Mitt Romney Is A Traitor! True Story! Vote For Him YOU Are Committing Treason!


I don't know about "Treason", but soliciting campaign funding from foreign donors is in fact "illegal".

Foreign Nationals Brochure

The ban on political contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals was first enacted in 1966 as part of the amendments to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), an "internal security" statute. The goal of the FARA was to minimize foreign intervention in U.S. elections by establishing a series of limitations on foreign nationals. These included registration requirements for the agents of foreign principals and a general prohibition on political contributions by foreign nationals. In 1974, the prohibition was incorporated into the Federal Election Campaign Act (the FECA), giving the Federal Election Commission (FEC) jurisdiction over its enforcement and interpretation.

And that's not even considering the whole banking scandal thing...
Raising money from major bankers in London at the heart of the largest financial scandal in decades.

What could possibly go wrong?

give the guy a break. it's not like he has the option of going to a major european capital and drawing a crowd of 200000.

He isnt running for President of the world. Campaigning there seems rather stupid

So you believe Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland is stupid?
It is a slow typical day at Huggy's house. Nothing to do and nothing to say so he just makes things up. It is a tradgey that this is probably the best that he can do. After November and his Hero is back in Chicago organizing things what will he do.

Keep him busy here so he doesn't have time to abuse dogs so the old pussy can pretend to feel like a tough guy.
last time I checked, Britain is a foreign country. Whats mitt doing going over to the 1% over there?

true story
You are an idiot if nothing Frankie.

BTW.. Suggesting someone kill themself is a bannable offense at USMB..

Just fucking idiot!

Example: I have recieved an infraction for something as simple as saying "eat shit and die" which doesn't even come close to what you just did.

For the record, being investigated has, traditionally, not been proof of guilt. Bob Diamond has been found guilty of nothing.... trial by media does not count in this country. Unless the law has changed under the ObamaNation and I hadn't heard.


Where do you people (Rightards) get this "Obamanation" from? Fox? am radio? I'll go take a look miss "I'm not right or left" :rolleyes:

ummm, go search for the flag with Obama's face on it instead of the stars and stripes..

I don't know about "Treason", but soliciting campaign funding from foreign donors is in fact "illegal".

Foreign Nationals Brochure

The ban on political contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals was first enacted in 1966 as part of the amendments to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), an "internal security" statute. The goal of the FARA was to minimize foreign intervention in U.S. elections by establishing a series of limitations on foreign nationals. These included registration requirements for the agents of foreign principals and a general prohibition on political contributions by foreign nationals. In 1974, the prohibition was incorporated into the Federal Election Campaign Act (the FECA), giving the Federal Election Commission (FEC) jurisdiction over its enforcement and interpretation.

And that's not even considering the whole banking scandal thing...

Well....I am taking the whole banking scandal thing into consideration. Barclays was and STILL is one of the major players in the credit swap derivative scheme which did massive damage to the worlds overall economy and the economy of the United States in particular. I and many economists believe they did it knowingly. I believe the harm they did justifies naming them as "enemies" of the U S. I believe as "enemies" of our country taking money to influence the outcome of our presidential election from these economic jackals is wrong ...possibly illegal and constitutes treason.

I have already come to the conclusion that Willard is an enemy of the middle class. I believe Willard is an enemy of American manufactering. This trip to England and Europe flaunting principle and possibly legality just puts the icing on the cake.

It is clear to me and many that Romney believes he is above the law. Certainly what many would consider ethical and moral when it comes to the consequences to others in the manner he has made his millions. He seems to show a cartoonish bad side characture of the rich when making decisions. That wouldn't neccesarily be a problem except leaving the worlds security and future path up to greedy fuckers like this has proven time and again to be foolish. We cannot afford another economic melt down. It is as simple as that.

Mitten's contributors helped cause the last one. It is as simple as that.
did Mitt run this trip by any of his advisers or did he hire mccain's advisers :eusa_eh:
Ya ...maybe. But that is a topic for another thread. How about disputing my OP? OR is juvenile name calling all you have? I provided good evidense from reliable sources. Please feel free to find fault with my links and quotes.

Your OP is juvenile name calling. or is calling Romney a traitor somehow different?

Juvenile? Hardly. I believe the facts I have presented meet the definition I presented as treason.

