Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
You're a liar.

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
White House acknowledges coronavirus test shortage
From your links:
Link-1: The states all have local labs with enough capacity until the commercially produced kits are available

INSKEEP: There's been so much concern about a shortage of test kits. What's happening there?

AUBREY: Well, some academic hospitals are developing their own tests. And commercial options are expanding really quickly. Quest Diagnostics says it will launch a coronavirus test on Monday. The company says it will be in a position to receive samples from hospitals, physician offices. And another big company, LabCorp, says it now has a test available that can be ordered by doctors, other health care providers. Now, results can take three or four days. Positive results will be reported to local health officials and to the CDC.

LA Times: Fake news. No problem testing?!

BBC: Fake news too. There is more than enough testing capacity available currently.
Pence's comment about a million tests is way more than needed

Vice-President Mike Pence said the Trump administration would not be able to meet its objective of delivering one million testing kits this week.
The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

It's ironic the brainwashed trump follower's watch fox news and they tend to be over 60 and just happens to be the hardest hit but keep believing fox and trumps bullshit.
What went wrong with the coronavirus tests in the U.S.
Since Renee Schwartz developed shortness of breath and a severe cough two weeks ago, she has been trying desperately to get a coronavirus test. She has already been tested for the flu — she was negative — and other problems have been ruled out. But while her doctor thinks a test is warranted, she told Schwartz she does not have access to any tests.

“I feel like crap,” said Schwartz, 60, of North Hills, Calif. “I want to know, why can’t I get this test?”

While the stories of people who are sick but can’t get tested get widespread attention, President Trump presented the situation very differently on a Friday afternoon visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

“Anybody that needs a test gets a test. Anybody that needs a test. They are all set; they have them out there,” Trump said. “As of right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test can get one.”

Production is ramping up, but tests — and the labs and equipment necessary to run them — are still very limited. Even where test kits are available, many states are following strict criteria for who should be tested to avoid overwhelming their labs.

Interviews with a dozen laboratory experts and government health officials reveal a six-week series of glitches, missed opportunities and delays that contributed to the shortage.

“They’ve simply lost time they can’t make up. You can’t get back six weeks of blindness,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who oversaw the international response to Ebola during the Obama administration and is a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development. “To the extent that there’s someone to blame here, the blame is on poor, chaotic management from the White House and failure to acknowledge the big picture.”
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
You're a liar.

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
White House acknowledges coronavirus test shortage
From your links:
Link-1: The states all have local labs with enough capacity until the commercially produced kits are available

INSKEEP: There's been so much concern about a shortage of test kits. What's happening there?

AUBREY: Well, some academic hospitals are developing their own tests. And commercial options are expanding really quickly. Quest Diagnostics says it will launch a coronavirus test on Monday. The company says it will be in a position to receive samples from hospitals, physician offices. And another big company, LabCorp, says it now has a test available that can be ordered by doctors, other health care providers. Now, results can take three or four days. Positive results will be reported to local health officials and to the CDC.

LA Times: Fake news. No problem testing?!

BBC: Fake news too. There is more than enough testing capacity available currently.
Pence's comment about a million tests is way more than needed

Vice-President Mike Pence said the Trump administration would not be able to meet its objective of delivering one million testing kits this week.
You're a liar. All but brainwashed Trump cultists are aware test kits were in short supply, and still are, because of the FAILURE of the Trump admin to prepare for the inevitable demand before the virus spread here.
Senator Chris Murphy says government has "no concept of the scope" of coronavirus spread

— Connecticut Democratic Senator Chris Murphy lambasted the Trump administration for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak and said the federal government has "no concept" of the virus' spread due to a lack of extensive testing.

Connecticut is one of the 33 states with confirmed cases of coronavirus, though Murphy believes there could be "hundreds if not thousands" of additional unknown cases in his home state.

"I think we have no concept of the scope of this epidemic yet because we have not been able to test," Murphy said Sunday on "Face the Nation." "The fact of the matter is we can't make good judgments about the measures we should be taking in Seattle or Danbury or Hartford unless we are able to do these tests."
Senator Chris Murphy says government has "no concept of the scope" of coronavirus spread - CBS News
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
You're a liar.

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
White House acknowledges coronavirus test shortage
From your links:
Link-1: The states all have local labs with enough capacity until the commercially produced kits are available

INSKEEP: There's been so much concern about a shortage of test kits. What's happening there?

AUBREY: Well, some academic hospitals are developing their own tests. And commercial options are expanding really quickly. Quest Diagnostics says it will launch a coronavirus test on Monday. The company says it will be in a position to receive samples from hospitals, physician offices. And another big company, LabCorp, says it now has a test available that can be ordered by doctors, other health care providers. Now, results can take three or four days. Positive results will be reported to local health officials and to the CDC.

LA Times: Fake news. No problem testing?!

BBC: Fake news too. There is more than enough testing capacity available currently.
Pence's comment about a million tests is way more than needed

Vice-President Mike Pence said the Trump administration would not be able to meet its objective of delivering one million testing kits this week.
You're a liar. All but brainwashed Trump cultists are aware test kits were in short supply, and still are, because of the FAILURE of the Trump admin to prepare for the inevitable demand before the virus spread here.

