” Republican state Rep. Karl Oliver of Winona said in a post Saturday night, which was removed from his page Monday. “If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, ‘leadership’ of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State.”

The equivalency would be if after WW2 there were groups that erected Hitler and Geobells statues and said 'it just shows our history', and today they are being torn down and his followers are crying 'they're just like burning books, tearing down our history. They don't want children to know our true history so they are erasing it'.

Yeah, as it should be. The history is IN the books and they aren't being burned. They are being printed by the millions so a false reality cannot be erected in place of reality.

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