Mitt Romney Is A Traitor! True Story! Vote For Him YOU Are Committing Treason!

Since Huggy had nothing intelligent to offer (again) he was confronted with a choice:

He could post that gibberish or he could suck a bag of dicks.

He opted for the first choice.

Then he moved on to the second.


Gibberish? You see nothing wrong with Mittens going to London and taking money from Barclays?

You people have lost your minds... Your morals have vanished a very long time ago.

This country is really headed down the sewer if this is what you want from Romney.

You seem oddly unconcerned with the fundraising which the fuckhead in chief is doing in Europe. Wonder why.

I did some searching and found nothing that Obama is doing. Looks like George Clooney is doing something for Obama in Switzerland. Clooney lives there. If Obama is soliciting campaign contributions from people like Diamond and showing up at events in foreign countries where crooks like him are present then he should be impeached.

But this thread is about Romney and Barclays. You are more than welcome to start a similar one about Obama. Go for it.
"traitor - definition of traitor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...traitorCached - definition of traitorCached by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. trai·tor (tr t r). n. One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason."

Mittens is on his way over to London ENGLAND to attend a fund raiser which up until two weeks ago was co-chaired by a certain BOB DIAMOND who up until two weeks ago was the CEO of Barclays of London now being investigated for fraud and illegaly gaming the international banking system.

This is treason of the highest order. One: going to foreign soil to take money to influence a presidential election in the U S A. Two: attending said fund raiser co-chaired by a criminal financier that manipulated banks contributing heavily to the worlds recent economic melt down.

Mitt Romney obviously has no shame. Neither does anyone that would support him.

LONDON—As Barclays BARC.LN -1.28%PLC negotiated a settlement with U.S. and British authorities over its attempts to manipulate interest rates, the bank tried to keep regulators from publicly naming two top executives touched by the scandal, said people involved in the talks.

Senior Barclays's officials reckoned that obscuring the involvement of Chief Executive Robert Diamond and Chief Operating Officer Jerry del Missier would shield the 322-year-old British bank and its executive suite from political fallout, these people said. The mission initially succeeded: The settlement announced June 27 referred to the men only as unnamed members of Barclays's "senior management."

Who's Who in the Barclays Shake-Up
Key players

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.Bob Diamond: A Banking Chief
Take a look at Mr. Diamond's time at Barclays.

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Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Robert Diamond, former chief executive officer of Barclays.
..Within days, however, the executives' involvement became clear and it fueled a political firestorm. Less than a week after the settlement was announced—acknowledging the bank sought to manipulate the London interbank offered rate, known as Libor—Messrs. Diamond and del Missier resigned, along with Chairman Marcus Agius, setting adrift one of the world's biggest banks."

link: Missteps on Libor Doomed Barclays's Leaders -

London Fund-Raisers Put Romney in a Scandal’s GlareBy MICHAEL BARBARO and NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Published: July 20, 2012

They were envisioned as low-key, across-the-pond fund-raisers that would allow Mitt Romney to extract campaign cash from expatriates in London by night as he played statesman by day.

.But the two receptions that Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, will hold for donors next week during a swing through Europe are turning into an ill-timed public relations headache for him.

Link: London Fund-Raisers May Put Mitt Romney in Banking Scandal?s Glare -

Really Mittens???? REALLY?

wow, You are insane.
Raising money from major bankers in London at the heart of the largest financial scandal in decades.

What could possibly go wrong?

One: going to foreign soil to take money to influence a presidential election in the U S A.

will he be posting the doner list with the funds received ...
Raising money from major bankers in London at the heart of the largest financial scandal in decades.

What could possibly go wrong?

give the guy a break. it's not like he has the option of going to a major european capital and drawing a crowd of 200000.
Raising money from major bankers in London at the heart of the largest financial scandal in decades.

What could possibly go wrong?

give the guy a break. it's not like he has the option of going to a major european capital and drawing a crowd of 200000.

Well, hope springs eternal! That's why they reserved so many seats - just in case people start giving a shit:

Since Huggy had nothing intelligent to offer (again) he was confronted with a choice:

He could post that gibberish or he could suck a bag of dicks.

He opted for the first choice.

Then he moved on to the second.


Gibberish? You see nothing wrong with Mittens going to London and taking money from Barclays?

You people have lost your minds... Your morals have vanished a very long time ago.

This country is really headed down the sewer if this is what you want from Romney.

I have no issue with it, Especially when democrats murder americans just to add restrictions to firearm sales.
Raising money from major bankers in London at the heart of the largest financial scandal in decades.

What could possibly go wrong?

give the guy a break. it's not like he has the option of going to a major european capital and drawing a crowd of 200000.

Obama won American idol. Romney will win a stable American economy. Easy trade if you ask me.

i am having fun with the juxtapostion of candidate obama and candidate romney in europe.

you are full of hope and change.
Since Huggy had nothing intelligent to offer (again) he was confronted with a choice:

He could post that gibberish or he could suck a bag of dicks.

He opted for the first choice.

Then he moved on to the second.


Gibberish? You see nothing wrong with Mittens going to London and taking money from Barclays?

You people have lost your minds... Your morals have vanished a very long time ago.

This country is really headed down the sewer if this is what you want from Romney.

I have no issue with it,...

Of course you don't! We expected nothing else.

Gibberish? You see nothing wrong with Mittens going to London and taking money from Barclays?

You people have lost your minds... Your morals have vanished a very long time ago.

This country is really headed down the sewer if this is what you want from Romney.

I have no issue with it,...

Of course you don't! We expected nothing else.
Why should I worry about cash when democrats murder.

Can you explain that?