I understand that if you have not read my links you take my title as inflamatory. I stand by what I have presented.

What is interesting is that no one has posted anything that contradicts my OP. You think my OP is juvenile? Prove it by posting some research that shows it so.
Why? People who believe in juvenile nonsense aren't likely to be swayed by conflicting information.

You bitterly cling to your laughable charge of treason. Normal people will laugh at you.

I don't know about "Treason", but soliciting campaign funding from foreign donors is in fact "illegal".

Foreign Nationals Brochure

The ban on political contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals was first enacted in 1966 as part of the amendments to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), an "internal security" statute. The goal of the FARA was to minimize foreign intervention in U.S. elections by establishing a series of limitations on foreign nationals. These included registration requirements for the agents of foreign principals and a general prohibition on political contributions by foreign nationals. In 1974, the prohibition was incorporated into the Federal Election Campaign Act (the FECA), giving the Federal Election Commission (FEC) jurisdiction over its enforcement and interpretation.

And that's not even considering the whole banking scandal thing...
Desperate to get re-elected Obama illegally solicits donations from foreign nationals. | PRESS Core

Doug Ross @ Journal: Obama's donation website accepts illegal foreign contributions

PrairiePundit: Obama still soliciting foreign donations
It is a slow typical day at Huggy's house. Nothing to do and nothing to say so he just makes things up. It is a tradgey that this is probably the best that he can do. After November and his Hero is back in Chicago organizing things what will he do.

Keep him busy here so he doesn't have time to abuse dogs so the old pussy can pretend to feel like a tough guy.

How do you feel about Obama admitting he once ate a dog?

Faux rage much.
It is a slow typical day at Huggy's house. Nothing to do and nothing to say so he just makes things up. It is a tradgey that this is probably the best that he can do. After November and his Hero is back in Chicago organizing things what will he do.

Keep him busy here so he doesn't have time to abuse dogs so the old pussy can pretend to feel like a tough guy.

How do you feel about Obama admitting he once ate a dog?

Faux rage much.

I think obama was a huge mistake from the get-go and has been a miserable failure of a president, but not because he ate some dog meat.


Blind mass e-mails sent to foreign nationals by mistake? That's what you've got?

E-mails that would require their recipients to LIE on their responses in order to make a donation?

That's your proof?

That's just funny.

Meanwhile, Mr Romney is literally going to foreign nations and directly soliciting contributions from foreign nationals face-to-face.

There is no comparison.

The law states, specifically, that the person in question must knowingly solicit said donations. Duh.
back to topic :rolleyes: :

MPs tell Barclays to stop fundraising for Mitt Romney | Business | The Guardian
An early-day motion (EDM) signed by 11 MPs last week demanded the bank and its directors stop working to bolster Romney's election campaign war chest and concentrate on repairing confidence and trust in the banking system instead.

*From your link:

An early-day motion (EDM) signed by 11 MPs last week demanded the bank and its directors stop working to bolster Romney's election campaign war chest and concentrate on repairing confidence and trust in the banking system instead.

But in a letter to the signatories of the motion, Cyrus Ardalan, a vice-chairman of Barclays and head of the UK and European government relations, said the bank was not a supporter of the presidential hopeful.

"I ... would like to clarify that all political activity undertaken by Barclays' US employees, including personal fundraising for specific candidates, is done so in a personal capacity, and not on behalf of Barclays," he wrote.

"Barclays is politically non-partisan, makes no political donations nor seeks to influence the political activities of its employees."

Obamination takes Chinese campaign money......good

Romney takes British campagin money.....bad.

Insanity of liberals.
So you believe Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland is stupid?

Calling it traitorous is beyond stupid....

Doing a fundraiser on foreign soil in the company of foreign nationals under investigation for the biggest financial fraud in recent decades is further beyond stupid.

So why isn't he being arrested?

Do you loonys even think anymore?

That was rhetorical....


Blind mass e-mails sent to foreign nationals by mistake? That's what you've got?

E-mails that would require their recipients to LIE on their responses in order to make a donation?

That's your proof?

That's just funny.

Meanwhile, Mr Romney is literally going to foreign nations and directly soliciting contributions from foreign nationals face-to-face.

There is no comparison.

The law states, specifically, that the person in question must knowingly solicit said donations. Duh.
Prove the Obama campaign sent them out by mistake.

Good luck with that.

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