Missouri Militia arrives in Ferguson

Americans better get used to burning, raping & pillaging. Because that's the future. 3rd World chaos is coming. When the Gravy Train derails and the freebies run out, the entitlement savages will not take it too well. They'll burn it all down. I strongly suggest being prepared. Arm yourself and take necessary survival precautions. Teach your children how to survive in an increasingly violent and chaotic world.

I know most will say that's just silly 'paranoia', but they'll be the unprepared victims. Humans are animals, they'll take what you have by force to survive. It's just human nature. So pay attention to what's going on this podunk little rathole in Missouri. Because it's a preview of what's to come on a grand scale. Get prepared peeps. Don't listen to those ridiculing and hating. Think about your family. God bless.

If we don't unite and stop this Tyranny now, then yes, we best get used to it.

This is the greatest opportunity we've been given to put down the Tyrants. Let it not go to waste.
So , on the other side of this, how do you folks justify looting and destructive behavior such as is going on??
Do more wrongs make any of this right??
This happened in other cities before, peaceful investigation was advocated, hell your Attorney General is a ******, if doesn't advocate a lawful solution then what is left??
The young man that made his comments so public about this is what happens when a white police officer shoots an unarmed black thug, well what if it had been a black cop and a white thug?? Do you think us self respecting whites are going to organize violent riots and protest complete with looting and rioting??
No no culture but the ****** culture would behave in such a shameful manner!!
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

Law enforcement is morphing from protecting the public to protecting the government.
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

Law enforcement is morphing from protecting the public to protecting the government.

I can agree with some of that. Did you see where I posted on this government is arming them to the teeth with military armored vehicles and all of kinds of other stuff?

I don't know where it is headed but not good it seems
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

Law enforcement is morphing from protecting the public to protecting the government.

NO, more like the Law enforcement is more interested in self preservation, being an extension of the government ensures that.
Unfortunately though for our administration most departments do not openly endorse his policies and agencies such as boder patrol and custom are being ordered to stand down against their own personal beliefs.
How do you expect law enforcement to act with such mixed signals being sent??
All Americans should ask themselves, why isn't it news when a white cop kills a white person? Or when a Black cop kills a white person? White cops shoot and kill far more white people than they do African Americans. The stats are there for anyone interested in reality. So why are these incidents so publicized and exploited? I'll let individuals figure that out for themselves.

The issue Citizens need to be more concerned with, is the Militarization of our Police. Many have been warning about this for years. But so many have refused to confront it. Many wanted a Police State, and here it is. It's time for big changes in how we train our Police. 'To Protect and Serve' has to be the main focus again. Police have become arrogant and more violent. And guess what? It's gonna get worse. The Police State is rapidly expanding. Unless the People stand up and dismantle this Police State, things are gonna get much worse.
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

Law enforcement is morphing from protecting the public to protecting the government.

NO, more like the Law enforcement is more interested in self preservation, being an extension of the government ensures that.
Unfortunately though for our administration most departments do not openly endorse his policies and agencies such as boder patrol and custom are being ordered to stand down against their own personal beliefs.
How do you expect law enforcement to act with such mixed signals being sent??

I expect law enforcement to act professional and within the Constitution. But that's just me.
All Americans should ask themselves, why isn't it news when a white cop kills a white person? Or when a Black cop kills a white person? White cops shoot and kill far more white people than they do African Americans. The stats are there for anyone interested in reality. So why are these incidents so publicized and exploited? I'll let individuals figure that out for themselves.

The issue Citizens need to be more concerned with, is the Militarization of our Police. Many have been warning about this for years. But so many have refused to confront it. Many wanted a Police State, and here it is. It's time for big changes in how we train our Police. 'To Protect and Serve' has to be the main focus again. Police have become arrogant and more violent. And guess what? It's gonna get worse. The Police State is rapidly expanding. Unless the People stand up and dismantle this Police State, things are gonna get much worse.

YEP, they been slowly giving up their freedoms over to the Guberment..... this is what people have trying to warn them about, but then they get shouted down as the , EXTREMIST...
All Americans should ask themselves, why isn't it news when a white cop kills a white person? Or when a Black cop kills a white person? White cops shoot and kill far more white people than they do African Americans. The stats are there for anyone interested in reality. So why are these incidents so publicized and exploited? I'll let individuals figure that out for themselves.

The issue Citizens need to be more concerned with, is the Militarization of our Police. Many have been warning about this for years. But so many have refused to confront it. Many wanted a Police State, and here it is. It's time for big changes in how we train our Police. 'To Protect and Serve' has to be the main focus again. Police have become arrogant and more violent. And guess what? It's gonna get worse. The Police State is rapidly expanding. Unless the People stand up and dismantle this Police State, things are gonna get much worse.

YEP, they been slowly giving up their freedoms over to the Guberment..... this is what people have trying to warn them about, but then they get shouted down as the , EXTREMIST...

Most people shout down and ignore when they don't want to face tough realities. Many have been warning about this expanding Police State for years. But like you said, they've been shouted down and ridiculed. The Police State is here. It's not coming in the future, it's here right now. Americans better start confronting that reality.
Law enforcement is morphing from protecting the public to protecting the government.

