Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

Can a Moderator plz merge my thread with the other Tax release thread? Thank you very much.
I'd like to see the one from the year that the IRS granted amnesty to those breaking the law regarding offshore accounts.

How about it Mitt?
He kept his promise and released his tax return as he said he would.

I suppose since Larry Flynt is offering money for unreleased Romney tax returns, he now owes the Romney campaign some money.
I'd like to see the one from the year that the IRS granted amnesty to those breaking the law regarding offshore accounts.

How about it Mitt?

You arent going to see something that doesnt exist.
Well, you know, his tax returns being released is just a distraction from all those people who committed suicide while he worked at Bain Capital. He has blood on his hands.

.... Sorry 'bout that. I was just possessed by ghosts of Libtards past. I'm sure Lascrotum and the rest of the spineless brain-deads will be all over this in no time.
Once again we see the LIBERALS ARE DAMN LIARS to include DIRTY HARRY and yet they come in to this thread huffing and puffing a bunch of BULLSHIT.. How many times a day do liberals get their asses handed to them on this forum alone?? LMFAO

Habitual liars = SOCIOPATHS
Usually releasing information at 3pm on a Friday implies hopes it won't get much attention, but Willard just waited till the last possible minute...weird.
Where are Obama's records?? Did he release his student records?? I haven't read that story?
I still don't get why it matters how much a person pays in taxes. Personally, none of it is going to affect how the economy is run, or how he will create jobs etc. Much, much more important issues to be focused on than how much someone pays in taxes.

I'm sure Bernie Madoff's returns LOOKED just "fine", as well.

Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

how much went to his church

14 million minus 10% of his earnings. 1.4?

so 1.4 he donated to his mormon buddies, which leaves 0.6 someplace else...

not that i care, his money, donate how ever you want. Doesnt make him a swell guy.
Once again we see the LIBERALS ARE DAMN LIARS to include DIRTY HARRY and yet they come in to this thread huffing and puffing a bunch of BULLSHIT.. How many times a day do liberals get their asses handed to them on this forum alone?? LMFAO

Habitual liars = SOCIOPATHS

WhAt Is YoUr PrObLEm?
YoU rEtArDeD oR sOMeThInG?
I would never say he does nothing for the poor. But I also wouldn't count any money he gives to his church as giving to charity, as it's a tenant of the church that all Mormons give them 10% of their income.

And what does their church do with the money? Yea... spends it on the less fortunate... aka, charity. Tricky to make the connection - if you're a twit.

I don't give a flying fuck what the church does with the money, thats not the point. If one man gives to charity because he wants to help the needy, and another man gives to charity because it's a commandment of his god and he wants to go to heaven. I value the gift given freely more then one given out of obligation more.

This blows the liberal theory all to heck!! An American citizen giving money to his church as a charitable contribution to help those less fortunate. He did this without coercion from the IRS. Guess what, he doesn't have to be a Mormon, you can't force him to change his religion or keep him from donating to it. Makes those on the left pretty mad, especially when he did that voluntarily.
Bidens Donate 1.5 Percent of Income to Charity in 2011

ROFLMAO!! Liberals DEMAND your money through taxation and don't give shit to help the poor.. HYPOCRITES!
Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

how much went to his church

14 million minus 10% of his earnings. 1.4?

so 1.4 he donated to his mormon buddies, which leaves 0.6 someplace else...

not that i care, his money, donate how ever you want. Doesnt make him a swell guy.

How much of your income do you donate to your church?? Other charities?? Come on, you can share with us. :badgrin:
Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

Biden gave about 300 bucks to charity didn't he?
Liberals give a big FUCK YOU to the poor when it comes to their own money.. They'll STEAL yours all day long..

Romney/Ryan 2012- Truly helping the poor.. NOT JUST WORDS.
Nope. If HE is releasing it means there is not anything shocking in it...I want about 5 years or so...hopefully the hackers got it like they claimed to have and will release it.

And I want $1,000,000.00 in small, unmarked, non-sequential bills too.

Like the song says...

[ame=]The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want (Live 1969) - YouTube[/ame]

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