Missouri Militia arrives in Ferguson

I'm not sure how both events are related.

The Bureau of Land Mgmt only went in and removed the cattle from its grounds 20 YEARS AFTER giving Bundy warning after warning after warning.

The Feds didn't just arrive down there and militarize the whole area. They only went down and took care of the problem they had with a rancher not paying fees every other rancher pays to allow their cattle to graze on federal lands.

When retarded and other paranoid white anti-gubmint types heard that the BLM was down there to remove the cattle, they organized protests in which they were armed, blocked regular civilians from moving by creating armed checkpoints, and positioned themselves where they were filmed pointing weapons at the feds.

Even after all that, the Feds de-escalated the situation.

In Ferguson, the police killed yet another unarmed black guy and in the past few days have led an ugly offensive against our 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest.

The police have talked about people "bombing them" and massive violence by citizens, yet there is no proof of these apparent "bombings" and only story after story of innocent civilians and media being tear-gassed, bullied, and arrested for filming law enforcement.

These people are unarmed and they've been treated like garbage by an overzealous and totally paranoid police department.

If black people were to surround the police with weapons aimed at them, just like the white militia people did in the south, you can be sure that the police would kill more black people if they could instead of de-escalating tensions.

The Bundy ranch and Ferguson are two totally different events and they've played out much differently. The first was a case of law enforcement using prudence while the second is law enforcement running amok over civilians because, hey, who really cares about black people anyway, right?

You are missing the point. We are not discussing the reasons for police actions.

That's not the issue at all. It was that the "police" or "government" was militarized.

Period full stop. We can argue to the death on whether or not police action was necessary to collect a debt and that's what Bundy was about OR whether or not police action was necessary as crowd control.

But one thing is absolutely not debatable. BOTH actions were militarized. And that cannot be justified.

When an unlawful group of armed people who call themselves "militia men" but aren't part of an actual lawful state militia keep me from driving down the road because they've set up armed checkpoints because they don't like the gubmint, I have a problem with that and that would be a reason for militarized police to come and serve and protect my freedom to travel without being intimidated by a bunch of paranoid maniacs who seem ready to use their weapons.

Again, the Bundy event is totally different than this one.

Your timeline is wrong. The BLM went in that way. They went in militarized. Before the militias arrived.

And the action taken in both incidences are the same and should not be condoned under any circumstances.
The dumbass rioters are giving lending credence for the need of a militarized police force.
As far as the militia goes I'm still on the fence. You dont want to stop the police from ending the looting and rioting so I'm not really sure why they'd show up.

Is there some kind of mission statement? You would think they'd want to be perfectly clear on their intentions before walking in and taking shit from both sides.

Any time an armed group, militia or otherwise show up and "interfere" with what ever the agenda the police/ establishment has going on there is going to be backlash as there well should be......

Missouri is an open carry state but it's obvious the police in that state don't give a damn about the constitution, so if a white militia, carrying weapons, faces off against the cops there will be blood everywhere. Public opinion is everything so I'd hope the militia would consider this very carefully. The OA would use that tragedy to fast track draconian anti-gun laws, and laws targeting conservative white people, Christians and so on.

The best solution is to put some professionals in there, maybe NG who have protocols to follow that don't include pointing guns at the public unless they're being threatened equally.

It would beat anything these 1990 NDA authorized thugs with military hardware are doing to exacerbate the situation.
Civil Rights icon asking Obama to declare martial law in Ferguson.

Rep. John Lewis On Ferguson: 'Declare Martial Law'

Is it getting that bad?

Would it really matter??
Besides a National Emergency that was weather driven have you ever seen martial law in your life time??
Would you like to see it??
I already think we have an abundance of law enforcement, I do not think I need to see more especially in the form of martial law.
I was alive when the national guard was sent to Little Rock, Ar. , I was a child and did not pay much attention to what was happening but since that point I can not remember an incident that was not weather related that required martial law.
I have lived this long with out it, would it be too much to ask to live the rest of my life without having to see it again??
Americans better get used to burning, raping & pillaging. Because that's the future. 3rd World chaos is coming. When the Gravy Train derails and the freebies run out, the entitlement savages will not take it too well. They'll burn it all down. I strongly suggest being prepared. Arm yourself and take necessary survival precautions. Teach your children how to survive in an increasingly violent and chaotic world.

I know most will say that's just silly 'paranoia', but they'll be the unprepared victims. Humans are animals, they'll take what you have by force to survive. It's just human nature. So pay attention to what's going on this podunk little rathole in Missouri. Because it's a preview of what's to come on a grand scale. Get prepared peeps. Don't listen to those ridiculing and hating. Think about your family. God bless.
Well, it is 'silly' paranoia. The solution is not to prepare for Armageddon. the solution is to rein in the police so deadly force against the unarmed is no longer a problem.

