Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.
Awe ......seems most of the cases in the U.S. are in Sanctuary States..................

The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
Last edited:
The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

You're fucking welcome that the US has so few cases, compared to the EU for example.
Thanks to Trump stopping air travel from China as soon as possible.
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:
EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths

US 213 cases, 17 deaths
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done. What's your opinion on allowing fans at sporting events? March Madness is coming soon, think about it. I saw what Italy looks like now, ghost towns with everything shut down. Agree with your closing points. Stay home and stay safe.
Last edited:
The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

You're fucking welcome that the US has so few cases, compared to the EU for example.
Thanks to Trump stopping air travel from China as soon as possible.
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:
EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths

US 213 cases, 17 deaths
There are plenty of test kit being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done. What's your opinion on allowing fans at sporting events? March Madness is coming soon, think about it. I saw what Italy looks like now, ghost towns with everything shut down. Agree with your closing points. Stay home and stay safe.
Quite possible, we are only a month or so behind. You seem to have a shallow definition of success. or you could be blowing sunshine up our asses. He has not totally screwed up from the start. Cutting the air travel from effected area was a good move. Other than that, stuff like making rosy forecasts, containing disinformation, that have no basis in science, departmental improper prep of people sent to meet the infected upon his bringing them back into the country, the treatment of those on the ship off the California coast, Not so much. Anybody ever figure out what the heck a non-commercial port deep enough to accept an ocean liner is? Cannot be talking a port that only has naval vessels. I don't think there is one on the left (excuse me) West Coast. I've never actually seen one one anywhere, but I don't get around the coasts very often. This isn't really about the politics. I have every confidence, another administration would have made many mistakes, maybe not the same, maybe worse or possible better. I am equally certain that those that do politicize would find justifiable fault if they stood on the opposite side of the political divide. No matter how much was done, is being done, and will be done, we are headed for much of the same trouble experienced in the rest of the world, as this pandemic sweeps the planet. Like it or not, we are in a new paradigm, "humanity plus Corvid19" and the only way through is forward, unable to go back or stagnate in place. I have no doubt treatments will be found. With this many people working on it, a vaccine will be found, tested, mass produced and we will get back to normal with a new variant to our annual flu shots , but I don't think it likely until sometime next year. Cavalierly proclaiming the excellence (not proven) of his leadership and glossing over missteps and misstatements makes you sound like one that would minimize or cover up. This administration is already world famous for falsely minimizing and covering up. Here is that link again. If you click on the US tab, you can watch the effectiveness slide daily. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

You're fucking welcome that the US has so few cases, compared to the EU for example.
Thanks to Trump stopping air travel from China as soon as possible.
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:
EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths

US 213 cases, 17 deaths
There are plenty of test kit being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done. What's your opinion on allowing fans at sporting events? March Madness is coming soon, think about it. I saw what Italy looks like now, ghost towns with everything shut down. Agree with your closing points. Stay home and stay safe.
Quite possible, we are only a month or so behind. You seem to have a shallow definition of success. or you could be blowing sunshine up our asses. He has not totally screwed up from the start. Cutting the air travel from effected area was a good move. Other than that, stuff like making rosy forecasts, containing disinformation, that have no basis in science, departmental improper prep of people sent to meet the infected upon his bringing them back into the country, the treatment of those on the ship off the California coast, Not so much. Anybody ever figure out what the heck a non-commercial port deep enough to accept an ocean liner is? Cannot be talking a port that only has naval vessels. I don't think there is one on the left (excuse me) West Coast. I've never actually seen one one anywhere, but I don't get around the coasts very often. This isn't really about the politics. I have every confidence, another administration would have made many mistakes, maybe not the same, maybe worse or possible better. I am equally certain that those that do politicize would find justifiable fault if they stood on the opposite side of the political divide. No matter how much was done, is being done, and will be done, we are headed for much of the same trouble experienced in the rest of the world, as this pandemic sweeps the planet. Like it or not, we are in a new paradigm, "humanity plus Corvid19" and the only way through is forward, unable to go back or stagnate in place. I have no doubt treatments will be found. With this many people working on it, a vaccine will be found, tested, mass produced and we will get back to normal with a new variant to our annual flu shots , but I don't think it likely until sometime next year. Cavalierly proclaiming the excellence (not proven) of his leadership and glossing over missteps and misstatements makes you sound like one that would minimize or cover up. This administration is already world famous for falsely minimizing and covering up. Here is that link again. If you click on the US tab, you can watch the effectiveness slide daily. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
There was most likely things going on behind the scenes that we were not privy to and still are not. Do not forget the Progs are in total destroy Trump mode and have fought him tooth and nail on everything. Including this. It would be interesting to know the truth. Having a dour face on everything is not his way. It may be yours and much of the Prog political structure. For they make a great living doing that. Seeing them in their large houses with the sad look on their concerned faces while eating meals fit for royalty and throwing out what a poor family eats in a month in one night just brings the feeling of deep concern for them, for their concern for ours. Watch and see if the power fiefdoms leave their spots when the shitt hits the fan. 20% of NOLA left their post during Hurricane Katrina. And that was nothing in the emergency ways of living by your oath. Of course we do not remember the real heroes. Only those we make to be them. Those men who died stopping the radiation leak at Chernobyl are never even mentioned. But some remember them. Anone who knew people dying in a job not just from a sudden way but from longevity, remember them. So if this turns bad enough, lets see who sticks around when or if it hits the fan.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

You're fucking welcome that the US has so few cases, compared to the EU for example.
Thanks to Trump stopping air travel from China as soon as possible.
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:
EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths

US 213 cases, 17 deaths
There are plenty of test kit being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done. What's your opinion on allowing fans at sporting events? March Madness is coming soon, think about it. I saw what Italy looks like now, ghost towns with everything shut down. Agree with your closing points. Stay home and stay safe.
Quite possible, we are only a month or so behind. You seem to have a shallow definition of success. or you could be blowing sunshine up our asses. He has not totally screwed up from the start. Cutting the air travel from effected area was a good move. Other than that, stuff like making rosy forecasts, containing disinformation, that have no basis in science, departmental improper prep of people sent to meet the infected upon his bringing them back into the country, the treatment of those on the ship off the California coast, Not so much. Anybody ever figure out what the heck a non-commercial port deep enough to accept an ocean liner is? Cannot be talking a port that only has naval vessels. I don't think there is one on the left (excuse me) West Coast. I've never actually seen one one anywhere, but I don't get around the coasts very often. This isn't really about the politics. I have every confidence, another administration would have made many mistakes, maybe not the same, maybe worse or possible better. I am equally certain that those that do politicize would find justifiable fault if they stood on the opposite side of the political divide. No matter how much was done, is being done, and will be done, we are headed for much of the same trouble experienced in the rest of the world, as this pandemic sweeps the planet. Like it or not, we are in a new paradigm, "humanity plus Corvid19" and the only way through is forward, unable to go back or stagnate in place. I have no doubt treatments will be found. With this many people working on it, a vaccine will be found, tested, mass produced and we will get back to normal with a new variant to our annual flu shots , but I don't think it likely until sometime next year. Cavalierly proclaiming the excellence (not proven) of his leadership and glossing over missteps and misstatements makes you sound like one that would minimize or cover up. This administration is already world famous for falsely minimizing and covering up. Here is that link again. If you click on the US tab, you can watch the effectiveness slide daily. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
There was most likely things going on behind the scenes that we were not privy to and still are not. Do not forget the Progs are in total destroy Trump mode and have fought him tooth and nail on everything. Including this. It would be interesting to know the truth. Having a dour face on everything is not his way. It may be yours and much of the Prog political structure. For they make a great living doing that. Seeing them in their large houses with the sad look on their concerned faces while eating meals fit for royalty and throwing out what a poor family eats in a month in one night just brings the feeling of deep concern for them, for their concern for ours. Watch and see if the power fiefdoms leave their spots when the shitt hits the fan. 20% of NOLA left their post during Hurricane Katrina. And that was nothing in the emergency ways of living by your oath. Of course we do not remember the real heroes. Only those we make to be them. Those men who died stopping the radiation leak at Chernobyl are never even mentioned. But some remember them. Anone who knew people dying in a job not just from a sudden way but from longevity, remember them. So if this turns bad enough, lets see who sticks around when or if it hits the fan.

