Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- By DOING NOTHING CAN FULFILL PROMISE!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Romney can increase jobs with Executive Orders either stopping or rescinding the nearly
Obama has COST jobs by

1) EPA will cause in mining industry 1.44 million job years!

The thing is, even though the EPA is regulating the life out of the coal industry in the United States, other nations are mining without any regulations
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How big do they expect the impact to be? The study estimates that the proposed changes “would lead to nationwide employment losses totaling 1.44 million job-years by 2020 and increase Americans average electricity bills by 11.5 percent.” (To avoid confusion, the term “job-year” equates to one full time job for one person for one year.)
Study shows EPA regs will cost, not create, jobs « Hot Air

B]EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens[/B]

Inhofe quoted a little-watched video from 2010 of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official, Region VI Administrator Al Armendariz, admitting that EPA’s “general philosophy” is to “crucify” and “make examples” of oil and gas companies.

In the video, Administrator Armendariz says:

“I was in a meeting once and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement, and I think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for the meeting, but I’ll go ahead and tell you what I said:

“It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them.
“Then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.”

“Not long after Administrator Armendariz made these comments in 2010, EPA targeted US natural gas producers in Pennsylvania, Texas and Wyoming.

“In all three of these cases, EPA initially made headline-grabbing statements either insinuating or proclaiming outright that the use of hydraulic fracturing by American energy producers was the cause of water contamination, but in each case their comments were premature at best – and despite their most valiant efforts, they have been unable to find any sound scientific evidence to make this link.”

EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens |

So folks ALL Romney has to do is NOTHING! Ordering EPA to CEASE AND DESIST it's job killing rules and regulations LIKE THIS which has cause California farmers to layoff thousands!

All Romney has to do is STOP the EPA from BEING the ENEMY of Businesses, jobs, the economy!

In 2007 federal judge Oliver Wanger imposed limits on the amount of water pumped from the San Joachin-Sacramento River delta to farms in California's Central Valley in order to protect a two-inch endangered fish called the Delta Smelt. As a result, several hundred thousand acres of farmland on the west side of the Central Valley now lie fallow, and many thousands of jobs have been lost. In the city of Mendota, for example, the unemployment rate exceeds 40%

Delta Smelt v. Central Valley Farmers: The Battle Continues - Hit & Run :

AND YES that was Federally ordered under Bush! NO question!
Sure.......Jobs, jobs, jobs is always the promise of removing government regulation. It's a game of risk management to see how far you can get without someone getting killed. Mining used to be one of the most dangerous occupations you could have. Deaths were common place. If you got killed, they dragged your body back to your house and hired someone new. Pesky government regulations made them close unsafe operations
It is always cheaper to dump stuff in a river or burn it. Who cares as long as you can make a buck? The threat is always the same....If you make me pay to dispose of waste properly, it will cost jobs
Regulation has done more to shift jobs overseas than any other factor. There is a difference between reasonable regulations that save lives and regulations that are designed, from the beginning to shut down business.

Of all regulations, the EPA comes up with the most ridiculous. Much of what the EPA mandates is use of technology that doesn't even exist. Companies are going t pay over 6 billion dollars in fines this year for not using a fuel that doesn't exist. Next year, maybe all and I mean ALL of these businesses will get a clue and leave the US for a country that is sane. They will fire all their employees, close up shop and go someplace else.
Sure.......Jobs, jobs, jobs is always the promise of removing government regulation. It's a game of risk management to see how far you can get without someone getting killed. Mining used to be one of the most dangerous occupations you could have. Deaths were common place. If you got killed, they dragged your body back to your house and hired someone new. Pesky government regulations made them close unsafe operations
It is always cheaper to dump stuff in a river or burn it. Who cares as long as you can make a buck? The threat is always the same....If you make me pay to dispose of waste properly, it will cost jobs

Hey.. WHO do you think STARTED the EPA???
The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon submitted a reorganization plan to Congress and it was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.[

But with COMMON SENSE!!!

I mean to protect the Delta Smelt in California HAS COST thousands of jobs billions of dollars and YOU are complaining about FOOD prices RIGHT NOW!!!

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Bankrupt California just can’t stop spending. This time they spent millions of dollars they don’t have, and killed hundreds of thousands of jobs, just to save a two inch allegedly endangered fish!

That has NOTHING to do with LIFE SAVING! The species according SCIENTISTS is on an evolutionary path of extinction!
AND YET idiots like you and Obama and the 9th court are MORE concerned about a 2" fish!

WHERE IN THE F...K is your common SENSE?
Did you and your ILK EVER think that by KILLING 100,000s of JOBS JUST might be one of those family members had the cure to CANCER but their parents lost their job, they can't go to school ALL BECAUSE YOU are more concerned about a growing extinct 2" fish!!
HOW.. f...king DUMB!
Why do idiots THINK they can control what happens through MORE GOVT. interference???
Govt. gave us SOCIAL SECURITY that's going broke!
Govt. gave us Medicare.. THAT's going broke !
So WHEN does the govt. EVER do anything right???
WHEN THEY do what the Constitution gave them power Defense of the country"
Minimum wage jobs that put people in danger.

Sounds like Republicans have found their plan. Go with it!
Romney can increase jobs with Executive Orders either stopping or rescinding the nearly
Obama has COST jobs by
So far none of that makes sense.

IDIOT! YOU and your ilk THINK that EVERYTHING CAN BE solved by MORE rules, more regulations, MORE GOVT.!

The ONLY good thing this government has done has been defense of the nation!

EVERYTHING else is a mess!
Do you know that the Golden Gate Bridge that Obama is fond of referencing
Rules, regulations, OSHA.. 16 people died building the Golden Gate Bridge!
And by the way The Golden Gate would NEVER have been built but for
The construction budget at the time of approval was $27 million. However, the District was unable to sell the bonds until 1932, when Amadeo Giannini, the founder of San Francisco–based Bank of America, agreed on behalf of his bank to buy the entire issue in order to help the local economy!!!

OBAMA SAID: "So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the G.I. Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President -- because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together."

THE BONDS for Golden GATE were bought by a private citizen! NOT the government!
The $27 million that built the bridge THAT couldn't be built today due to OSHA,EPA you name it, came from a private citizen!

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