Mitt Romney: "I want to encourage the kind of economic growth..."


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Mitt Romney: "I want to encourage the kind of economic growth that President Obama has been unable to deliver!"

Let's face a fact here folks... Ass-U-Me-ing that either candidate actually gives a shit about adjusting the tax code toward favoring companies that create work in America instead of favoring of raw wealth accumulation like it currently does, the TRUTH to that statement would be that, if elected, Romney wants to sign legislation that Congress has been unable (unwilling) to deliver to any President since the corporate lobbyists began writing our legislation back in the 80's.

The office of The President only has so much power in creating incentives in the American Marketplace.

If you, the voter, want incentives and favoritism for companies and industries that create jobs here instead of overseas, your vote for President is meaningless, as both are emphatically stating that "Job creation in America is their number one goal". Instead, spend some time getting to know who's running for Congress and try to learn which lobbyists are paying for their re-elections. Either that or pick a Presidential Candidate and vote a single party ballot.

There is a certain amount of truth to the concept that your hard-earned tax dollars spent on debate and legislation in Congress recently have been focused not on sending legislation to The President for signature that give incentives to companies that hire Americans, but instead have been spent on pointless political grand-standing because the lobbyists who hold their leashes LIKE the unemployment rate at 8%.

:dunno: What's not to like? With unemployment at 8%, nobody whines to the boss and signing bonuses and other profit-killing incentives for employees are a thing of the past.
And what the fuck is with all this talk about favoritism? :wtf:

Free Enterprise Defined:

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and then, build an economy that your spawn can drive to the stars.

It ain't Rocket Science, y'all.
Mitt Romney: "I want to encourage the kind of economic growth that President Obama has been unable to deliver!"

Let's face a fact here folks... Ass-U-Me-ing that either candidate actually gives a shit about adjusting the tax code toward favoring companies that create work in America instead of favoring of raw wealth accumulation like it currently does, the TRUTH to that statement would be that, if elected, Romney wants to sign legislation that Congress has been unable (unwilling) to deliver to any President since the corporate lobbyists began writing our legislation back in the 80's.

The office of The President only has so much power in creating incentives in the American Marketplace.

If you, the voter, want incentives and favoritism for companies and industries that create jobs here instead of overseas, your vote for President is meaningless, as both are emphatically stating that "Job creation in America is their number one goal". Instead, spend some time getting to know who's running for Congress and try to learn which lobbyists are paying for their re-elections. Either that or pick a Presidential Candidate and vote a single party ballot.

There is a certain amount of truth to the concept that your hard-earned tax dollars spent on debate and legislation in Congress recently have been focused not on sending legislation to The President for signature that give incentives to companies that hire Americans, but instead have been spent on pointless political grand-standing because the lobbyists who hold their leashes LIKE the unemployment rate at 8%.

:dunno: What's not to like? With unemployment at 8%, nobody whines to the boss and signing bonuses and other profit-killing incentives for employees are a thing of the past.
Unfortunately the GOP just blocked any chance for someone to follow your advice. They obviously don't want you to know who OWNS them.

GOP blocks campaign disclosure bill

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans have blocked Democratic-backed legislation requiring organizations pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign ads to disclose their top donors and the amounts they spend.

GOP opposition prevented Democrats from getting the 60 votes needed to bring what is known as the Disclose Act to the Senate floor. The vote Monday was 51-44.

Democrats revived the act during a presidential election campaign in which political action committees and nonprofit organizations, funded by deep-pocketed and largely anonymous contributors, are dominating the airwaves with largely negative political ads.

Another version of the Disclose Act passed the then-Democratic-controlled House in 2010 but was similarly blocked by Republicans in the Senate.
"Perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.). He said this election was in danger of being bought by "17 angry, old, white men."


Says the 'angry, old, white man'...who has done WHAT with bills brough forth by the house?

My guts tell me Reid brought this bill to a vote because he knew it would fail in an attempt to make the House look bad.

