Missouri woman's murder conviction tossed after 43 years. Her lawyers say a police officer did it

Is there anything in your life that you cannot tie to your God, the Trumpster?

What the living fuck does this have to do with Trump?
Similar to her justice. Who found her guilty? I should be flattered you call Trump GOD but to be frank with you he is only a successful businessman who was our president.
Already two threads on this.

Another case where it looks like law enforcement framed an innocent person to cover for the crimes of a fellow officer.

Then we have the current prosecutor arguing to keep her behind bars despite the fact a judge (and Missouri Supreme Court) said release her.

I could certainly understand her being bitter behind bars.

Missouri woman who served 43 years in prison is free after her murder conviction was overturned
I posted something about this last month.

Sad what happened to this crazy lady.

Thread 'We should rid ourselves of redundant Federal Bureaucracies...and use the money more wisely.' We should rid ourselves of redundant Federal Bureaucracies...and use the money more wisely.

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