Missouri Becomes First State to Sue China Over Coronavirus

You sue China. Great.

Banks by order of the US government freeze and confiscate their money.

China does the same in their land with American investments.

China uses the same factories built for brand name products and change the name of the goods and still keep selling them all around the world. No one will be capable to stop that. Even I will keep buying some Chinese products on eBay.

And worst, there is not any factual evidence of fault from China, the whole accusations until now are circumstantial and/or conspiracy theories. Perhaps in a near future some "traitors" (usually fake witness) will show up saying they were involved in a cover up perpetuated by the Chinese government.

It will be no real winner but lots of mess added to the current one.

And don't sue China yet until I order a new -Double DIN in dash DVD CD Radio GPS Back up camera, 80watts, iPhone and Car Play compatible SD card- car entertainment device. I like the Chinese devices because their GPS is not traceable and is anonymous, I can watch videos while using GPS (double screen in one) and surely offer more features than the brand name same devices sold here. They come with the camera and I can add additional cheap cameras (less than $15.00) for side view mirrors. From China this -adaptable to your year and car model- device is around $400 but a similar from here (brand name device) is over $800 without some features, and its GPS sucks.
Looks like the world is going to punish china without suing them.
They're pulling companies and manufacturing out of china already.
China isn't the enemy. Corporate America has been attacking China since they has rejected their GMO grain that was killing their hogs.
And so corporate America is having the U.S. citizens to fight their war with China.

I’m sure the 1.4 billion Chinese are quaking in their boots that some dumb politician in Missouri trying to get the votes of some dumber Missourians are suing them in some backwoods Missouri Courthouse.

China has beaten back the virus, and its factories are humming, while we are hunkered down in our homes, busy blaming each other and foreigners for all our problems. But China will gladly sell Missourians surgical masks and the latest 5G IPhones ... if they ask nicely.
China's number one advocate and fan of authoritarians committing genocide is on the record claiming citizens of Missouri are stupid and China is doing just great.

Well this says nothing about the concept of individual states suing the Chinese for unleashing death
and misery on the world in the form of the virus from Wuhan.
But keep on pushing that "subtle" pro China propaganda anyway, champ.
I’m sure the 1.4 billion Chinese are quaking in their boots that some dumb politician in Missouri trying to get the votes of some dumber Missourians are suing them in some backwoods Missouri Courthouse.

China has beaten back the virus, and its factories are humming, while we are hunkered down in our homes, busy blaming each other and foreigners for all our problems. But China will gladly sell Missourians surgical masks and the latest 5G IPhones ... if they ask nicely.
China's number one advocate and fan of authoritarians committing genocide is on the record claiming citizens of Missouri are stupid and China is doing just great...

Sorry if you cannot recognize reality. I am no “advocate and fan of authoritarians” in China or anywhere else. Nor did I claim all “citizens of Missouri are stupid.” I said a “dumb politician in Missouri” is “trying to get the votes of some dumber Missourians” with a political stunt. It is crucial that we not be distracted by these stunts and blame games.

While China seems to be doing much better than we are at the moment, nobody knows what the future will bring. China has plenty of problems, and there is nothing wrong with pointing them out, taking rational action to protect ourselves, working on ways to help Chinese become more “free.” But the U.S. is in a very poor position to be giving advice right now, let alone acting obnoxiously and arrogantly. Everybody loses when we act idiotically. There are still plenty of areas where we can learn from each other and help each other.

Politically we must still work together in fighting this virus, protecting the environment, resolving trade problems, and ensuring world peace.

The Chinese people, even large sections of the Chinese leadership, were in past seriously interested in “reforming” and “opening up.” XiJinping has taken the regime backward in such areas. Only solid American statesmanship has any chance of influencing China’s internal evolution, of encouraging it to move back on the road of democratic reform.
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I’m sure the 1.4 billion Chinese are quaking in their boots that some dumb politician in Missouri trying to get the votes of some dumber Missourians are suing them in some backwoods Missouri Courthouse.

China has beaten back the virus, and its factories are humming, while we are hunkered down in our homes, busy blaming each other and foreigners for all our problems. But China will gladly sell Missourians surgical masks and the latest 5G IPhones ... if they ask nicely.
China’s 1.4 billion are relevant only to how they can impact the regime. CCP will murder anyone who impedes their progress, including and mostly other Chinese.
So a virus WMD they use against the world that mainly kills those who are weak or elderly does nothing but enhance the efficiency of the CCP regime.
Remember, their George Washington is the greatest mass murderer in history.
But you go ahead and excuse that, Wang Chin.

Any fool can hurl personal insults. But when you talk about “a virus WMD ‘they’ use against the world” you prove you are in that special class of fools that inhabit the universe of tin hat conspiracy theories.

You have no idea of how the modern CCP is “impacted” by 1.4 billion Chinese. You really think XIJinping purposely inflicted this virus on his own people and closed down the whole Chinese economy for months as part of a plan “to kill those who are weak or elderly” and make his regime “more efficient”?