FKN politicians! :lol::lol::lol:
"Perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.). He said this election was in danger of being bought by "17 angry, old, white men."


Says the 'angry, old, white man'...who has done WHAT with bills brough forth by the house?

My guts tell me Reid brought this bill to a vote because he knew it would fail in an attempt to make the House look bad.

FKN politicians! :lol::lol::lol:
How dare Reid do something like that, does he not know only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to do that? CON$ervoFascists have 33 times slammed all House business to a grinding halt to accommodate another vote to repeal Obamacare. Again. Thirty-three times. Let's look at that, shall we? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

It has been estimated this extended season of pure bullshit has taken up two cumulative weeks of business at a cost of $24 million a week. That's what it takes to keep the congressional gears oiled and moving. $50 million on legislation that the CON$ervoFascists know will never become law. But what did Turtle McConnell say about the Dems bringing up the disclosure law for only the second time in 2 years??? Senate Minority Leader Mitch The Turtle McConnell accused Democrats of wasting time on bills "they know won't pass."

CON$ervoFascist hypocrites have no shame!!!!!!
Mitt Romney: "I want to encourage the kind of economic growth that President Obama has been unable to deliver!"

Let's face a fact here folks... Ass-U-Me-ing that either candidate actually gives a shit about adjusting the tax code toward favoring companies that create work in America instead of favoring of raw wealth accumulation like it currently does, the TRUTH to that statement would be that, if elected, Romney wants to sign legislation that Congress has been unable (unwilling) to deliver to any President since the corporate lobbyists began writing our legislation back in the 80's.

The office of The President only has so much power in creating incentives in the American Marketplace.

If you, the voter, want incentives and favoritism for companies and industries that create jobs here instead of overseas, your vote for President is meaningless, as both are emphatically stating that "Job creation in America is their number one goal". Instead, spend some time getting to know who's running for Congress and try to learn which lobbyists are paying for their re-elections. Either that or pick a Presidential Candidate and vote a single party ballot.

There is a certain amount of truth to the concept that your hard-earned tax dollars spent on debate and legislation in Congress recently have been focused not on sending legislation to The President for signature that give incentives to companies that hire Americans, but instead have been spent on pointless political grand-standing because the lobbyists who hold their leashes LIKE the unemployment rate at 8%.

:dunno: What's not to like? With unemployment at 8%, nobody whines to the boss and signing bonuses and other profit-killing incentives for employees are a thing of the past.
Unfortunately the GOP just blocked any chance for someone to follow your advice. They obviously don't want you to know who OWNS them.

GOP blocks campaign disclosure bill

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans have blocked Democratic-backed legislation requiring organizations pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign ads to disclose their top donors and the amounts they spend.

GOP opposition prevented Democrats from getting the 60 votes needed to bring what is known as the Disclose Act to the Senate floor. The vote Monday was 51-44.

Democrats revived the act during a presidential election campaign in which political action committees and nonprofit organizations, funded by deep-pocketed and largely anonymous contributors, are dominating the airwaves with largely negative political ads.

Another version of the Disclose Act passed the then-Democratic-controlled House in 2010 but was similarly blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

Ahhhhhhhh, yes! Transparency in all things politics...

The third leg in building the frame-work for an economy that our kids can drive to the stars, and the dividing line between "Clever Apes" selfishly hording their bananas and a "Sentient World" driving its economy to the stars.

"Perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.). He said this election was in danger of being bought by "17 angry, old, white men."


Says the 'angry, old, white man'...who has done WHAT with bills brough forth by the house?

My guts tell me Reid brought this bill to a vote because he knew it would fail in an attempt to make the House look bad.

FKN politicians! :lol::lol::lol:
How dare Reid do something like that, does he not know only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to do that? CON$ervoFascists have 33 times slammed all House business to a grinding halt to accommodate another vote to repeal Obamacare. Again. Thirty-three times. Let's look at that, shall we? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

It has been estimated this extended season of pure bullshit has taken up two cumulative weeks of business at a cost of $24 million a week. That's what it takes to keep the congressional gears oiled and moving. $50 million on legislation that the CON$ervoFascists know will never become law. But what did Turtle McConnell say about the Dems bringing up the disclosure law for only the second time in 2 years??? Senate Minority Leader Mitch The Turtle McConnell accused Democrats of wasting time on bills "they know won't pass."