Treat humans as animals and guess what the result will be. treat humans as fellow citizens and justice will result.
I'm in no fucking mood for liberal bullshit today on what happened over Bundy.

The BLM went in to collect the cows in a highly militarized fashion BEFORE the militias showed up.

200 armed agents, snipers, 9 helicopters. If that isn't over the top for a cattle round up or to collect a debt I don't know what the hell is.

Setting up a "First Amendment corral" as well. No protesting allowed except in a restricted area.

Standoff in the desert: Last rancher in south Nevada takes on 200 armed federal agents and snipers trying to confiscate cattle from his ancestral land in constitutional dispute over a rare TORTOISE

Cliven Bundy is appealing for help to stop the Federal Bureau of Land Management and the FBi from removing his 900 or so cattle
He claims his family have owned 600,000 acres of Gold Butte since 1870
The federal government claims that the cattle are trespassing on arid and fragile habitat of the endangered desert tortoise
Heavily armed federal officers equipped with 9 helicopters and backed up with snipers have descended on the land

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online
The dumbass rioters are giving lending credence for the need of a militarized police force.
As far as the militia goes I'm still on the fence. You dont want to stop the police from ending the looting and rioting so I'm not really sure why they'd show up.

Is there some kind of mission statement? You would think they'd want to be perfectly clear on their intentions before walking in and taking shit from both sides.

Any time an armed group, militia or otherwise show up and "interfere" with what ever the agenda the police/ establishment has going on there is going to be backlash as there well should be......

Missouri is an open carry state but it's obvious the police in that state don't give a damn about the constitution, so if a white militia, carrying weapons, faces off against the cops there will be blood everywhere. Public opinion is everything so I'd hope the militia would consider this very carefully. The OA would use that tragedy to fast track draconian anti-gun laws, and laws targeting conservative white people, Christians and so on.

The best solution is to put some professionals in there, maybe NG who have protocols to follow that don't include pointing guns at the public unless they're being threatened equally.

It would beat anything these 1990 NDA authorized thugs with military hardware are doing to exacerbate the situation.

That's just it,I don't see the militia facing off with the police, more leaning towards the white supremacy, we on the cops side type shit........
I mean you can keep running those scenarios in your head till the cows come home, but them boys went to shoot them some looting "THUGS" while aiding the police in keeping the rift raft at bay .... I mean if you can't look after those poor merchant's stores and keep them looting thugs out .......
Like telling me, Oh the militia will let the thugs destroy and rob while keeping the cops at bay......

In the bundy case, bundy had the fucking cows and Obummer wanted them .....
In Ferguson the blacks don't have a thing the cops want............
The militia intervened between the BLM and bundy to keep what is bundy's by right, following that same logic the militia will protect store owners whose property is being taken by rioting thugs!!
oh for crying out loud, until something happens that involves the militia you can stop with all the WHAT IF'S

This isn't about them, how these sweet folks


New Black Panthers March in #Ferguson – Take Over News Conference

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, August 14, 2014, 2:45 PM

The radical New Black Panthers Party led another protest today in Ferguson, Missouri.
black panthers ferguson

The protesters handed over a list of demands to the city leaders.

The Black Panthers took over the press conference with Ferguson police chief today.

The FBI confirmed Wednesday that a New Black Panther leader in the St. Louis area is encouraging violence against police officers.

ALL of it with pictures at the site
New Black Panthers March in #Ferguson ? Take Over News Conference | The Gateway Pundit
I wonder who sent out the call for the Turner Diaries crowd this time?
They obviously responded to Cliven Bundy's request to start a "range war." And then chickened out and stuck their women and children up front and hid behind them. (What terrorist organization(s) does that remind you of?)

So who are they going to hide behind in MO.?
I know militia people. They're heavy on constitution and less racist than your average redneck in my experience, so I don't see them leaning towards the cops.

Assuming Ferguson is mostly black, and I could be wrong, then any protection that would be provided would most likely go towards black businesses.

What these looters don't realize, because the feel entitled by generations of social manipulation by liberal dogs, is that when they destroy these businesses, those businesses aren't coming back, and then their stupid little city will dry up and turn into a Camden New Jersey, Flynt, or Detroit.
oh for crying out loud, until something happens that involves the militia you can stop with all the WHAT IF'S

This isn't about them, how these sweet folks


New Black Panthers March in #Ferguson – Take Over News Conference

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, August 14, 2014, 2:45 PM

The radical New Black Panthers Party led another protest today in Ferguson, Missouri.
black panthers ferguson

The protesters handed over a list of demands to the city leaders.

The Black Panthers took over the press conference with Ferguson police chief today.

The FBI confirmed Wednesday that a New Black Panther leader in the St. Louis area is encouraging violence against police officers.