Progs "have fought him tooth and nail on everything. Including this." Not that I have noticed. When he asked for $2 Billion Dollar$ to fight it, Chuck and Nancy upped it to $8 Billions. True many feel free to speak their mind and opinion, but I observe no fight against what he is doing, only the stupid crap that comes out of his mouth about it.
"Having a dour face on everything is not his way. It may be yours and much of the Prog political structure. For they make a great living doing that. Seeing them in their large houses with the sad look on their concerned faces while eating meals fit for royalty and throwing out what a poor family eats in a month in one night just brings the feeling of deep concern for them, for their concern for ours." That is some really lame grasping nonsense you are spouting. Nobody thinks like that here. Where in the world are you from and how long were you there in a time capsule? Are you Russian or from an X Soviet satellite? You are definitely not from around here.
We openly discuss different points of view here, without being disappeared or shot except on 5th Avenue in New York if Donnie is in a bad mood wanting to find out if he really could get away with it. Just joking.
The tests are available, the US is doing better than any other country managing the spread of COVID-19.
You're a liar.

Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims
Pence gently tries to correct Trump's false coronavirus testing claims

WASHINGTON — Friday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence, who has become the face of the administration’s coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence.

Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.

Wearing a red “Keep America Great” baseball cap, the president used the occasion to offer his freewheeling thoughts on everything ranging from Fox News ratings to the educational pedigree of his uncle John Trump, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

But there were also blatantly incorrect claims, too, as when Trump said that “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has badly lagged in preparing a nationwide testing regime, and only a minuscule percentage of Americans can currently be tested. That percentage will grow in the coming days, but not nearly as quickly as public health experts believe is necessary to contain the disease, which has infected at least 280 people and killed 15 in the U.S..

Trump also said during his CDC tour that the tests are “all perfect,” comparing it to his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That phone call served as the basis for the impeachment inquiry that culminated in Trump’s acquittal last month.

In fact, an initial CDC test was flawed, which delayed its implementation by about two weeks, during a critical period in February when the virus was spreading in Washington state and elsewhere.

I see your words but no numbers. You can't bullshit your way out of a paper bag. The numbers make you a liar.
1. The US is doing way better than the EU, for a fairly sized comparison.
2. Therefore Trump and Pence and the COVID-19 team are doing a great job

You can save a lot of wasted typing trying to <<<<spin>>>> success as failure.
The eternally optimistic supporters of trump administration kill me (possibly literally), but probably not as fast as the virus mis-managed may kill some of you. We had weeks to get ahead of and stay ahead of it, if that were ever possible. It was wasted by not stopping air travel from all effective nations soon enough, not developing massive numbers of a working test kit, denying what was going to happen based on evaluation of the minimized information coming out of China and best estimates of scientific experts. So now we are trying to play catch up. Guess what? We do not appear to be catching up. We are picking up speed in the wrong direction. Week and a half ago we were at 50 cases(some of which we brought in on purposes), no death. Now over 401 cases. 17 deaths (now deaths on both coasts), and it has spread to over 30 states. The only thing that has been a saving grace to a minimal extent is not being connected by land to origin of the virus outbreak. Not much to do about it now, but keep your hands clean, drink lots of water, supplement vitamin C, keep contacts low, keep higher levels of supplies on hand and hope trump doesn't waste too much of CDC's time with guided tours and photo opportunities. Most of us will ride this out, including the financial boondoggle. Some won't. Simple as that. Take care. Stay healthy. Stay in phone contact with aging relatives, but don't visit unless certain you are virus free. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

