Missouri Militia arrives in Ferguson

That managed to get into a cop car and while assaulting an officer over his weapon a shot was discharged!!
If they stopped me for jay walking, I usually just put my hands behind my back and cooperate .... but that is just me .....

Where's your proof, sparky?

Police said the teenager had physically assaulted an officer from the police force in Ferguson, Missouri, who fired multiple shots at Brown.
In St. Louis, Police Shooting of Michael Brown Leads to Rioting | News | BET

There would be my link, be so kindly to support your claims there snuffy..... sure ain't no spark in your debate!!

Your link is a conflicting crock of shit. Did you read it? Anyway, who is their right mind would take the word of the Ferguson police at this point. I'll wait for the FBI report.
And taking up guns against the local police, state police or the federal government is a wholly bad idea.

These things should be settled through peaceful protest


What then?

I missed where the protesters were being assaulted. Could you provided a link?

» Video: Ferguson Riot Police Wound Reporter In Attack on Protestors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Infowars reporter Joe Biggs was also shot in the kidneys by a rubber bullet as police seemed to be deliberately targeting journalists.

“I got shot in the kidneys with one of those rubber rounds and had two gas canisters come right at me,” Biggs reported. “When I got up, I couldn’t see so I went in one direction and lost [Infowars reporter] Jakari Jackson and [Infowars cameraman] Josh Owens.”

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So , on the other side of this, how do you folks justify looting and destructive behavior such as is going on??
Do more wrongs make any of this right??
This happened in other cities before, peaceful investigation was advocated, hell your Attorney General is a ******, if doesn't advocate a lawful solution then what is left??
The young man that made his comments so public about this is what happens when a white police officer shoots an unarmed black thug, well what if it had been a black cop and a white thug?? Do you think us self respecting whites are going to organize violent riots and protest complete with looting and rioting??
No no culture but the ****** culture would behave in such a shameful manner!!

No one is justifying looting, idiot.

The problem is that militarized police have been filmed pointing their weapons at crowds of unarmed innocent protesters in the street in broad daylight.

9 people have been arrested for looting/destructive behavior. Fine, so why is our police pointing assault weapons at crowds of unarmed people singing, praying and exercising their 1st Amendment rights?

No excuse for that behavior except from you, apparently.

Like the chicken or the egg??
Which came first the group of rioters or the cops??
That's what I thought!!

Link to the group of rioters, please?

9 individuals have been arrested for looting.

No "group of rioters".

Large group of peaceful protesters having guns pointed at them and not being able to go home because the militarized police won't let you walk down the street is a total abuse of our 1st Amendment rights.

"Group of rioters". Of course that's something you believe even though there is clearly no proof of that.
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

I'm not sure how both events are related.

The Bureau of Land Mgmt only went in and removed the cattle from its grounds 20 YEARS AFTER giving Bundy warning after warning after warning.

The Feds didn't just arrive down there and militarize the whole area. They only went down and took care of the problem they had with a rancher not paying fees every other rancher pays to allow their cattle to graze on federal lands.

When retarded and other paranoid white anti-gubmint types heard that the BLM was down there to remove the cattle, they organized protests in which they were armed, blocked regular civilians from moving by creating armed checkpoints, and positioned themselves where they were filmed pointing weapons at the feds.

Even after all that, the Feds de-escalated the situation.

In Ferguson, the police killed yet another unarmed black guy and in the past few days have led an ugly offensive against our 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest.

The police have talked about people "bombing them" and massive violence by citizens, yet there is no proof of these apparent "bombings" and only story after story of innocent civilians and media being tear-gassed, bullied, and arrested for filming law enforcement.

These people are unarmed and they've been treated like garbage by an overzealous and totally paranoid police department.

If black people were to surround the police with weapons aimed at them, just like the white militia people did in the south, you can be sure that the police would kill more black people if they could instead of de-escalating tensions.