You and those who think like you are part of the reason educated Chinese — whether they support or oppose the 90-million-member CCP — shake their head in alarm and disbelief as they watch American society degenerate and disintegrate before their very eyes.
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Any fool can hurl personal insults. But when you talk about “a virus WMD ‘they’ use against the world” you prove you are in that special class of fools that inhabit the universe of tin hat conspiracy theories.

You have no idea of how the modern CCP is “impacted” by 1.4 billion Chinese. You really think XIJinping purposely inflicted this virus on his own people and closed down the whole Chinese economy for months as part of a plan “to kill those who are weak or elderly” and make his regime “more efficient”?

You and those who think like you are part of the reason educated Chinese — whether they support or oppose the 90-million-member CCP — shake their head in alarm and disbelief as they watch American society degenerate before their very eyes.
You stay in your outdated, counterculture, anti-American realm, where America is bad and to blame for all global catastrophe.
China is a pariah state emboldened by Bill and Hillary Rosenberg.
China will stop at nothing to enhance the regime. They’ll kill as many Chinese as necessary. Think of the tank vs the protestor.
RoshawnMarkwees writes:
“China is a pariah state emboldened by Bill and Hillary Rosenberg.”

So you are an anti-Semite as well as a tin-hat conspiracy fool?
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Sorry if you cannot recognize reality. I am no “advocate and fan of authoritarians” in China or anywhere else. Nor did I claim all “citizens of Missouri are stupid.” I said a “dumb politician in Missouri” is “trying to get the votes of some dumber Missourians” with a political stunt. It is crucial that we not be distracted by these stunts and blame games.
Your specious claims of China being dragged into some "backwoods Missouri court room"
belies your claims . Suing for damages is not a "political stunt". It is the only means by which a wronged party can regain losses and make good damages when China unleashes a pandemic on the world.

These subtly distinctions and rationalizations you make on behalf of China in every post of yours I see
can't help but make me believe you are one of the many Chinese agents working on behalf of butcher
Xi Jinping that has slipped seamlessly into our country.

You aren't a half wit who stands up for the butchers in China because it hurts Donald Trump so I know you aren't a garden variety witless troll.
But your insinuations and not quite clearly thought through and your defense of most of the world's common enemy (China) leads me to believe you are here to sew disinformation.

While China seems to be doing much better than we are at the moment, nobody knows what the future will bring. China has plenty of problems, and there is nothing wrong with pointing them out, taking rational action to protect ourselves, working on ways to help Chinese become more “free.” But the U.S. is in a very poor position to be giving advice right now, let alone acting obnoxiously and arrogantly. Everybody loses when we act idiotically. There are still plenty of areas where we can learn from each other and help each other.
Kumbiya, eh brother? One way to gain trust and show everyone you have nothing to hide is for China to stop stonewalling proposed investigations about their Wuhan laboratory and to come clean
about how this bio-weapon escaped their labs in the first place.

Speaking of being in a poor position to be lecturing others nobody believes China will come clean
and stop blaming others for their disastrous failures. So save your words of fake conciliation, please.

Politically we must still work together in fighting this virus, protecting the environment, resolving trade problems, and ensuring world peace.
One of the first things you should do then is
relinquish control of the World Health Organization, remove your puppet president and his followers
and step back. Failing to do that, no one trusts you at all. World opinion condemns China.

The Chinese people, even large sections of the Chinese leadership, were in past seriously interested in “reforming” and “opening up.” XiJinping has taken the regime backward in such areas. Only solid American statesmanship has any chance of influencing China’s internal evolution, of encouraging it to move back on the road of democratic reform.
How does one wrest control from an authoritarian dictator? Who made Joe Stalin give up
his hold on the Soviet Union? Or Mao Tse Tung, in China?
I'm sure to you and your handlers "solid American statesmanship" means to not pull out infrastructure
and factories, to keep pumping money into the WHO and to go back to pretending the Chinese are good guys who can be trusted.

I doubt that will happen unless the democrat party suddenly takes control of the nation.
And that's not likely. I look forward to many law suits holding China responsible for the damage done.
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If you were “only” implying that Bill and Hillary Clinton were spies for China, I haven’t any problem in taking you upon your word. That is my usual habit. I am glad to hear you are not an anti-Semite. I would hope you can take me on my word when I tell you my name is not “Wang Chin” and I don’t blame all the “world’s catststrophes” on the United States.

But there still remains your mad — or maybe just terribly partisan and unedifying — description of the Clintons as spies. I myself never would argue, as some liberals do, that President Trump is a spy for Putin, Xi, or anyone else.
P.S. RoshawnMarkwees

On this question of “mass murder is no conspiracy”...

If you are talking about Chinese HISTORY, we should have that discussion on another thread. If you are talking about China today, referring perhaps to Xinjiang Uighurs, it is still off topic — and I will certainly deny such claims. If you are talking about intentionally murdering people with Covid-19 — I think you know my opinion about such ridiculous slander.