You're fucking welcome that the US has so few cases, compared to the EU for example.
Thanks to Trump stopping air travel from China as soon as possible.
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:
EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths

US 213 cases, 17 deaths
There are plenty of test kit being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done. What's your opinion on allowing fans at sporting events? March Madness is coming soon, think about it. I saw what Italy looks like now, ghost towns with everything shut down. Agree with your closing points. Stay home and stay safe.
Quite possible, we are only a month or so behind. You seem to have a shallow definition of success. or you could be blowing sunshine up our asses. He has not totally screwed up from the start. Cutting the air travel from effected area was a good move. Other than that, stuff like making rosy forecasts, containing disinformation, that have no basis in science, departmental improper prep of people sent to meet the infected upon his bringing them back into the country, the treatment of those on the ship off the California coast, Not so much. Anybody ever figure out what the heck a non-commercial port deep enough to accept an ocean liner is? Cannot be talking a port that only has naval vessels. I don't think there is one on the left (excuse me) West Coast. I've never actually seen one one anywhere, but I don't get around the coasts very often. This isn't really about the politics. I have every confidence, another administration would have made many mistakes, maybe not the same, maybe worse or possible better. I am equally certain that those that do politicize would find justifiable fault if they stood on the opposite side of the political divide. No matter how much was done, is being done, and will be done, we are headed for much of the same trouble experienced in the rest of the world, as this pandemic sweeps the planet. Like it or not, we are in a new paradigm, "humanity plus Corvid19" and the only way through is forward, unable to go back or stagnate in place. I have no doubt treatments will be found. With this many people working on it, a vaccine will be found, tested, mass produced and we will get back to normal with a new variant to our annual flu shots , but I don't think it likely until sometime next year. Cavalierly proclaiming the excellence (not proven) of his leadership and glossing over missteps and misstatements makes you sound like one that would minimize or cover up. This administration is already world famous for falsely minimizing and covering up. Here is that link again. If you click on the US tab, you can watch the effectiveness slide daily. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Thank you for the non-TDS response. Its unusual. I now hove to switch to non-partisan mode.
1. Totally agree Trump's stopping Chinese from entering was a good move. Definitely one that "more sensitive" or PC leaders would not have done. Biden or Bernie would not have kept them out. Maybe it only bought a month, maybe two? We'll see. I saw what Italy looks like last night, fucking scary, ghost towns, everything closed.
2. Old habits die hard, Trump is just trying to keep a panic from spreading. The stock market got creamed Friday due to the virus, when all the business news was good.
3. CA ports List of California Ports I'm thinking Hueneme, its naval. Even if its by taxi boats.
4. Agreed, no matter which party had the virus response the other party would criticize, that is the nature of politics. So its a matter of separating real errors from political spin.
5. Back to COVID-19, if the warm weather breaks before the virus spreads too much, we may get lucky and have time to develop specific therapies for the fall/winter. Vaccines take 18-months, so that will be for the winter of 2022. Hope next winter isn't too bad.
6. So I'm hoping the "pandemic" skips the US. The next few weeks will tell the tale. Come on warm weather!! Never global warming when you need it.
7. Excuse me but I'm not glossing over or covering up anything, I'm comparing the US COVID-19 pandemic to the EU pandemic. IMHO the proof is in the pudding, and the numbers of infected. From post #266 above, how is Trump doing compared to the Europeans? Partisanship aside.
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:

EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths
US 213 cases, 17 deaths
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Well, we'll see what we see. Doubt we get skipped. Haven't seen this country really pull together since early Reagan, except maybe Gulf war 1. We'll get through this crap. Early warm spring and summer heat, like you said give some relief and breathing room to work the problem. Big Don would do better not commenting much, pushing the experts to the front and acting like taking care of business. Markets sucked every day last week. I have always thought the Wall Street money movers and banking types were basically some panicky lil' bitches. They too will settle down. Noticed oil dropped 10%. Does not speak well for what they see as diminished demand going forward in this problem. Never heard of Hueneme, but I was Army not Navy so no surprise. I wonder why we have not heard definitively which port and details of how it will happen. 3500 people, security, containment, outbound logistics of moving them to inland Air Guard or other bases, is obviously being set up. You would think we would have learned more officially or by alternate reporting. You sound like sincerely not glossing or minimizing as the administrations seems prone to for the dubious public benefit of avoiding adding to unnecessary alarm, but it is my opinion that the public should be somewhat alarmed, but not panicked. Some alarm necessary to motivate people to take their personal precautions and plan for dealing and living with this situation. Some on this board speak as if it is a patriotic duty to parrot Big D and minimize the threat to insignificance. A lot we still don't know and the only way to find out and plan is free flow of information. A lot of smart people in this country that can think for themselves if they have enough facts to choose a course of personal action. The government really needs to get a handle on the unavailability of test kits and start pushing them forward instead of reacting to demand and there should be no need to approve testing, that should be a decision between people and their doctors. Most of us have our own insurance and/or the means to pay for a blood test if it is available.
1. Big Don can never keep his mouth shut, that's the problem. His background is "there is no bad publicity". So its like a very good bus driver with an ego problem and an unfiltered mouth. He's trying to calm the waters, but isn't having any luck. The stock market even has the Fed perplexed, even they don't have a tool in their toolbox to fix this problem. The only cure this time is "time". COVID-19 is scarier than it really is, its super-contagious, but not deadly for normal people, but it will cull the sickly.

2. The stock market doesn't have a clue what will happen. Panicky little bitches describes most investors now. They see the EU crashing and burning, but the US isn't the EU. I'm still waiting for the fog to clear. Not seeing a recession, just that some stocks will get hit harder than others the 1st and 2nd quarters. Oil is a bad bet, until the summer driving season. The Cruise ship folks will be fine, they just need two weeks of quarantine.

3. Correct, not "glossing", the CDC needs to be honest scorekeepers with the virus, and hopefully the tally stabilizes and then gets smaller. How long until that happens? Place your bets. Its mid-March now. I'm thinking another month of slow infections? Then people realize, this isn't exploding, we're gonna be okay. Back to normal for May and the summer? The Fed should lower rates again at their March 17-18 meeting, if not before then.

4. I'm thinking that they should stop fans at basketball games and other large crowds. Hope that doesn't seem too "panicky" or alarmist?? The best way to get back to normal is to slow the infection rate. "Temporary inconvenience, permanent improvement". The threat is real, but it seems to be not that bad, at least so far, a serious flu, but just a bad flu. The test kits are coming this week, so that excuse is gone. The tests need to be effective, that might have been the delay.

5. Good luck with your investments. Stay safe. Hope Pence's prayers help.
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.
The battle to keep covid-19 from becoming established in the United States is probably over without a single shot being fired. We were not outwitted, outpaced or outflanked. We knew what was coming. We just twiddled our thumbs as the coronavirus waltzed in.

The first thing officials need when responding to an infectious disease is a way to test for it — a way to tell who has it and who is at risk. Dozens of such test procedures have been produced in the scant weeks since covid-19 announced itself to the world by shutting down Wuhan, China, a city the size of New York. Public health agencies around the globe have generated huge amounts of data on how well these tests work and have rolled them out on a massive scale. South Korea alone has tested more than 100,000 of its citizens.

But the United States has lagged far behind the rest of the world in testing for the new coronavirus. As a result, outbreaks here are likely to be more numerous and more difficult to control than they would have been otherwise. I research infectious disease and how to fight it, so I know how important it is to detect outbreaks early. The covid-19 outbreak is the largest acute infectious-disease emergency most of us have experienced. And we may have let it go undetected here for too long.