The Bundy ranch and Ferguson are two totally different events and they've played out much differently. The first was a case of law enforcement using prudence while the second is law enforcement running amok over civilians because, hey, who really cares about black people anyway, right?

You are missing the point. We are not discussing the reasons for police actions.

That's not the issue at all. It was that the "police" or "government" was militarized.

Period full stop. We can argue to the death on whether or not police action was necessary to collect a debt and that's what Bundy was about OR whether or not police action was necessary as crowd control.

But one thing is absolutely not debatable. BOTH actions were militarized. And that cannot be justified.

When an unlawful group of armed people who call themselves "militia men" but aren't part of an actual lawful state militia keep me from driving down the road because they've set up armed checkpoints because they don't like the gubmint, I have a problem with that and that would be a reason for militarized police to come and serve and protect my freedom to travel without being intimidated by a bunch of paranoid maniacs who seem ready to use their weapons.

Again, the Bundy event is totally different than this one.
No one is justifying looting, idiot.

The problem is that militarized police have been filmed pointing their weapons at crowds of unarmed innocent protesters in the street in broad daylight.

9 people have been arrested for looting/destructive behavior. Fine, so why is our police pointing assault weapons at crowds of unarmed people singing, praying and exercising their 1st Amendment rights?

No excuse for that behavior except from you, apparently.

Like the chicken or the egg??
Which came first the group of rioters or the cops??
That's what I thought!!

Link to the group of rioters, please?

9 individuals have been arrested for looting.

No "group of rioters".

Large group of peaceful protesters having guns pointed at them and not being able to go home because the militarized police won't let you walk down the street is a total abuse of our 1st Amendment rights.

"Group of rioters". Of course that's something you believe even though there is clearly no proof of that.

Special Coverage
Number of people arrested, injured continues to rise in Ferguson


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by KMOV.com


Posted on August 14, 2014 at 6:04 AM

Updated today at 10:01 AM

FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOV.com) – At least 10 people, including three officers, suffered injuries and at least 75 people have been arrested in the aftermath of an officer-involved shooting that killed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Brian Schellman, with the St. Louis County Police Department, said close to 300 police officers from at least 15 different departments were called to Ferguson Sunday night when angry mobs began smashing windows, setting fires and looting businesses in the area.

Throughout Sunday evening, numerous cop cars sustained damage and Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said someone in a yellow pickup truck fired shots at officers while circling a WalMart parking lot. Chief Jackson said he got into a cop car to give chase to the truck but the truck got away.

Police said shots were also fired at a police helicopter in the area.

According to police, two men were assaulted at a Phillips 66 in the 1100 block of Riverview during the riots. Police say three suspects used a bat to injury a 54-year-old man who attempted to stop them for leaving the store with stolen merchandise. Authorities said the victim was taken to an area hospital in stable condition following the assault.

According to St. Louis County police, 32 people were arrested Sunday night, 10 for looting and 22 for destruction of property, and 15 people were arrested during a protest in Ferguson Monday morning.

Schellman said a St. Louis County officer injured his knee while at a Foot Locker store during the rioting. He said another officer was injured when he had a brick thrown at him.
Number of people arrested, injured continues to rise in Ferguson | KMOV.com St. Louis

Like it didn't fucking happen, eh??
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I'm not sure how both events are related.

The Bureau of Land Mgmt only went in and removed the cattle from its grounds 20 YEARS AFTER giving Bundy warning after warning after warning.

The Feds didn't just arrive down there and militarize the whole area. They only went down and took care of the problem they had with a rancher not paying fees every other rancher pays to allow their cattle to graze on federal lands.

When retarded and other paranoid white anti-gubmint types heard that the BLM was down there to remove the cattle, they organized protests in which they were armed, blocked regular civilians from moving by creating armed checkpoints, and positioned themselves where they were filmed pointing weapons at the feds.

Even after all that, the Feds de-escalated the situation.

