Missouri Militia arrives in Ferguson

what any of this has to do with some free loading free ranging moocher refusing to pay the pittance pay the government, ie us, gets for allowing these lazy cow owners to destroy the peoples land for and because their personal profits. grow up and keep totally different issues seperate. thanx

Fuck you fool. We are discussing the militarization of government and police action.

I couldn't give a rats ass if you thought it was freaking cool for the BLM to come at Bundy with helicopters and a militarized force over a debt shit head. Just means you are one fucked up asshole.

Bottom line is both actions are over the top.
So , on the other side of this, how do you folks justify looting and destructive behavior such as is going on??
Do more wrongs make any of this right??
This happened in other cities before, peaceful investigation was advocated, hell your Attorney General is a ******, if doesn't advocate a lawful solution then what is left??
The young man that made his comments so public about this is what happens when a white police officer shoots an unarmed black thug, well what if it had been a black cop and a white thug?? Do you think us self respecting whites are going to organize violent riots and protest complete with looting and rioting??
No no culture but the ****** culture would behave in such a shameful manner!!

No one is justifying looting, idiot.

The problem is that militarized police have been filmed pointing their weapons at crowds of unarmed innocent protesters in the street in broad daylight.

9 people have been arrested for looting/destructive behavior. Fine, so why is our police pointing assault weapons at crowds of unarmed people singing, praying and exercising their 1st Amendment rights?

No excuse for that behavior except from you, apparently.

Like the chicken or the egg??
Which came first the group of rioters or the cops??
That's what I thought!!
So , on the other side of this, how do you folks justify looting and destructive behavior such as is going on??
Do more wrongs make any of this right??
This happened in other cities before, peaceful investigation was advocated, hell your Attorney General is a ******, if doesn't advocate a lawful solution then what is left??
The young man that made his comments so public about this is what happens when a white police officer shoots an unarmed black thug, well what if it had been a black cop and a white thug?? Do you think us self respecting whites are going to organize violent riots and protest complete with looting and rioting??
No no culture but the ****** culture would behave in such a shameful manner!!

No one is justifying looting, idiot.

The problem is that militarized police have been filmed pointing their weapons at crowds of unarmed innocent protesters in the street in broad daylight.

9 people have been arrested for looting/destructive behavior. Fine, so why is our police pointing assault weapons at crowds of unarmed people singing, praying and exercising their 1st Amendment rights?

No excuse for that behavior except from you, apparently.

Like the chicken or the egg??
Which came first the group of rioters or the cops??
That's what I thought!!

A dead jaywalker came first.
One thing we all know is that police are generally becoming more and more militant across the nation. Ferguson, Missouri is 67% black - with a 94% white police force. That is a recipe for conflict.

5 things about Ferguson, Missouri - CNN.com

Ferguson police seem like Robocops on steroids. It would be fun to watch them shoot it out with the militia boys.

The blacks will rally behind the white militias immediately. Don't think for a moment that the blacks would stand by idly as whites bleed and die for them. It's CHECKMATE for the government when whites and blacks fight and die together.
No one is justifying looting, idiot.

The problem is that militarized police have been filmed pointing their weapons at crowds of unarmed innocent protesters in the street in broad daylight.

9 people have been arrested for looting/destructive behavior. Fine, so why is our police pointing assault weapons at crowds of unarmed people singing, praying and exercising their 1st Amendment rights?

No excuse for that behavior except from you, apparently.

Like the chicken or the egg??
Which came first the group of rioters or the cops??
That's what I thought!!

A dead jaywalker came first.

That managed to get into a cop car and while assaulting an officer over his weapon a shot was discharged!!
If they stopped me for jay walking, I usually just put my hands behind my back and cooperate .... but that is just me .....
One thing we all know is that police are generally becoming more and more militant across the nation. Ferguson, Missouri is 67% black - with a 94% white police force. That is a recipe for conflict.