CON$ervoFascist hypocrites have no shame!!!!!!

Actually, among our well paid legislatures, BOTH sides of the political aisle share pretty much equally in the guilt of putting the needs and desires of big donors ahead of the needs and aspirations of the American Middle Class, with examples of shame and integrity also shared by both.

If any correlation can be made between political party and selling favoritism to special interests, it's that while Democrats can be credited with inventing the game, it's the Republicans who have just about perfected the most cut-throat version of it.

The fault for rewarding the winners lay at the feet of We, The Voters.
"Perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.). He said this election was in danger of being bought by "17 angry, old, white men."


Says the 'angry, old, white man'...who has done WHAT with bills brough forth by the house?

My guts tell me Reid brought this bill to a vote because he knew it would fail in an attempt to make the House look bad.

FKN politicians! :lol::lol::lol:
How dare Reid do something like that, does he not know only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to do that? CON$ervoFascists have 33 times slammed all House business to a grinding halt to accommodate another vote to repeal Obamacare. Again. Thirty-three times. Let's look at that, shall we? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

It has been estimated this extended season of pure bullshit has taken up two cumulative weeks of business at a cost of $24 million a week. That's what it takes to keep the congressional gears oiled and moving. $50 million on legislation that the CON$ervoFascists know will never become law. But what did Turtle McConnell say about the Dems bringing up the disclosure law for only the second time in 2 years??? Senate Minority Leader Mitch The Turtle McConnell accused Democrats of wasting time on bills "they know won't pass."

CON$ervoFascist hypocrites have no shame!!!!!!

Actually, among our well paid legislatures, BOTH sides of the political aisle share pretty much equally in the guilt of putting the needs and desires of big donors ahead of the needs and aspirations of the American Middle Class, with examples of shame and integrity also shared by both.

If any correlation can be made between political party and selling favoritism to special interests, it's that while Democrats can be credited with inventing the game, it's the republicans who have just about perfected the most cut-throat version of it.

The fault for rewarding the winners lay at the feet of We, The Voters.
Speak for yourself. I'm a lifelong registered Independent who always votes 3rd Party or write-in.
So, if not 'We, The Voters', then who?

Just because you do your job well sailor, doesn't mean you don't drown if the ship goes down. We're all in this together.

Yay Team!​
Mitt Romney: "I want to encourage the kind of economic growth that President Obama has been unable to deliver!"

Let's face a fact here folks... Ass-U-Me-ing that either candidate actually gives a shit about adjusting the tax code toward favoring companies that create work in America instead of favoring of raw wealth accumulation like it currently does, the TRUTH to that statement would be that, if elected, Romney wants to sign legislation that Congress has been unable (unwilling) to deliver to any President since the corporate lobbyists began writing our legislation back in the 80's.

The office of The President only has so much power in creating incentives in the American Marketplace.

If you, the voter, want incentives and favoritism for companies and industries that create jobs here instead of overseas, your vote for President is meaningless, as both are emphatically stating that "Job creation in America is their number one goal". Instead, spend some time getting to know who's running for Congress and try to learn which lobbyists are paying for their re-elections. Either that or pick a Presidential Candidate and vote a single party ballot.

There is a certain amount of truth to the concept that your hard-earned tax dollars spent on debate and legislation in Congress recently have been focused not on sending legislation to The President for signature that give incentives to companies that hire Americans, but instead have been spent on pointless political grand-standing because the lobbyists who hold their leashes LIKE the unemployment rate at 8%.

:dunno: What's not to like? With unemployment at 8%, nobody whines to the boss and signing bonuses and other profit-killing incentives for employees are a thing of the past.

