Mister Speaker Donald J. Trump…is it possible?

I think I see the play here CLEAR as day…
Ok, just so there is NO confusion, Trump’s name would NOT be on the ballot if he wasn’t absolutely OK with being Speaker of the House.
Matt Gaetz was likely asked by DJT to nominate his name for Speaker, to get him on the ballot.
The House Republicans have mentioned several times how much they like DJT’s policies.
WHO are they going to vote for when McCarthy drops out, DJT flies to DC & enters the House chamber???
Serious question.
Be honest….if Trump were to show up in the house chamber tomorrow and accept the nomination to become Speaker would any of you kill yourselves?
He got one vote. One. No one in the Republican Party likes him. Only lunatics do.
Is that why his 2016 winning vote count increased by 17% in 2020?
His opponents went up by 24.3%. He was so unpopular he lost by a landslide as an incumbent to an old dude, then got swamped in a midterm and got swamped in his midterm and got one vote. One.
If Trump won, what was the final vote tally, backed by what evidence?
Trump won. It was them stolen.

The election was stolen.
Republican steal wasn’t successful. The rightfully elected was sworn in. The attempted theIf was sworn at and too much of a coward to show up at inauguration.
Could you imagine? What would Democrats do…what would the establishment do?

The Patriot Voice:

TWO YEARS AGO TODAY we sat in front of our televisions and wept for an election which we knew was unlawfully stolen from the American people.

While seemingly unconventional, the following theory is legal. The following is a theory from Ivan Raiklin on How Trump Could Become Speaker of the House and Impeach Biden:

The Steps Would Include:
1. Full exoneration.
2. Exposing everyone who conducted illegal activity against Trump
3. Reinstatement of Trump which would require, at minimum: Arizona Mark Finchem , Michigan Christina Caramo, and Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano decertifying their 2020 electors via their respective Secretaries of State appointed by Governors.

The Impeachment Managers:
Matt Gaetz
Joe Kent
Paul Gosar

How It Would Work:
1. When Speaker Trump is elected on January 3, 2023, he gets immediate immunity from the Department of Justice, FBI, raids, lawsuits, etc.

2. Trump appoints his Sergeant at Arms.

3. His Sergeant at Arms releases all 14,000 hours of January 6, 2021 tape to get the real story out and all communications at the Capitol and does criminal referrals on ANTIFA and BLM members who have yet to be arrested, and reconsider all peaceful/nonviolent attendees.

4. Impeachment hoax nullification hearings begin. During those hearings across all 30 committees that Trump is now the Speaker of, there would be 24/7 uncensored televised broadcasting on all CSPANS 1, 2, and 3, to expose the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the last 3 administrations (Bush, Obama, Biden, and Deep State crew) of all their illegal activities, and how the fake impeachment hoax occurred, all the way back to Crossfire Hurricane.

5. Afterward, the House votes to nullify Trump Impeachment Hoax 1. And then the House votes to expel impeachment managers who were involved in Impeachment Hoax 1.

6. Nullify Impeachment Hoax 2. Get all players who were involved or expelled out of Congress.

7. Introduce Articles of impeachment against Biden, which would include, at least: (1 ) Crossfire Hurricane (2) Unmasking General Flynn (3) Afghanistan withdrawal

8. Garrett Ziegler testifies on the Hunter Biden laptop.

9. The 60 former Intelligence officers who claim the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation would testify as witnesses. Give them 6 hours and if they don’t show up we’ll give them the Bannon treatment.
If Trump became speaker, then the world will witness the Democrats try to file a special resolution to impeach Trump.
If Trump became speaker, then the world will witness the Democrats try to file a special resolution to impeach Trump.
Trumps a moron. I hope he can find more than ONE vote for speaker. That would be dreamy.
I think I see the play here CLEAR as day…
Ok, just so there is NO confusion, Trump’s name would NOT be on the ballot if he wasn’t absolutely OK with being Speaker of the House.
Matt Gaetz was likely asked by DJT to nominate his name for Speaker, to get him on the ballot.
The House Republicans have mentioned several times how much they like DJT’s policies.
WHO are they going to vote for when McCarthy drops out, DJT flies to DC & enters the House chamber???
Serious question.
Be honest….if Trump were to show up in the house chamber tomorrow and accept the nomination to become Speaker would any of you kill yourselves?
I'd laugh myself silly as Trump has absolutely ZERO idea of protocol (House) or policy. He'd be lost as Speaker. And he knows he'd be dead in the water for 2024. I'd also know that it was over for the Republican party. They'd be a standing punchline. :auiqs.jpg:
Again, they can thank their lucky stars that the Senate map looks bleak for Democrats in 2024.
I'd laugh myself silly as Trump has absolutely ZERO idea of protocol (House) or policy. He'd be lost as Speaker.
Haha…right, his abilities are limited to POTUS, he couldn’t dare do what that corpse Nasty Beloni has done for years.
And he knows he'd be dead in the water for 2024. I'd also know that it was over for the Republican party.
You’ll have no scamdemic or George Floyd in 2024…you have no pathway to a win.
They'd be a standing punchline. :auiqs.jpg:
Hahaha…speaking of “standing punchlines”

Again, they can thank their lucky stars that the Senate map looks bleak for Democrats in 2024.
Again, you have no scamdemic and no George Floyd in 2024….you’re done.
Haha…right, his abilities are limited to POTUS, he couldn’t dare do what that corpse Nasty Beloni has done for years.

You’ll have no scamdemic or George Floyd in 2024…you have no pathway to a win.

Hahaha…speaking of “standing punchlines”
View attachment 745262

Again, you have no scamdemic and no George Floyd in 2024….you’re done.
This is the best you can come up with? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump was BARELY POTUS. Not interested in actually doing the job. Not interested in the policy details.
He wouldn't be able to get around that if he was Speaker.

He'd like holding the gavel and banging it.
About his speed. :)

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