Once infection starts spreading — as it clearly has in the United States, even though we haven’t been testing enough people to turn up a large number of cases — the virus has an expanding pool of potential hosts. As the numbers of infected people climb, it is ever harder to stop them before they fatefully join their family for dinner, head to work at a toy store or go to a soccer match.

If you don’t diagnose the disease, it doesn’t go away. It keeps being transmitted without being noticed, and a thousand little fires spark. If we don’t start aggressively testing mild illness and contacts of contacts, we will lose all track of them. Bruce Aylward, leader of the joint World Health Organization China mission, put it bluntly: “It’s all about the speed.” We’re in a race with the virus, and if it wins, we only get more contacts to chase in an ever-growing chain reaction.

There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
There are plenty of test kits being managed by the states. I have not heard of a single case where a doctor ordered a test and it wasn't done.
I was going to write that I can't believe you believe such an obvious lie, but I've grown accustomed to you being a liar.

States all have local labs that can do adequate testing until the manufactured commercially manufactured test kits are available.
I have not heard of any states say we need tests and can't do them. Even Cuomo in NY says that the state s doing hundreds of tests:

New York governor declares state of emergency over coronavirus
The majority of the confirmed cases, 57, continue to be in Westchester County, with 11 cases in New York City and the rest spread across Nassau, Rockland and Saratoga counties.
New York has commissioned "hundreds" of tests for coronavirus and plans to push for many more, Cuomo said.
"I would test as many people as you can test because you want to know," he said.
New York had previously reported 44 cases of coronavirus as of Friday, and dozens of people have been under mandatory quarantine, instead of self-isolation, as a precaution, officials have said.
"There's no doubt that massive quarantine is the best way to slow the spread," Cuomo said Saturday.
You're a liar.

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits

Federal Authorities Grapple With Shortage Of Coronavirus Test Kits
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing
Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus testing

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
White House acknowledges coronavirus test shortage

NEW YORK >> The White House overruled health officials who wanted to recommend that elderly and physically fragile Americans be advised not to fly on commercial airlines because of the new coronavirus, a federal official told The Associated Press.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention submitted the plan this week as a way of trying to control the virus, but White House officials ordered the air travel recommendation be removed, said the official who had direct knowledge of the plan. Trump administration officials have since suggested certain people should consider not traveling, but they have stopped short of the stronger guidance sought by the CDC.

The person who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity did not have authorization to talk about the matter. The person did not have direct knowledge about why the decision to kill the language was made.

In a tweet, the press secretary for Vice President Mike Pence, Katie Miller, said that “it was never a recommendation to the Task Force” and called the AP story “complete fiction.”

On Friday, the CDC quietly updated its website to tell older adults and people with severe medical conditions such as heart, lung or kidney disease to “stay home as much as possible” and avoid crowds. It urges those people to “take actions to reduce your risk of exposure,” but it doesn’t specifically address flying.
White House didn’t want to tell seniors not to fly due to coronavirus, official says
It's stunning how misinformed Democrats are or choose to be. You can't even have a rational conversation with these people. Their hate is over the top.
What were you saying?

The White House says it will fail to meet its goal of providing enough coronavirus test kits for 1 million people by the end of the week

The White House says it will fail to meet its goal of providing enough coronavirus test kits for 1 million people by the end of the week

The White House has said the federal government will not be able to keep its promise to deliver enough coronavirus test kits for 1 million people by the end of the week.

Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the federal government's coronavirus response, made the acknowledgment Thursday while visiting a factory in Minnesota, the BBC reported.

"We don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward," he said.

The BBC said that later, speaking in Washington, Pence added: "We still have a ways to go to ensure that tests are available."
Enough tests are not available. Time for the Trump admin to take responsibility for their failure.

Bullshit. 1.1 million tests this weekend will be delivered. Another 1 million next week. Trump is taking of this much faster than Obama would have.

South Korea and other countries have tested over 100,000 while the U.S. and your ilk sit and defend the orange turd.

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