Romney keeps spouting this there hasn't been in growth or profit in the private sector..which is on the whole, false.

What has that the prosperity has not been shared.

The Market hasn't's been doing pretty well. And most of the large companies are profitting handsomely.

That's not "trickling" down.

And the "Job Creators" have decided the bank the profits.

Hey..that's fine.

But the government has avenues that in a normal environment would be deployed to help out.

Such as changing the tax code to encourage companies to hire here.
Such as spending on infrastructure.

But this isn't a normal environment.

And what Romney wants to what got us into the mess in the first place. He's completely unconcerned about fostering a middle class and creating jobs.

What he is concerning about is hardening the policies that widened the gulf between the classes.
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when Romney became govenor he raised taxes and fees, then implemented Romney care.

Sounds republican? Doesn't it?
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So, if not 'We, The Voters', then who?

Just because you do your job well sailor, doesn't mean you don't drown if the ship goes down. We're all in this together.

Yay Team!​
Only the voters who have not seen through the phoniness of the "Two Party System."

I may be stuck on a sinking ship with the rest of you voters because others would not avoid the rocks, but I'm not steering the ship back over the same rocks again and again.

Voters need to reject BOTH Parties in order to have any chance at change. Voting for the lesser of two evils only elects the evil.
Why do these USMB Republicans think their leadership is on their side? Or anyone's side who isn't a multi millionaire at the very least? Are they brain dead?
Mitt Romney: "I want to encourage the kind of economic growth that President Obama has been unable to deliver!"

Let's face a fact here folks... Ass-U-Me-ing that either candidate actually gives a shit about adjusting the tax code toward favoring companies that create work in America instead of favoring of raw wealth accumulation like it currently does, the TRUTH to that statement would be that, if elected, Romney wants to sign legislation that Congress has been unable (unwilling) to deliver to any President since the corporate lobbyists began writing our legislation back in the 80's.

The office of The President only has so much power in creating incentives in the American Marketplace.

If you, the voter, want incentives and favoritism for companies and industries that create jobs here instead of overseas, your vote for President is meaningless, as both are emphatically stating that "Job creation in America is their number one goal". Instead, spend some time getting to know who's running for Congress and try to learn which lobbyists are paying for their re-elections. Either that or pick a Presidential Candidate and vote a single party ballot.

There is a certain amount of truth to the concept that your hard-earned tax dollars spent on debate and legislation in Congress recently have been focused not on sending legislation to The President for signature that give incentives to companies that hire Americans, but instead have been spent on pointless political grand-standing because the lobbyists who hold their leashes LIKE the unemployment rate at 8%.

:dunno: What's not to like? With unemployment at 8%, nobody whines to the boss and signing bonuses and other profit-killing incentives for employees are a thing of the past.
Unfortunately the GOP just blocked any chance for someone to follow your advice. They obviously don't want you to know who OWNS them.

GOP blocks campaign disclosure bill

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans have blocked Democratic-backed legislation requiring organizations pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign ads to disclose their top donors and the amounts they spend.

GOP opposition prevented Democrats from getting the 60 votes needed to bring what is known as the Disclose Act to the Senate floor. The vote Monday was 51-44.

Democrats revived the act during a presidential election campaign in which political action committees and nonprofit organizations, funded by deep-pocketed and largely anonymous contributors, are dominating the airwaves with largely negative political ads.

Another version of the Disclose Act passed the then-Democratic-controlled House in 2010 but was similarly blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

First, DISCLOSE has nothing to do with the thread.

Second, good job.
Why do these USMB Republicans think their leadership is on their side? Or anyone's side who isn't a multi millionaire at the very least? Are they brain dead?

Why do you think the leadership of the Democratic Party is on your side?

Wasserman Schultz Has Unreported Second Home in NH, Lives Large on the High Seas | The Shark Tank

She has a 401 account and a couple of the assets are "diversified". If she is so "secretive", how come everyone knows?

How can you guys compare a couple thousand to hundreds of millions?

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