Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

How many identical threads are you going to create on this?

Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.
You seem particularly triggered....tissue?

with rw nutters - truthful facts = triggered 'libs'.

with rw nutters - ignorance = bliss.
Trump’s habit of fudging inconvenient numbers enters dangerous territory

There is a world that President Trump sees when he closes his eyes, and it is to him a better world than this one.

It is a world in which more than half the country consistently views his job performance with approval though polls understate his approval by 10 or 20 points. Where the only news from Wall Street is when stocks are going up and one in which voters constantly gush over Trump because their retirement accounts are up by “60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 percent.” Where the jobs numbers under Barack Obama were horrible and fake and the same numbers during his presidency a sign of his success. A world in which the proper point at which to measure economic expansion is prior to taking office and in which bad economic news can be blamed on his possible successor.

As far as facts go, numbers are the stubbornest of things, hard measures of reality. But the thing about numbers is that there are a lot of them and Trump has learned that sprinkling numbers on top of other numbers can create a mist of uncertainty and, by extension, some political breathing room. He uses numbers the way others use emoji, as approximations of how he feels or he wants you to feel.

In the examples above, Trump's willingness to misrepresent numbers in order to present his more-perfect world is rather innocuous. His incessant misrepresentations of reality have yielded a well-earned reputation for unreliability but, for the most part, the damage done by the above claims is to American politics.

This week, Trump took this propensity into a dangerous new realm.

On Tuesday, a World Health Organization official stated that the mortality rate for covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, is at 3.4 percent globally. Asked about it during an interview with his friend Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Trump disagreed with that number.

“I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number,” Trump said. “Now, and this is just my hunch, and — But based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people who do this. But a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You don’t ever hear about these people.”
Besides incompetence, part of the reason the Trump admin did not adequately prepare the nation for the c-virus is he didn't want to face the possibility something like this could happen. He still doesn't.
By the bowels of the lord Gaia, this disease may spread to the four corners of this flat living and breathing earth.
How many identical threads are you going to create on this?

Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.
You seem particularly triggered....tissue?

with rw nutters - truthful facts = triggered 'libs'.

with rw nutters - ignorance = bliss.
Trump’s habit of fudging inconvenient numbers enters dangerous territory

There is a world that President Trump sees when he closes his eyes, and it is to him a better world than this one.

It is a world in which more than half the country consistently views his job performance with approval though polls understate his approval by 10 or 20 points. Where the only news from Wall Street is when stocks are going up and one in which voters constantly gush over Trump because their retirement accounts are up by “60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 percent.” Where the jobs numbers under Barack Obama were horrible and fake and the same numbers during his presidency a sign of his success. A world in which the proper point at which to measure economic expansion is prior to taking office and in which bad economic news can be blamed on his possible successor.

As far as facts go, numbers are the stubbornest of things, hard measures of reality. But the thing about numbers is that there are a lot of them and Trump has learned that sprinkling numbers on top of other numbers can create a mist of uncertainty and, by extension, some political breathing room. He uses numbers the way others use emoji, as approximations of how he feels or he wants you to feel.

In the examples above, Trump's willingness to misrepresent numbers in order to present his more-perfect world is rather innocuous. His incessant misrepresentations of reality have yielded a well-earned reputation for unreliability but, for the most part, the damage done by the above claims is to American politics.

This week, Trump took this propensity into a dangerous new realm.

On Tuesday, a World Health Organization official stated that the mortality rate for covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, is at 3.4 percent globally. Asked about it during an interview with his friend Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Trump disagreed with that number.

“I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number,” Trump said. “Now, and this is just my hunch, and — But based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people who do this. But a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You don’t ever hear about these people.”
Besides incompetence, part of the reason the Trump admin did not adequately prepare the nation for the c-virus is he didn't want to face the possibility something like this could happen. He still doesn't.
You cry too much. Get a hobby ffs
Damn worthless leftist traitors. Take a hike.
So..........Trump compromised national security by extorting Ukraine to get them to announce an investigation of Biden...............but Dems are traitors for pointing out we need to be better informed and better prepared for the c-virus outbreak? That's classic Trumpleton logic.
Damn worthless leftist traitors. Take a hike.
So..........Trump compromised national security by extorting Ukraine to get them to announce an investigation of Biden...............but Dems are traitors for pointing out we need to be better informed and better prepared for the c-virus outbreak? That's classic Trumpleton logic.
Consider yourself informed - idiot.
Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.

