Missle Launch from Vandenberg

Night time launches are nice.

Late afternoon ones are even more so. The contrail gets highlighted by the setting sun.

Would we feel differently if North Koreans were sending similar projectiles toward Santa Barbara?
Don’t know about Santa Barbara but a sign reading ‘Hit it here!’ outside of San Francisco wouldn’t be all bad.
Don’t know about Santa Barbara but a sign reading ‘Hit it here!’ outside of San Francisco wouldn’t be all bad
How many US civilians has North Korea killed since 25 June 1950?
Welp, Duluth hasn't been vaporized so I assume this was a planned test???
They go the other way out over the Pacific ocean typically. They have or had a missle test range that was scattered out over Hawaii, several coral attols and such. That was the weatern missle test range. There is or was also an eastern missle test range that extended all the way to the Indian ocean. The eastern and western test ranges almost met and circled the globe.
I guess they use mostly satellites to monitor and track test shots now as most of the range is closed up, abandoned and gone. I've been to a lot of those rocks.
Your link:

"The Air Force test launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg AFB in Santa Barbara County early Wednesday morning.

The Air Force says the 1:13 AM launch went off as scheduled with the missile headed to a target in the southwestern Pacific"

Do we know (care) how close to North Korea this missile will come down?

Would we feel differently if North Koreans were sending similar projectiles toward Santa Barbara?


“U.S. 1946 Kings X”

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King’s X–no fairs to use it anymore!

–Robert Frost, Complete Poems (1949)

How do WE get to shoot those puppies off but are having a shit hemorrhage over any other country doing it?
“U.S. 1946 Kings X”

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King’s X–no fairs to use it anymore!

–Robert Frost, Complete Poems (1949)

How do WE get to shoot those puppies off but are having a shit hemorrhage over any other country doing it?

Because we won't use them to commit terror.

They will. This isn't about being fair, this is about we have the ability to end anyone. But we won't.

Give the assholes who will, the weapon though, and they will.
“U.S. 1946 Kings X”

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King’s X–no fairs to use it anymore!

–Robert Frost, Complete Poems (1949)

How do WE get to shoot those puppies off but are having a shit hemorrhage over any other country doing it?

Because the Americans are on the American side. All others are questionable.
“U.S. 1946 Kings X”

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King’s X–no fairs to use it anymore!

–Robert Frost, Complete Poems (1949)

How do WE get to shoot those puppies off but are having a shit hemorrhage over any other country doing it?

Because we won't use them to commit terror.

They will. This isn't about being fair, this is about we have the ability to end anyone. But we won't.

Give the assholes who will, the weapon though, and they will.
When I'm in a supervisory position, I don't ask people to do anything I wouldn't do myself. If playing around with these things is not okay, then we shouldn't be testing them either.
“U.S. 1946 Kings X”

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King’s X–no fairs to use it anymore!

–Robert Frost, Complete Poems (1949)

How do WE get to shoot those puppies off but are having a shit hemorrhage over any other country doing it?

Because we won't use them to commit terror.

They will. This isn't about being fair, this is about we have the ability to end anyone. But we won't.

Give the assholes who will, the weapon though, and they will.
I already know the US Military's excuse. That is only one side of the story.
I can see why countries that are not our allies might feel they need to protect themselves from us by having nuclear weapons, considering that we are still testing our equipment.
Of course, I WANT us to be fully prepared should the need arise, no rust on the launcher or whatever.

Well, it's complicated, isn't it? Saying it's okay because we're good guys and they're bad guys isn't an actual answer, though.
Would we feel differently if North Koreans were sending similar projectiles toward Santa Barbara?
Don’t know about Santa Barbara but a sign reading ‘Hit it here!’ outside of San Francisco wouldn’t be all bad.
Don’t know about Santa Barbara but a sign reading ‘Hit it here!’ outside of San Francisco wouldn’t be all bad
How many US civilians has North Korea killed since 25 June 1950?
Ask the soviets. Check with Bernie Sanders after he gets out of the hospital.
Your link:

"The Air Force test launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg AFB in Santa Barbara County early Wednesday morning.

The Air Force says the 1:13 AM launch went off as scheduled with the missile headed to a target in the southwestern Pacific"

Do we know (care) how close to North Korea this missile will come down?

Would we feel differently if North Koreans were sending similar projectiles toward Santa Barbara?


DECEMBER 31, 2002
A Pop Quiz on Korea

(Choose the best answer. 3 points each. Answers at the end.)

"6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

"a. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR

"b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state

"c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea"

Which answer would you choose?
Would we feel differently if North Koreans were sending similar projectiles toward Santa Barbara?
Don’t know about Santa Barbara but a sign reading ‘Hit it here!’ outside of San Francisco wouldn’t be all bad.
Don’t know about Santa Barbara but a sign reading ‘Hit it here!’ outside of San Francisco wouldn’t be all bad
How many US civilians has North Korea killed since 25 June 1950?
Ask the soviets. Check with Bernie Sanders after he gets out of the hospital.
Ask the soviets. Check with Bernie Sanders after he gets out of the hospital.
October 15?

Bernie Sanders Had a Common Heart Procedure. So Why the Mystery?

"Among other things, Mr. Sanders has not disclosed whether blood and electrocardiogram tests showed he had a heart attack. The senator and his campaign have not allowed reporters to interview his doctors, though advisers have said that Mr. Sanders would be able to appear in the next Democratic debate on Oct. 15."

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