5 things about Ferguson, Missouri - CNN.com

Ferguson police seem like Robocops on steroids. It would be fun to watch them shoot it out with the militia boys.

The blacks will rally behind the white militias immediately. Don't think for a moment that the blacks would stand by idly as whites bleed and die for them. It's CHECKMATE for the government when whites and blacks fight and die together.

Be like in a shooting gallery, redneck militant and stupid ass ******* all out gunned, out manned and out thought!!
One thing we all know is that police are generally becoming more and more militant across the nation. Ferguson, Missouri is 67% black - with a 94% white police force. That is a recipe for conflict.

5 things about Ferguson, Missouri - CNN.com

Ferguson police seem like Robocops on steroids. It would be fun to watch them shoot it out with the militia boys.

The blacks will rally behind the white militias immediately. Don't think for a moment that the blacks would stand by idly as whites bleed and die for them. It's CHECKMATE for the government when whites and blacks fight and die together.

Maybe after they decide which is the lesser of two evils. I'd rather they just shoot it out.
If these really are the same folks who were at Bundy's ranch - are they gonna throw their women and children at the looters?
Like the chicken or the egg??
Which came first the group of rioters or the cops??
That's what I thought!!

A dead jaywalker came first.

That managed to get into a cop car and while assaulting an officer over his weapon a shot was discharged!!
If they stopped me for jay walking, I usually just put my hands behind my back and cooperate .... but that is just me .....

Where's your proof, sparky?
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

Who's been "poo pooing" you?

Cops should not be militarized.

SWAT teams should be used on very rare and dire circumstances. Otherwise? Cops should not have assault weapons.

After 9/11? The change in the police has been pretty frightening.

You need to pop into Current Events once in a while Sallow.


I've personally been on a tear over cops shooting dogs under the most bizarre circumstances. Multiple occurrences country wide.

I've posted over incidences like this one. And there are people left and right and in the middle that will defend police under any circumstances.

This one galls me. Story line. Suspected drug dealer in family house. Rather than waiting for the subject to exit house the police decide they need to raid this really nice house at 3 in the morning with a freaking SWAT team.

Here's what happened when they threw a flash bang grenade into the house and it landed in a baby's crib.

Man oh man, this one sets me clean off.

All Americans should ask themselves, why isn't it news when a white cop kills a white person? Or when a Black cop kills a white person? White cops shoot and kill far more white people than they do African Americans. The stats are there for anyone interested in reality. So why are these incidents so publicized and exploited? I'll let individuals figure that out for themselves.

The issue Citizens need to be more concerned with, is the Militarization of our Police. Many have been warning about this for years. But so many have refused to confront it. Many wanted a Police State, and here it is. It's time for big changes in how we train our Police. 'To Protect and Serve' has to be the main focus again. Police have become arrogant and more violent. And guess what? It's gonna get worse. The Police State is rapidly expanding. Unless the People stand up and dismantle this Police State, things are gonna get much worse.

You got a link for that?

I mean from the normal news..not Brietbart, Alex Jones, Daily Caller or the Myriad of other right wing sites that drive you folks into a tizzy.

Because that's not the case.

And taking up guns against the local police, state police or the federal government is a wholly bad idea.

These things should be settled through peaceful protest, elections and the courts.
A dead jaywalker came first.

That managed to get into a cop car and while assaulting an officer over his weapon a shot was discharged!!
If they stopped me for jay walking, I usually just put my hands behind my back and cooperate .... but that is just me .....

Where's your proof, sparky?

Police said the teenager had physically assaulted an officer from the police force in Ferguson, Missouri, who fired multiple shots at Brown.
In St. Louis, Police Shooting of Michael Brown Leads to Rioting | News | BET

There would be my link, be so kindly to support your claims there snuffy..... sure ain't no spark in your debate!!
Smoke bombs and rubber bullets against molotov cocktails and real bullets does not prove that the police are militarized. Quite the opposite.

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