If you wish to be a blowhard I can shift gears.
Well he didn't steal billions from stimulus and give to his cronies. And he didn't give 1700 guns to the cartel resulting in 400-500 dead and two US law enforcement agents. Thread fail
Raising money from major bankers in London at the heart of the largest financial scandal in decades.

What could possibly go wrong?

give the guy a break. it's not like he has the option of going to a major european capital and drawing a crowd of 200000.

Of course not, hes not Hitler after all.

yeah, that is one of romney's positive attributes. he is not hitler, and he is not obama. anything else?
"traitor - definition of traitor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...traitorCached - definition of traitorCached by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. trai·tor (tr t r). n. One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason."

Mittens is on his way over to London ENGLAND to attend a fund raiser which up until two weeks ago was co-chaired by a certain BOB DIAMOND who up until two weeks ago was the CEO of Barclays of London now being investigated for fraud and illegaly gaming the international banking system.

This is treason of the highest order. One: going to foreign soil to take money to influence a presidential election in the U S A. Two: attending said fund raiser co-chaired by a criminal financier that manipulated banks contributing heavily to the worlds recent economic melt down.

Mitt Romney obviously has no shame. Neither does anyone that would support him.

LONDON—As Barclays BARC.LN -1.28%PLC negotiated a settlement with U.S. and British authorities over its attempts to manipulate interest rates, the bank tried to keep regulators from publicly naming two top executives touched by the scandal, said people involved in the talks.

Senior Barclays's officials reckoned that obscuring the involvement of Chief Executive Robert Diamond and Chief Operating Officer Jerry del Missier would shield the 322-year-old British bank and its executive suite from political fallout, these people said. The mission initially succeeded: The settlement announced June 27 referred to the men only as unnamed members of Barclays's "senior management."

Who's Who in the Barclays Shake-Up
Key players

View Interactive
.Bob Diamond: A Banking Chief
Take a look at Mr. Diamond's time at Barclays.

View Interactive

Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Robert Diamond, former chief executive officer of Barclays.
..Within days, however, the executives' involvement became clear and it fueled a political firestorm. Less than a week after the settlement was announced—acknowledging the bank sought to manipulate the London interbank offered rate, known as Libor—Messrs. Diamond and del Missier resigned, along with Chairman Marcus Agius, setting adrift one of the world's biggest banks."

link: Missteps on Libor Doomed Barclays's Leaders -

London Fund-Raisers Put Romney in a Scandal’s GlareBy MICHAEL BARBARO and NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Published: July 20, 2012

They were envisioned as low-key, across-the-pond fund-raisers that would allow Mitt Romney to extract campaign cash from expatriates in London by night as he played statesman by day.

.But the two receptions that Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, will hold for donors next week during a swing through Europe are turning into an ill-timed public relations headache for him.

Link: London Fund-Raisers May Put Mitt Romney in Banking Scandal?s Glare -

Really Mittens???? REALLY?

wow, You are insane.

Ya ...maybe. But that is a topic for another thread. How about disputing my OP? OR is juvenile name calling all you have? I provided good evidense from reliable sources. Please feel free to find fault with my links and quotes.
"traitor - definition of traitor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...traitorCached - definition of traitorCached by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. trai·tor (tr t r). n. One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason."

Mittens is on his way over to London ENGLAND to attend a fund raiser which up until two weeks ago was co-chaired by a certain BOB DIAMOND who up until two weeks ago was the CEO of Barclays of London now being investigated for fraud and illegaly gaming the international banking system.

This is treason of the highest order. One: going to foreign soil to take money to influence a presidential election in the U S A. Two: attending said fund raiser co-chaired by a criminal financier that manipulated banks contributing heavily to the worlds recent economic melt down.

Mitt Romney obviously has no shame. Neither does anyone that would support him.

LONDON—As Barclays BARC.LN -1.28%PLC negotiated a settlement with U.S. and British authorities over its attempts to manipulate interest rates, the bank tried to keep regulators from publicly naming two top executives touched by the scandal, said people involved in the talks.

Senior Barclays's officials reckoned that obscuring the involvement of Chief Executive Robert Diamond and Chief Operating Officer Jerry del Missier would shield the 322-year-old British bank and its executive suite from political fallout, these people said. The mission initially succeeded: The settlement announced June 27 referred to the men only as unnamed members of Barclays's "senior management."

Who's Who in the Barclays Shake-Up
Key players

View Interactive
.Bob Diamond: A Banking Chief
Take a look at Mr. Diamond's time at Barclays.

View Interactive

Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Robert Diamond, former chief executive officer of Barclays.
..Within days, however, the executives' involvement became clear and it fueled a political firestorm. Less than a week after the settlement was announced—acknowledging the bank sought to manipulate the London interbank offered rate, known as Libor—Messrs. Diamond and del Missier resigned, along with Chairman Marcus Agius, setting adrift one of the world's biggest banks."

link: Missteps on Libor Doomed Barclays's Leaders -

London Fund-Raisers Put Romney in a Scandal’s GlareBy MICHAEL BARBARO and NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Published: July 20, 2012

They were envisioned as low-key, across-the-pond fund-raisers that would allow Mitt Romney to extract campaign cash from expatriates in London by night as he played statesman by day.

.But the two receptions that Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, will hold for donors next week during a swing through Europe are turning into an ill-timed public relations headache for him.


Really Mittens???? REALLY?

It's no damn wonder your dog shit in your boots.
You should probably kill yourself now and not wait until Romney election and the endless busy signals you'll get from calling Suicide Prevention

Also Google "Geithner LIBOR Scandal"

You are an idiot if nothing Frankie.

BTW.. Suggesting someone kill themself is a bannable offense at USMB..

Just fucking idiot!

Example: I have recieved an infraction for something as simple as saying "eat shit and die" which doesn't even come close to what you just did.

why? suggesting that someone embrace rape isn't. both are crimes dimwit

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