There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
You're a liar.

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
White House acknowledges coronavirus test shortage
From your links:
Link-1: The states all have local labs with enough capacity until the commercially produced kits are available

INSKEEP: There's been so much concern about a shortage of test kits. What's happening there?

AUBREY: Well, some academic hospitals are developing their own tests. And commercial options are expanding really quickly. Quest Diagnostics says it will launch a coronavirus test on Monday. The company says it will be in a position to receive samples from hospitals, physician offices. And another big company, LabCorp, says it now has a test available that can be ordered by doctors, other health care providers. Now, results can take three or four days. Positive results will be reported to local health officials and to the CDC.

LA Times: Fake news. No problem testing?!

BBC: Fake news too. There is more than enough testing capacity available currently.
Pence's comment about a million tests is way more than needed

Vice-President Mike Pence said the Trump administration would not be able to meet its objective of delivering one million testing kits this week.
You're a liar. All but brainwashed Trump cultists are aware test kits were in short supply, and still are, because of the FAILURE of the Trump admin to prepare for the inevitable demand before the virus spread here.

You're fucking welcome that the US has so few cases, compared to the EU for example.
Thanks to Trump stopping air travel from China as soon as possible.

Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:
EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths
US 213 cases, 17 deaths
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states.
I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
If you can't, then you are the liar. You type a lot of bullshit w/o any proof.
Here are links showing the US doing much better than the EU. Thanks President Trump

Situation update worldwide, as of 8 March 2020 08:00
Coronavirus Update (Live): 109,827 Cases and 3,805 Deaths from COVID-19 Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

Trump said he was not responsible for disbanding the White House’s pandemic team.


“When you say me, I didn’t do it. We have a group of people I could ask — perhaps my administration — but I could perhaps ask Tony about that because I don’t know anything about it.”

This is misleading. The top White House official tasked with leading the country’s response to a pandemic left the administration in May 2018 and his team was disbanded by Mr. Trump’s national security adviser at the time, John R. Bolton, The Washington Post has reported.

While there is no evidence that Mr. Trump personally directed the ousting of these officials, he also did not replace them in the nearly two years since, despite repeated bipartisan urgings from lawmakers and experts.
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
You're a liar.

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
White House acknowledges coronavirus test shortage
From your links:
Link-1: The states all have local labs with enough capacity until the commercially produced kits are available

INSKEEP: There's been so much concern about a shortage of test kits. What's happening there?

AUBREY: Well, some academic hospitals are developing their own tests. And commercial options are expanding really quickly. Quest Diagnostics says it will launch a coronavirus test on Monday. The company says it will be in a position to receive samples from hospitals, physician offices. And another big company, LabCorp, says it now has a test available that can be ordered by doctors, other health care providers. Now, results can take three or four days. Positive results will be reported to local health officials and to the CDC.

LA Times: Fake news. No problem testing?!

BBC: Fake news too. There is more than enough testing capacity available currently.
Pence's comment about a million tests is way more than needed

Vice-President Mike Pence said the Trump administration would not be able to meet its objective of delivering one million testing kits this week.

You seem to be very busy denying that there are problems, even while hospital executives, and leaders around the world are saying the exact opposite. Even Donald Trump is changing his tune and has stopped calling the disease a "hoax".

It strikes me that he is starting to parrot Justin Trudeau, at least in his words. Whereas Trudeau, comes across as genuine, and providing believable facts, you Teleprompter Trump: stiff; stilted; saying words he's been told to say and which he doesn't really believe. Yesterday in first press conference since his wife's diagnosis, Trudeau was asked about the stock market, and Trudeau said there would be a package for businesses when the crisis is over, but his focus for now was on the people of Canada, and the health of the nation.

Instead of persisting in your state of denial of the problems, how about doing your bit not to make things worse by lying about it?
Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. You haz it.
Yea, like if that worthless asshole Crooked Hillary was in charge everything would be soooo much better.

These Moon Bats are so deranged and sick in the head with TDS that they actually believe that.

Maybe they would have preferred for Trump to use the Obama epidemic model where thousands of Americans died while Obama sat around working on the college basketball playoff brackets..
Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.
Good thing we have a qualified infectious disease expert like you to tell us all the truth about the coronavirus epidemic and what the government and CDC need to do. ... :cuckoo:
Snark doesn't change the facts.

Not does it rescue you from being a retatded, lying hack.
Your use of a straw man argument is as transparent as Trump's lies about his failed response to the virus.

There is no "failed response", the Trump Team is doing a great job, way better than the EU and most other countries.
The Trump team is doing well so far. The testing capacity is growing daily. Now if the kids stop spreading COVID-19 we'll get thru this:
How bad it hits the US depends on how well the people respond to the directions as Google recommends, do the 5.

DO THE FIVE Help stop coronavirus

1 HANDS Wash them often

2 ELBOW Cough into it

3 FACE Don't touch it

4 FEET Stay more than 3ft apart

5 FEEL sick? Stay home


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