ALL of it with pictures at the site
New Black Panthers March in #Ferguson ? Take Over News Conference | The Gateway Pundit

Sounds right to me.
Funny, crickets about the Black Panthers showing up calling for violence against police

where's bucs? where all the liberal outrage like over the militia?
It's really hard to find any empathy for the voter suppressing "Black Panthers". From the looks of it the people of Ferguson aren't too impressed with any of the race hustlers.
I know militia people. They're heavy on constitution and less racist than your average redneck in my experience, so I don't see them leaning towards the cops.

Assuming Ferguson is mostly black, and I could be wrong, then any protection that would be provided would most likely go towards black businesses.

What these looters don't realize, because the feel entitled by generations of social manipulation by liberal dogs, is that when they destroy these businesses, those businesses aren't coming back, and then their stupid little city will dry up and turn into a Camden New Jersey, Flynt, or Detroit.

Making my case for me I see, you think the business owners would be anti police or pro police??

Incendiary Image of the Day: Ferguson, MO Armed Self-Defense Editon
By Robert Farago on August 12, 2014


Writing these blog posts, I try to see a story from the anti-gunners’ perspective. It’s all too easy to surrender to The Wilkow Majority perspective: “we’re right, they’re wrong, that’s the end of the story.” The fight to defend and extend Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is won or lost at the margins, amongst the so-called Silent Majority. So when you look at the picture of the owners and employees of St. Louis Ink Tattoo Studio defending their property from Ferguson, Missouri looters by force of arms, you’re thanking God (or whatever) for American gun rights. An anti sees a bunch of yahoos subverting the rule of law, itching to kill blacks. The question is, what does the average Joe and Jane see?

The question is what do you see??
Hard to make those racist statements when the bro is right in the middle of the mix........
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Infowars reporter Joe Biggs was also shot in the kidneys by a rubber bullet as police seemed to be deliberately targeting journalists.
Hah hah inforwars "reporter" = journalist :lol:
Americans better get used to burning, raping & pillaging. Because that's the future. 3rd World chaos is coming.
When? I bet you've been saying this for years and years, yet here we are the stable democracy with historically low crime rates, leave it to drama queens like you to look at every incident as a sign of impending Mad Max scenario.
I'm in no fucking mood for liberal bullshit today on what happened over Bundy.

The BLM went in to collect the cows in a highly militarized fashion BEFORE the militias showed up.

200 armed agents, snipers, 9 helicopters. If that isn't over the top for a cattle round up or to collect a debt I don't know what the hell is.

Setting up a "First Amendment corral" as well. No protesting allowed except in a restricted area.

Standoff in the desert: Last rancher in south Nevada takes on 200 armed federal agents and snipers trying to confiscate cattle from his ancestral land in constitutional dispute over a rare TORTOISE

Cliven Bundy is appealing for help to stop the Federal Bureau of Land Management and the FBi from removing his 900 or so cattle
He claims his family have owned 600,000 acres of Gold Butte since 1870
The federal government claims that the cattle are trespassing on arid and fragile habitat of the endangered desert tortoise
Heavily armed federal officers equipped with 9 helicopters and backed up with snipers have descended on the land

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online

Bundy had in the past used guns to threaton law officers. He had no right to graze his cattle on that land. However, like his son, who is now serving hard time for being a felon, he will soon be in prison. And good riddance to bad rubbish.
I know militia people. They're heavy on constitution and less racist than your average redneck in my experience, so I don't see them leaning towards the cops.

Assuming Ferguson is mostly black, and I could be wrong, then any protection that would be provided would most likely go towards black businesses.

What these looters don't realize, because the feel entitled by generations of social manipulation by liberal dogs, is that when they destroy these businesses, those businesses aren't coming back, and then their stupid little city will dry up and turn into a Camden New Jersey, Flynt, or Detroit.

Making my case for me I see, you think the business owners would be anti police or pro police??

Incendiary Image of the Day: Ferguson, MO Armed Self-Defense Editon
By Robert Farago on August 12, 2014


Writing these blog posts, I try to see a story from the anti-gunners’ perspective. It’s all too easy to surrender to The Wilkow Majority perspective: “we’re right, they’re wrong, that’s the end of the story.” The fight to defend and extend Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is won or lost at the margins, amongst the so-called Silent Majority. So when you look at the picture of the owners and employees of St. Louis Ink Tattoo Studio defending their property from Ferguson, Missouri looters by force of arms, you’re thanking God (or whatever) for American gun rights. An anti sees a bunch of yahoos subverting the rule of law, itching to kill blacks. The question is, what does the average Joe and Jane see?

The question is what do you see??
Hard to make those racist statements when the bro is right in the middle of the mix........

That's hard to say. If they're black, then they obviously feel kinship with their race, but at the same time, they're not about to let some fools run off on an Al Sharpton induced "Crown Heights" riot without a fight. I believe most of them are stuck in between but when it comes to push and shove they'll react in a lawful way. It's too bad the QT didn't have a few black security guards with AR's . I'm not sure what the fat white trash at the local tattoo palace have to do with anything except for the fact that they won't be getting robbed by thugz.
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