I will probably some time in the future write threads on topics like the Great TaiPing Rebellion, the Chinese anti-Japanese struggle, the Civil War with the Guomindang, the Great Leap and Cultural Revolution disasters, and the 1989 Tiananmen protests. Perhaps then we (and Eric Arthur Blair too) can discuss at the length they deserve such important (and bloody) events in “modern” Chinese history.
If you were “only” implying that Bill and Hillary Clinton were spies for China, I haven’t any problem in taking you upon your word. That is my usual habit. I am glad to hear you are not an anti-Semite. I would hope you can take me on my word when I tell you my name is not “Wang Chin” and I don’t blame all the “world’s catststrophes” on the United States.

But there still remains your mad — or maybe just terribly partisan and unedifying — description of the Clintons as spies. I myself never would argue, as some liberals do, that President Trump is a spy for Putin, Xi, or anyone else.
Trump didn’t sell us up the Yellow River.
P.S. RoshawnMarkwees

On this question of “mass murder is no conspiracy”...

If you are talking about Chinese HISTORY, we should have that discussion on another thread. If you are talking about China today, referring perhaps to Xinjiang Uighurs, it is still off topic — and I will certainly deny such claims. If you are talking about intentionally murdering people with Covid-19 — I think you know my opinion about such ridiculous slander.

I will probably some time in the future write threads on topics like the Great TaiPing Rebellion, the Chinese anti-Japanese struggle, the Civil War with the Guomindang, the Great Leap and Cultural Revolution disasters, and the 1989 Tiananmen protests. Perhaps then we (and Eric Arthur Blair too) can discuss at the length they deserve such important (and bloody) events in “modern” Chinese history.
Chinese mass murder today or anytime Mao-and-beyond is a consistent and real threat. The only conspiracy is among idealistic, insulated China-apologists.
You are right Trump didn’t “sell us up the Yellow River.” I certainly never said anything of the sort. If we are “up the Yellow River without a paddle” today, it is due to bipartisan policies over the course of many administrations. It also has a lot to do simply with demographics and history, with culture and the Chinese people’s hard work and disciplined work & study habits.

If you find yourself “up the Yellow River” or even just in Rome, you needn’t slavishly “do as the Romans do” — but it sure is a good idea to learn something about the people you are dealing with! In such situations, hanging on to old prejudices and acting like an arrogant boob will only bring disaster.

P.S. I may be wrong about certain things, but I am hardly “insulated” from the realities of life in China. I’m afraid it is you and most U.S. citizens who are “insulated” inside a culture bubble. As the internationally popular saying goes, “Americans are the best entertained and the least informed people on earth” ... at least about other cultures.
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You are right Trump didn’t “sell us up the Yellow River.” I certainly never said anything of the sort. If we are “up the Yellow River without a paddle” today, it is due to bipartisan policies over the course of many administrations. It also has a lot to do simply with demographics and history, with culture and the Chinese people’s hard work and disciplined work & study habits.

If you find yourself “up the Yellow River” or even just in Rome, you needn’t slavishly “do as the Romans do” — but it sure is a good idea to learn something about the people you are dealing with! In such situations, hanging on to old prejudices and acting like an arrogant boob will only bring disaster.

P.S. I may be wrong about certain things, but I am hardly “insulated” from the realities of life in China. I’m afraid it is you and most U.S. citizens who are “insulated” inside a culture bubble. As the internationally popular saying goes, “Americans are the best entertained and the least informed people on earth” ... at least about other cultures.
I have respect for Chinese people and their legacy — that which hasn’t been exterminated by the regime. There are subcultures in our American society who could benefit from parroting Chinese diligence. My complaint has been with the regime, Mao-forward, which I have clearly stipulated.
But insulated Americans, mainly leftovers from the ‘60’s and their indoctrinated subsequent generations, have been brainwashed into considering anything non-white-hetero-Christian-male as some type of a victim of America. That’s why China and its mass-murdering regime has been taken so lightly by the left.
The revelations come from Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project, a biosafety pressure group based in Austin, Texas, US, who after persistent requests got the minutes of university biosafety committees using the US Freedom of Information Act. The minutes are accessible to the public by law.

There are now 20,000 people at 400 sites around the US working with putative bioweapons germs, says Hammond, 10 times more than before the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Some scientists have warned for years that more people handling dangerous germs are a recipe for accidents.

Unreported incidents?
The fears have been borne out by publicised infections of lab workers with tularemia, brucellosis and Q fever.

The Q fever incident took place at Texas A&M University, which has now been ordered to stop research into potential bioweapons while an investigation takes place.

However, Hammond’s minutes contain further slip-ups which had not been reported to the general public:

At the University of New Mexico, one worker was jabbed with an anthrax-laden needle, and another with a syringe containing an undisclosed, genetically engineered microbe.

At the Medical University of Ohio, workers were exposed to and infected with Valley Fever.

At the University of Chicago, there was another puncture with an undisclosed agent normally requiring heavy containment, probably anthrax or plague.

At the University of California at Berkeley, workers handled deadly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which spreads in the air, without containment when it was mislabelled as harmless.

At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, TB escaped containment after equipment failed.

Read more: Plague of bioweapons accidents afflicts the US

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