NO, more like the Law enforcement is more interested in self preservation, being an extension of the government ensures that.
Unfortunately though for our administration most departments do not openly endorse his policies and agencies such as boder patrol and custom are being ordered to stand down against their own personal beliefs.
How do you expect law enforcement to act with such mixed signals being sent??

I expect law enforcement to act professional and within the Constitution. But that's just me.

Which would mean enforcing the laws they are sworn to enforce, so what happens when the POTUS that U elected tells them to do the exact opposite.
Do you not also expect the POTUS to :act professionally and within the constitution."??
It wouldn't of been so bad if they protested, but the looting, rioting

but again, I've heard a lot of out of people from out of that town. like (Sharpton he was amazingly there in a heartbeat), that has kept this stirred up
It wouldn't of been so bad if they protested, but the looting, rioting

but again, I've heard a lot of out of people from out of that town. like (Sharpton he was amazingly there in a heartbeat), that has kept this stirred up

But they STOPPED looting and rioting more than 72 hours ago. And for the last 48 hours both the local citizenry and THE PRESS have been savagely assaulted.
All Americans should ask themselves, why isn't it news when a white cop kills a white person? Or when a Black cop kills a white person? White cops shoot and kill far more white people than they do African Americans. The stats are there for anyone interested in reality. So why are these incidents so publicized and exploited? I'll let individuals figure that out for themselves.

The issue Citizens need to be more concerned with, is the Militarization of our Police. Many have been warning about this for years. But so many have refused to confront it. Many wanted a Police State, and here it is. It's time for big changes in how we train our Police. 'To Protect and Serve' has to be the main focus again. Police have become arrogant and more violent. And guess what? It's gonna get worse. The Police State is rapidly expanding. Unless the People stand up and dismantle this Police State, things are gonna get much worse.

YEP, they been slowly giving up their freedoms over to the Guberment..... this is what people have trying to warn them about, but then they get shouted down as the , EXTREMIST...

Most people shout down and ignore when they don't want to face tough realities. Many have been warning about this expanding Police State for years. But like you said, they've been shouted down and ridiculed. The Police State is here. It's not coming in the future, it's here right now. Americans better start confronting that reality.
Police State huh? Interesting version of it, when we don;t even know who in the hell is actually supposed to be here. My guess is, you are too young to have even been in a Police State? They aren't like America, even post-9/11 America.
When SWAT swoops down and closes down a peaceful McDonalds restaurant, arrests two reporters, jails them, then lets them go without any paperwork or explanation, something is seriously wrong.
I see lawsuits coming.
It wouldn't of been so bad if they protested, but the looting, rioting

but again, I've heard a lot of out of people from out of that town. like (Sharpton he was amazingly there in a heartbeat), that has kept this stirred up

But they STOPPED looting and rioting more than 72 hours ago. And for the last 48 hours both the local citizenry and THE PRESS have been savagely assaulted.

"When the evening hours come, those who want to cause problems hide under the cover of darkness," Knowles said on MSNBC. "They come out.
St. Louis area riots are ?no excuse? to attack peaceful protesters in Ferguson, Mo.: President Obama - NY Daily News

Are you really that stupid or naive??
It is pretty obvious what the large police presence is attributed to......
Tell all those thugs to go home and peace will follow ........
It wouldn't of been so bad if they protested, but the looting, rioting

but again, I've heard a lot of out of people from out of that town. like (Sharpton he was amazingly there in a heartbeat), that has kept this stirred up

But they STOPPED looting and rioting more than 72 hours ago. And for the last 48 hours both the local citizenry and THE PRESS have been savagely assaulted.

"When the evening hours come, those who want to cause problems hide under the cover of darkness," Knowles said on MSNBC. "They come out.
St. Louis area riots are ?no excuse? to attack peaceful protesters in Ferguson, Mo.: President Obama - NY Daily News

Are you really that stupid or naive??
It is pretty obvious what the large police presence is attributed to......
Tell all those thugs to go home and peace will follow ........

So the Press and other reporters must be attacked because they might become looters?
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

I'm not sure how both events are related.

The Bureau of Land Mgmt only went in and removed the cattle from its grounds 20 YEARS AFTER giving Bundy warning after warning after warning.

The Feds didn't just arrive down there and militarize the whole area. They only went down and took care of the problem they had with a rancher not paying fees every other rancher pays to allow their cattle to graze on federal lands.

When retarded and other paranoid white anti-gubmint types heard that the BLM was down there to remove the cattle, they organized protests in which they were armed, blocked regular civilians from moving by creating armed checkpoints, and positioned themselves where they were filmed pointing weapons at the feds.

Even after all that, the Feds de-escalated the situation.

In Ferguson, the police killed yet another unarmed black guy and in the past few days have led an ugly offensive against our 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest.

The police have talked about people "bombing them" and massive violence by citizens, yet there is no proof of these apparent "bombings" and only story after story of innocent civilians and media being tear-gassed, bullied, and arrested for filming law enforcement.

These people are unarmed and they've been treated like garbage by an overzealous and totally paranoid police department.

If black people were to surround the police with weapons aimed at them, just like the white militia people did in the south, you can be sure that the police would kill more black people if they could instead of de-escalating tensions.

The Bundy ranch and Ferguson are two totally different events and they've played out much differently. The first was a case of law enforcement using prudence while the second is law enforcement running amok over civilians because, hey, who really cares about black people anyway, right?
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