Maybe President Trump should had waited until 1000 Americans died before declaring an emergency, like the Hussein did?

Funny, can’t find any threat started by a leftwinger about how Obama botched the H1N1 response.
Confusion and lost time: how testing woes slowed China's coronavirus response
Confusion and lost time: how testing woes slowed China's coronavirus response

BEIJING (Reuters) - Yang Zhongyi was still waiting on Monday for a coronavirus test in the Chinese city of Wuhan two weeks after she started to show signs of a fever, even though doctors privately told her family that she almost certainly has been infected, her son Zhang Changchun told Reuters.
The massive, inexcusable shortage of testing kits, leading to the CDC using a narrow criteria for testing as the virus arrived here and began to spread, is just one of the irrefutable failures by this admin to adequately prepare the country for the c-virus.

So President Trump was supposed to have millions of test kits on standby for a virus that...didn’t exist here before?
I haven’t seen such a ridiculously clownish reaction to something from the left since the equally stupid climate nuts.

60 people have it. And of those a grand total of one caught it here. Everyone else got it somewhere else. A ship with 300 on with the virus on board had a grand total of zero deaths. None.

Unless you’re in a third world or communist country you’ll be fine.

Which reminds me. The lefts favorite form of government run healthcare has thousands of deaths and couldn’t contain the virus. We contain it and have vaccines coming soon with no deaths. Guess which system they want for our healthcare. Yes, the communist one.
For some reason cruise ships are hotbeds of disease. Remember Legionaires Disease?
Crazy how packing thousands of older people in tight spaces spreads things like that. Someone should do a study and find out why.
Crazy how packing thousands of older people in tight spaces spreads things like that. Someone should do a study and find out why.
Or 'Retirement' / Nursing Homes. The 'majority' of cases, especially the deaths, have been elderly people who already have other health issues.

As already pointed out, thousands die every year in the US from different strands of the flu, mostly from the same group.
Pence: Currently not enough coronavirus tests to meet expected demand
Pence: Currently not enough coronavirus tests to meet expected demand

Vice President Pence says the United States does not currently have enough coronavirus tests to meet the expected demand.

“We don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward,” Pence, who is overseeing the administration's response to the virus, told reporters Thursday, according to CNN.

“For those that we believe have been exposed, for those who are showing symptoms, we’ve been able to provide the testing,” Pence said, adding that there’s roughly about a million and a half tests currently going out to hospitals.

Meanwhile, the top Democrat on the Senate health committee sent a letter to the vice president Thursday, pressing him for answers on the lack of readily available diagnostic tests for COVID-19.

“I am extremely frustrated by how the Trump administration has handled the deployment of such tests, including how it has communicated to Congress and the public about when, where, and to whom tests will be available,” Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) wrote to Pence.
"It's all under control."

Here come the attempts to deflect blame for the US not being prepared.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says China not forthcoming initially on coronavirus, setting prevention efforts back
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says China not forthcoming initially on coronavirus, setting prevention efforts back
The Chinese are absolutely guilty of not being forthcoming about the severity of the outbreak from the very start.

THAT ISN'T THE POINT. Because if the Trump listened to the experts who were saying this was going to be bad they would have taken the inevitable spread here seriously. They would have made sure there were enough test kits, masks, extra hospital beds, etc. THEY DIDN'T. They have been scrambling to respond in an ad hoc manner instead of a proactive, organized way. THEY BLEW IT.
Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.

Look at the total cases and then say Trump isn't doing a great job, fucking moron.
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More likely, it is the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans we have to thank. Although I agree with his move to keep travelers from infected areas out of the US. It may have slowed things down, but it's here now.
not sure how any admin can stop it. LA i believe was the first hit and given the # of people coming into that airport from asia it only makes sense. airplanes are bad about recycled air anyway.
not sure how any admin can stop it.
No one is saying it is possible to stop it once it begins to spread. This was always going to be a matter of taking all the necessary precautions to MINIMIZE the spread. That is how the Trump admin failed.
"It's all under control."

Trump cancels CDC visit after Pence said he planned to sign coronavirus bill there

President Donald Trump is no longer planning to travel to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta, an administration official said.

Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the government’s response to coronavirus, had said Thursday that Trump planned to sign an $8.3 billion emergency spending bill at the CDC.


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