In Ferguson, the police killed yet another unarmed black guy and in the past few days have led an ugly offensive against our 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest.

The police have talked about people "bombing them" and massive violence by citizens, yet there is no proof of these apparent "bombings" and only story after story of innocent civilians and media being tear-gassed, bullied, and arrested for filming law enforcement.

These people are unarmed and they've been treated like garbage by an overzealous and totally paranoid police department.

If black people were to surround the police with weapons aimed at them, just like the white militia people did in the south, you can be sure that the police would kill more black people if they could instead of de-escalating tensions.

The Bundy ranch and Ferguson are two totally different events and they've played out much differently. The first was a case of law enforcement using prudence while the second is law enforcement running amok over civilians because, hey, who really cares about black people anyway, right?

You are missing the point. We are not discussing the reasons for police actions.

That's not the issue at all. It was that the "police" or "government" was militarized.

Period full stop. We can argue to the death on whether or not police action was necessary to collect a debt and that's what Bundy was about OR whether or not police action was necessary as crowd control.

But one thing is absolutely not debatable. BOTH actions were militarized. And that cannot be justified.

When an unlawful group of armed people who call themselves "militia men" but aren't part of an actual lawful state militia keep me from driving down the road because they've set up armed checkpoints because they don't like the gubmint, I have a problem with that and that would be a reason for militarized police to come and serve and protect my freedom to travel without being intimidated by a bunch of paranoid maniacs who seem ready to use their weapons.

Again, the Bundy event is totally different than this one.

If police are to effectively deal with these Turner-Diary-Wannabes, they have to be armed to the hilt.
There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...
There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...

You're correct. Righties are there for the Constitution, lefties are there to score political points on white privilege.

On the bright side, both the left and right are agreeing that the police are over-militarized. I'm watching it on MSNBC, CNN and Fox and Alex Jones/Glen Beck simultaneously.
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There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...

I thought about it, it is useless bastards like you who instigate trouble by making unsubstantiated accusations!!
You are merely trying to incite turmoil by making ambiguous accusations!!
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There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...

Come to think of it , you sniveling little bastard, how about you make it black and white what the fuck lefties and righties points are!!
There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...

Come to think of it , you sniveling little bastard, how about you make it black and white what the fuck lefties and righties points are!!

So you have no idea what he is saying (not surprising) and yet you call them "unsubstantiated accusations"????

Is there a hall of shame or something somewhere - we need to preserve this.
There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...

Come to think of it , you sniveling little bastard, how about you make it black and white what the fuck lefties and righties points are!!

So you have no idea what he is saying (not surprising) and yet you call them "unsubstantiated accusations"????

Is there a hall of shame or something somewhere - we need to preserve this.

Come to think of it , you sniveling little bastard, how about you make it black and white what the fuck lefties and righties points are!!

So you have no idea what he is saying (not surprising) and yet you call them "unsubstantiated accusations"????

Is there a hall of shame or something somewhere - we need to preserve this.


You can preserve whatever you want, I don't see him explaining his stance .....
By the way, are you really that stupid, I can see what is being implied, just want to hear it from the source......

That's exactly what is NOT needed.

Redneck cops vs. Redneck Militia.

This should be settled in the courts.

I think you're putting the militia on the wrong side.
Kinda think it would be the looters that should be concerned.

What we really dont need is a bunch idiots looting and rioting thus confirming the need for a militarized police force.
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There is one point I'd like to make: I don't believe the "motives" are exactly the same for the lefties and righties who are appalled by what is taking place in Ferguson. Just think about it...

You're correct. Righties are there for the Constitution, lefties are there to score political points on white privilege.

On the bright side, both the left and right are agreeing that the police are over-militarized. I'm watching it on MSNBC, CNN and Fox and Alex Jones/Glen Beck simultaneously.

Well, John Lewis would be there for the constitution. But, no doubt guys like Sharpton are there to make a buck out of anything they can find, regardless of whether the cops initially acted illegally.

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